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WORLDWIDE continued...

Austro-Hungarian Military Post continued...
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
2131 350-355 1910 80th Birthday of Francis Joseph I - 6v from longer set, 25h to 50h, very fine mint with faint hinge trace. {MH} [US5] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £10.40)

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Estimate £ 13
SG c.v £43

Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST.
2132 22-48 1915-17 Francis Joseph set to 10k, mostly FU the 5c & 5k are Mint. (27) {MX} [US2] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £31.20)

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Estimate £ 39
SG c.v £120

Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST.
2133   1916-18 Part complete Mint/Used coln on Lighthouse hingeless pages, with General Issues incl 1917-18 Charles set MM/FU, 1918 unissued Charles vals incl 5h green MM x 2, Italian issues incl 1918-19 surch set of 14 MM, Montenegro issue 1917 vert ovpt pair FU & horiz ovpt pair MM, Romania issues & Serbian 1916 diagonal ovpt set MM, condition generally good. (100s) {MX} [US2] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £125.60)

Estimate £ 157
SG c.v £580

Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST.
2134   1918 Military Post 'Ortspost' ovpt unissued imperf stamps for occupied Italian territories, complete 4 vals for 18 areas, Mint w/o gum, not listed in SG (Michel I-IV for each area). (72) {MH} [US2] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £313.60)

Estimate £ 392

Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST.
2135   image1918-18 General Issues Charles 10k violet colour trial of the margin in violet on thin grey paper, imperf with large margins. {D} [US2] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £15.20) (Image)

Estimate £ 19

Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST.
2136   BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA 1879-1918 Extensive Mint/Used coln on Lighthouse hingeless pages, largely complete and often with catalogued varieties particularly in earlier years, condition is a little mixed but generally good, from 1879-1906 Arms range Mint/Used value top & bottom with shade, perf, paper varieties, 1910 8th Birthday set M (6h is U), 1912 set U (3k is M), 1916 Franz Joseph set M, 1916-18 Post Due set M (5h is U) 1917 Charles set M/FU, good lot for further work. (100s) {MX} [US2] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £250.40)

Estimate £ 313
SG c.v £1250

Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST.
2137   BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA 1879-1918 very good mostly FU coln on illus album pages, largely complete and often with duplication, from 1879-1900 range to 25k (4) incl dupl vals with shades, perfs, etc, 1900-01 range to 5k, 1906 Pictorial set plus most of 2nd set, 1910 80th Birthday set, 1912 new vals, 1916 Franz Joseph set to 4k, 1917 Charles set, etc, much scope for further work. (250) {MX} [US6] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £100.00)

Estimate £ 125
SG c.v £850

Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST.
2138   BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA 1900 New Currency Arms range of 14 vals 1h to 5k, Mit forgeries in various perfs, some have gum adhesion. (14) {F} [US2] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £15.20)

Estimate £ 19

Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST.
2139 410 imageBOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA 1916 Franz Joseph 10k violet on grey, FU on small piece. {U} [US2] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £15.20) (Image)

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Estimate £ 19
SG c.v £70

Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST.
2140   imageBOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA 1917 Assasination of Ferdinand set in pairs, UM (40h) or MM (Michel 121 U -123 U). (3 blocks) {UM} [US2] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £12.80) (Image)

Estimate £ 16

Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST.
2141 22-29 GENERAL ISSUES 1915-17 Franz Joseph 7 vals to 12h on Feldpost card with strikes of special ' Christmas War 1915' h/s, clean item. {C} [US2] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £12.80)

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Estimate £ 16

Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST.
2142   ROMANIA 1918 Military Post in occupied Romania, Charles set of 17 to 4k with BANI printed in red and inverted, very fine UM, not quoted in SG (Michel 18 PV-34 PV). (17) {UM} [US2] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £75.20)

Estimate £ 94

Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST.
2143   ROMANIA 1918 Charles I set to 90b with value in red, fine MM. (Michel 18 P III-31 P III). (14) {MH} [US2] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £19.20)

Estimate £ 24

Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST.
2144 29-40 SERBIA Austro-Hungarian Military Post issues for Serbia, 1916 Francis Joseph range from 20h to 3k (no 1k & 2k) with inv ovpt, fine MM, not listed in SG (Michel Spec 29 P II - 40 P II). (10) {MH} [US2] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £31.20)

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Estimate £ 39

Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST.
Austro-Hungarian Post Offices in the Turkish Empir
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
2145 (14) image1883 2s brown, block of 4, with central CONSTANTINOPEL cds, very fine 'used'. Posthumously cancelled by handstamp which fell into private hands after closure of the post office in 1876. Useful reference. Cat. £1200 as genuinely postally used. {F} (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £40.00) (Image)

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Estimate £ 50

Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST.
2146   1903 French Currency ovpt Mint/Used range with some duplicated vals, from 1903-04 with varnish bars incl 50c MM & FU, without varnish bars 1f, 2f & 3f MM, 1904-05 with bars 10c & 25c FU, without bars 5c FU, 1908 Accession range to 50c incl 25c deep blue/azure FU, good range. (25) {MX} [US6] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £124.00)

Estimate £ 155
SG c.v £1055

Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST.
2147 F5-F7 image1903-04 French Currency ovpt 1f on 1k, 2f on 2k & 4f on 4k perf 12½ on granite paper, each FU with 'Jerusalem' etc, cds, rarely seen. (3) {U} [US6] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £187.20) (Image)

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Estimate £ 234
SG c.v £1875

Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST.
2148 17-22 image1908 60th Anniversary set of 6 very fine used {U} [US5] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £35.20) (Image)

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Estimate £ 44
SG c.v £210

Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST.
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
2149 146- 11937 Coronation to 1942 Landfall basic issues complete, incl. 1938 5s shade, very good to fine used. (39) {U} [US4] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £53.60)

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Estimate £ 67
SG c.v £185

Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST.
2150 5 image1861-62 QV - 4d Dull Rose No Wmk and rough perf 14 to 16, f.u. with small h/r. (Small pencil annotation on hinge). {U} [US2] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £162.40) (Image)

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Estimate £ 203
SG c.v £400

Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST.
2151 11 image1862 QV No Wmk Perf 11½ - 6d Lavender-Grey, f.u. with small h/r x 2. {U} [US2] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £213.60) (Image)

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Estimate £ 267
SG c.v £500

Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST.
2152 18 image1862 QV No Wmk Perf 13 - 4d Dull Rose, f.u. with small h/r. (perfs a little rough) {U} [US2] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £137.60) (Image)

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Estimate £ 172
SG c.v £375

Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST.
2153   1862-1982 Mint and used collection on leaves(210) including 1920 Peace set mint, 1921-29 Staircase Script 3s used, 1935 SJ set mint, mixed condition {CC} (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £80.00)

Estimate £ 100

Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST.
2154 39b image1863 QV: 1s green, wmk Crown CC, perf 14. Mint with hinge trace. {MH} [US2] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £37.60) (Image)

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Estimate £ 47
SG c.v £120

Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST.
2155 39b 1863 QV - 1s green, wmk Crown CC, perf 14. Mint large part o.g. Centred E where frame cut by perfs. Couple of unobtrusive surface marks at base. {MH} [US5] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £13.60)

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Estimate £ 17
SG c.v £120

Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST.
2156   1863-77 perf 12½ 1d brown-lake and 1d rose-red (pulled perf) plus perf 14 1d scarlet-vermilion, h/r, m.m. {MH} [US5] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £31.20)

Estimate £ 39
SG c.v £270

Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST.
2157 25w image1863-77 perf 12½ 1d vermilion, watermark inverted, tone spot on reverse, h/r, m.m. {MH} [US5] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £16.80) (Image)

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Estimate £ 21
SG c.v £130

Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST.
2158 27x 1863-77 perf 12½ 4d dull rose, watermark reversed, h/r, good used. {U} [US1] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £16.00)

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Estimate £ 20
SG c.v £60

Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST.
2159 31x image1863-77 Crown CC perf 12½ 6d deep violet, watermark reversed, ragged perfs, o.g. {MH} [US5] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £20.80) (Image)

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Estimate £ 26
SG c.v £180

Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST.
2160 36 image1863-77 Crown CC perf 14 4d dull rose, large pin-hole at upper left, o.g. Scarce. {MH} [US5] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £88.00) (Image)

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Estimate £ 110
SG c.v £1500

Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST.

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