Australia continued...
Lot |
Symbol |
Catalog No. |
Descrip |
Opening |
1141 |
73a |
1923-24 'Roo 6d chestnut used, off centre, var. broken leg {U} [US1] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £42.40) (Image)
Get Market Data for [Australia 73a] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate £ 53 SG c.v £120
Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST. |
1142 |
74 |
1923-24 'Roo 2s maroon fine used, off centre, var. lines by NSW coast, BW $400 {U} [US1] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £71.20)
Get Market Data for [Australia 74] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate £ 89 SG c.v £32
Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST. |
1143 |
75 |
1923-24 'Roo £1 grey fine used, a little off centre {U} [US1] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £128.00) (Image)
Get Market Data for [Australia 75] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate £ 160 SG c.v £350
Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST. |
1144 |
79 |
1923-24 3d ultramarine Die 1 (Harrison), the three Brusden White shades, plus one perfin OS/NSW, Die 1A (Mullet) three int examples and 5 used (incl. variety and perfin OS), fair to fine. {MX} [US2] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £56.00)
Get Market Data for [Australia 79] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate £ 70
Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST. |
1145 |
1923-36 'Roo 6d brown mainly used collection(30) with shade and postmark interest, manly fine {CC} [US1] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £71.20)
Estimate £ 89
Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST. |
1146 |
1924 KGV: 4½d violet Die I, wmk Pointed Crown (W 5), perf 14 with variety 'White flaw in right hand value tablet' ACSC 118g, cv Au$50. MM with hinge traces. {MH} [US2] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £10.40) (Image)
Estimate £ 13
Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST. |
1147 |
1924 KGV: 4d olive, wmk Pointed Crown (W 5), perf 14. ACSC 114A, cv Au$30. Lightly MM with hinge trace, nibbled perf at left. Centred left but design clear of perfs. {MH} [US2] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £6.40) (Image)
Estimate £ 8
Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST. |
1148 |
1924 KGV: 4d olive-green, wmk Pointed Crown (W 5), perf 14. ACSC 114D, cv Au$30. Lightly MM with hinge trace, poorly formed perfs. {MH} [US2] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £8.80) (Image)
Estimate £ 11
Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST. |
1149 |
1924 KGV: 4d 'olive' in 4 shades, olive (ACSC 114A), pale olive (ACSC114B), greenish-olive (ACSC 114C) & olive-green (ACSC 114D) wmk Pointed Crown (W 5), perf 14. Combined ACSC cv Au$48. Fine used. {U} [US2] (Start Price /
Minimum Bid) = £12.80) (Image)
Estimate £ 16
Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST. |
1150 |
1924 KGV: 4½d in 4 shades, Die I, wmk Pointed Crown (W 5), perf 14, as listed in ACSC: Violet (118A), Deep Violet (118B), Reddish-Violet (118E) & Deep Reddish-Violet (118F). Fine to very fine used. ACSC cv Au$28. {U} [US2]
(Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £8.00) (Image)
Estimate £ 10
Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST. |
1151 |
74 |
1924 2s maroon 'Roo', Die II, NHM. {UM} (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £52.00) (Image)
Get Market Data for [Australia 74] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate £ 65 SG c.v £85
Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST. |
1152 |
77 |
1924 KGV: 1½d scarlet, wmk Pointed Crown (W5), perf 14 with non-constant variety 'IA' of 'Australia' joined (similar to the RA joined flaw, but in this case IA). Mint with faint hinge trace, centred to SE. {MH} (Start Price /
Minimum Bid) = £60.00) (Image)
Get Market Data for [Australia 77] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate £ 75
Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST. |
1153 |
77b |
1924 GV Head 1½d scarlet wmk single Crown over A (SG Type 5) with listed variety 'Halepence' very fine & fresh u.m. {UM} [US1] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £16.80) (Image)
Get Market Data for [Australia 77b] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate £ 21 SG c.v £30
Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST. |
1154 |
78 |
1924 KGV: Profile Head - 2d red-brown, wmk Narrow Crown (w5), perf 14. Very lightly MM with faint hinge trace. {MH} [US1] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £9.60)
Get Market Data for [Australia 78] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate £ 12 SG c.v £17
Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST. |
1155 |
79 |
1924 KGV: Profile Head - 3d dull ultramarine, wmk Narrow Crown (w5), perf 14 (some roughly formed). Very lightly MM with faint hinge trace. {MH} [US1] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £13.60)
Get Market Data for [Australia 79] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate £ 17 SG c.v £27
Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST. |
1156 |
82/84 |
1924 Mint & used collection of KGV 'Heads' on pages, inc multi wmk (SG W 6a) 1d, 3 mint & 3 used (SG 82), No wmk 1d x4 (2 mint) & 1½d x8 (3 mint). Fine & fresh condition (18 stamps) {CC} [US4] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £46.40)
Get Market Data for [Australia 82/84] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate £ 58 SG c.v £250
Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST. |
1157 |
76 & 76d |
1924-25 1d green, Crown over A Wmk, marginal imprint pair, variety 'RA joined', hinged mint (2) {MH} [US3] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £22.40) (Image)
Get Market Data for [Australia 76 & 76d] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate £ 28 SG c.v £66
Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST. |
1158 |
76/110 |
1924-25 Heads set complete, incl. a few extras, 1929-30 Roos two of each value to 1s plus 2s, odd fault, fair to very good used. (20) {U} (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £20.80)
Get Market Data for [Australia 76/110] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate £ 26 SG c.v £125
Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST. |
1159 |
76/81 |
1924-25 Specialized used KGV 'Heads' collection on pages (SG W5) with shades of all values & at least three complete sets, various specialist minor constant flaw varieties inc Secret mark on 1d green, frame break on 1½d scarlet, 'HALFPENCF',
'HALEPENCE' etc. Fine condition (40+ stamps) {CC} [US4] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £46.40)
Get Market Data for [Australia 76/81] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate £ 58 SG c.v £190
Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST. |
1160 |
76/81 |
1924-25 Specialized mint KGV 'Heads' collection(SG W5) perf 14 issue, with all values of the set (SG 76/81) presented on pages, identified by specialist shade & issue date that inc 1d sage-green x7 (one inv wmk, one secret mark), 1½d scarlet x10
(one, 'HALEPENCE'), 2d red-brown x4, 3d blue x2, 4d olive x4, 4½d violet x3. Fine & fresh (30 stamps) {CC} [US4] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £94.40)
Get Market Data for [Australia 76/81] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate £ 118 SG c.v £440
Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST. |
1161 |
76/84 |
1924-25 KGV Heads set, fine mint (9 stamps) {MH} [US3] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £54.40) (Image)
Get Market Data for [Australia 76/84] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate £ 68 SG c.v £140
Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST. |
1162 |
77 |
1924-25 Multiple wmk 1½d scarlet, a small study as per Brusden White, many shades, listed (incl. missing 'T' from THREE) and unlisted varieties, mint incl. pair and blocks of 4 (3, one stated to be thin unsurfaced paper), fair to fine. (76) {MX}
[US2] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £88.00)
Get Market Data for [Australia 77] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate £ 110
Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST. |
1163 |
84 |
1924-25 no watermark 1½d scarlet, mint (2) and used (4), shades. {MX} [US2] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £21.60)
Get Market Data for [Australia 84] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate £ 27 SG c.v £98
Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST. |
1164 |
1924-45 'Roo 2s maroon mint and used collection(50) including 1924 issue mint and used, 1929 issue mint and used, later with shades and varieties, mainly fine {CC} [US1] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £107.20)
Estimate £ 134
Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST. |
1165 |
1925-28 KGV: Postal Stationery - Registration Envelope: 4½d text in purple. June 1925 use from ST KILDA RLY (STN) to ENGLAND, red/white registration label. CDS 'Registered / Melbourne'. {PS} [US2] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £21.60)
Estimate £ 27
Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST. |
1166 |
87 |
1925-30 perf 14 1½d scarlet mint (3), used shades incl. carmine, multiples incl. block of 6 with HONOLULU/HAWAI duplex, plate 4 'dot before 3' variety, perfins, fair to fine. (25) {MX} [US2] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £31.20)
Get Market Data for [Australia 87] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate £ 39
Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST. |
1167 |
90 |
1926 KGV: Profile Head - 3d dull ultramarine, wmk Mult Crown over A (w7) perf 14. Mint with light hinge trace. {MH} [US1] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £16.00)
Get Market Data for [Australia 90] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate £ 20 SG c.v £35
Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST. |
1168 |
91 |
1926 GV Head wmk type 7, 4d yellow-olive perf 14 full Camberwell 1928 cds cancel very fine used {U} [US2] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £15.20) (Image)
Get Market Data for [Australia 91] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate £ 19 SG c.v £40
Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST. |
1169 |
95 |
1926 KGV: 1d sage green in a JOHN ASH IMPRINT pair. LMM {MH} [US5] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £6.40)
Get Market Data for [Australia 95] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate £ 8 SG c.v £20
Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST. |
1170 |
95 |
1926 KGV: 1d sage green in a JOHN ASH IMPRINT strip of 4. LMM {MH} [US5] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £10.40)
Get Market Data for [Australia 95] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate £ 13 SG c.v £30
Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST. |