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WORLDWIDE continued...

Australia - Officials continued...
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
1741 O51 image1915-28 10s grey and pink, punctured OS (Type O2), block of 4 from SE corner of left pane with partial Harrison imprint, off-centre to SW, small portion of selvedge is missing, very slightly yellowish gum, lower left stamp with couple of small tone spots, lower right stamp with suspicion of tiny closed perf tear, u.m. EXTREMELY RARE MULTIPLE. With CEREMUGA Cert. (2011). {O} [US3] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £1,362.40) (Image)

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Estimate £ 1,703
SG c.v £5200

Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST.
1742   image1921-22 KGV: 4d violet, wmk Pointed Crown (W 5) perf 14 punctured 'OS'. Fine used. ACSC un-listed variety 'White spot in upper left border'. Centred right, frame sitting on perfs. {O} [US2] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £15.20) (Image)

Estimate £ 19

Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST.
1743   image1921-22 KGV: 4d violet, wmk Pointed Crown (W 5) perf 14 punctured 'OS'. Fine used. ACSC un-listed variety 'Pimple on left hand '4'. Centred right, frame sitting on perfs. {O} [US2] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £8.80) (Image)

Estimate £ 11

Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST.
1744 O89/95 1926-30 Officials perf 14 1d to 4½d (ex. 3d), incl. 1½d shade, sound fresh copies, good to fine used. (6) {O} [US1] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £35.20)

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Estimate £ 44
SG c.v £157

Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST.
1745 O119/120 image1929 3d Air & 1½d Centenary of WA, punctured 'O S', very fine used. (2) {O} [US3] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £16.80) (Image)

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Estimate £ 21
SG c.v £41

Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST.
1746 O123 image1931 KGV: Kingsford Smith's Flight, no wmk, perf 11. 2d carmine-red ovpt 'OS' very fine used (presumed CTO and included in collector's sets), h/r. ACSC 141(OS). {O} [US2] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £24.00) (Image)

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Estimate £ 30
SG c.v £65

Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST.
1747 o123-4 image1931 Kingsford Smith Officials OS pair v.f.u. {U} (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £52.00) (Image)

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Estimate £ 65
SG c.v £130

Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST.
1748 O124 image1931 Official Kingsford Smith 3d, toned corner perf and gum crease, m.m. {O} [US5] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £28.80) (Image)

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Estimate £ 36
SG c.v £275

Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST.
1749 O124 image1931 KGV: Kingsford Smith's Flight, no wmk, perf 11. 3d bright blue ovpt 'OS' very fine used (presumed CTO and included in collector's sets), h/r. ACSC 142(OS). {O} [US2] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £24.00) (Image)

Get Market Data for [Australia O124] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Estimate £ 30
SG c.v £65

Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST.
1750 O125 image1932 KGV: 2d golden scarlet (Die III) in a bottom marginal block of 4 three of which are UMM. LMM {O} [US5] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £33.60) (Image)

Get Market Data for [Australia O125] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Estimate £ 42
SG c.v £108

Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST.
1751 O127 1932 KGV: 6d chestnut (kangaroo & map), wmk Mult Crown A (w 7), perf 12 ovpt 'OS'. Very lightly MM with faint hinge trace. {O} [US2] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £22.40)

Get Market Data for [Australia O127] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Estimate £ 28
SG c.v £55

Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST.
1752 O130 1932 KGV: 2d golden scarlet (Die III) in a JOHN ASH IMPRINT block of 4. MM on selvedge. UMM {O} [US5] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £39.20)

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Estimate £ 49
SG c.v £110

Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST.
1753 O132 image1932 KGV: 5d orange brown in a top right corner block of 4 two of which are UMM.. LMM {O} [US5] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £60.80) (Image)

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Estimate £ 76
SG c.v £200

Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST.
1754 O132 image1932 KGV: 5d orange brown in a block of 4. UMM {O} [US5] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £72.00) (Image)

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Estimate £ 90
SG c.v £200

Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST.
1755 O134 image1932 KGV: 2d scarlet in a JOHN ASH IMPRINT block of 4 two of which are UMM. LMM {O} [US5] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £21.60) (Image)

Get Market Data for [Australia O134] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Estimate £ 27
SG c.v £65

Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST.
1756 o134-6 1932 1/- Lyrebird official used plus Bridge pair overprinted OS f.u. Also KGV heads pair with 2d and 5d overprints u.m. (5) {MX} (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £20.00)

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Estimate £ 25
SG c.v £56.75

Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST.
1757 o134-o136 1932 Officials with OS overprints with 1/- Lyre Bird and 2d/3d Sydney Harbour Bridge (3) {MH} (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £36.00)

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Estimate £ 45
SG c.v £90

Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST.
1758 O135 image1932 KGV: 3d blue in a top left corner PLATE (3) block of 4 three of which are UMM. LMM {O} [US5] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £31.20) (Image)

Get Market Data for [Australia O135] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Estimate £ 39
SG c.v £84

Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST.
1759 O136 image1932 BIRDS - Officials - Superb Lyrebird - 1s green, ovpt 'OS', no wmk, perf 11. Very lightly MM with very faint trace of hinge. {O} [US2] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £22.40) (Image)

Get Market Data for [Australia O136] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Estimate £ 28
SG c.v £55

Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST.
1760   1932-33 KGV: 6 officials ovpt 'OS': 2d golden scarlet & 4d yellow-olive (O125/6), ½d orange, 1d green & 2d golden scarlet (O128/30) and 6d chestnut (O133), good to fine used. {O} [US2] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £8.80)

Estimate £ 11
SG c.v £28

Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST.
1761 O125/O136 image1932-33 KGV definitive & commemorative 'O S' opt'd complete set, very fine lightly hinged. (12 stamps) {O} [US3] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £128.00) (Image)

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Estimate £ 160
SG c.v £340

Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST.
1762 O127 image1932-33 OS ovpt 'Roo 6d chestnut mint, heavily mounted, off centre {O} [US1] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £14.40) (Image)

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Estimate £ 18
SG c.v £55

Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST.
1763 O131/2,O134 1932-33 KGV: 3d ultramarine, 5d orange-brown & 2d scarlet (Sydney Harbour Bridge), ovpt 'OS', MM with h/r (3d) or trace. {O} [US2] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £21.60)

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Estimate £ 27
SG c.v £71

Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST.
1764   1934 (10-14 APRIL) FIRST FLIGHT OFFICIAL AIR MAIL AUSTRALIA to NEW ZEALAND illust cover perf 'Faith in Australia' (Capt. C.T.P. Ulm), special violet cachet, franked Geo V 1d green and Air Mail Service 6d cancelled on 9th April, AUCKLAND receiving cds of 12 APR. Small sepia reproduction of aeroplane accompanies. {C} [US2] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £25.60)

Estimate £ 32

Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST.
1765   1934 (20 OCT) MACROBERTSON AIR RACE flight cover from NETHERLANDS TO AUSTRALIA (the only Official mail carried), special violet KLM Air Race cachet and red oval handstamp, typed address, large Royal Dutch Airways handstamp on reverse. Vertical crease. {C} [US2] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £20.80)

Estimate £ 26

Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST.
Australia - Postage Dues
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
1766 D1,D2 1902 KEVII: ½d & 1d emerald-green, wmk Crown NSW, perf 11½, 12, mint with h/r. 1d with inverted wmk and light staining below '1'. {PD} [US2] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £8.80)

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Estimate £ 11
SG c.v £30

Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST.
1767 D3/D8 1902 KEVII: 2d emerald green & 5s dull green, wmk Crown NSW. Both used, manuscript cancellation on 2d but fine cds for April 17th 1906 on the 2s. Both nicely centred. {PD} [US2] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £34.40)

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Estimate £ 43
SG c.v £98

Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST.
1768 D6 1902 KEVII: 6d emerald-green, wmk Crown NSW upright, perf 11½, 12, mint with h/r. {PD} [US2] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £19.20)

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Estimate £ 24
SG c.v £60

Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST.
1769 D7 image1902 8d emerald-green, Crown over NSW Wmk (SG Wmk D2), P11½/12, VFM. {MH} [US3] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £43.20) (Image)

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Estimate £ 54
SG c.v £120

Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST.
1770 D18 image1902-04 10d emerald-green, Crown over NSW Wmk (SG Wmk D2), P11½/12, mint with tiny thin & light gum crease not visible from front. {MH} [US3] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £22.40) (Image)

Get Market Data for [Australia D18] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Estimate £ 28
SG c.v £110

Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST.

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