Lot |
Symbol |
Catalog No. |
Descrip |
Opening |
526 |
GVI used on small pieces with 1d black & yellow orange p13 vertical joined pair SG39b. 1½d black & vermilion p13 vertical joined pair SG40b & 2x singles on piece. 2d black & red orange p13 vertical joined pair SG41a. 3d black & grey p13 SG42b x 2
singles with 4d vertical joined pair p13 SG42d. (5 pieces). {U} (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £20.00)
Estimate £ 25 SG c.v £43
Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST. |
527 |
GVI group of blocks ideal for study with 1d black & orange p14 left marginal block of 12 SG39c. 1½d black & vermilion p13 block of 4, 6, 8 & 12 SG40b. 2d black & red orange p13 left marginal block of 18 & right marginal block of 9 SG41a. (7 blocks).
{UM} (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £48.00)
Estimate £ 60
Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST. |
528 |
31-34 |
KGV: Silver Jubilee set of 4v, lightly MM. {MH} (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £22.40)
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Estimate £ 28 SG c.v £55
Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST. |
529 |
Z19 |
1901 QV: ½d blue-green from Jubilee set of GB, clearly cancelled with near complete SON cds 'ASCENSION / A / MR 14 / 01'. Paper discolouration around edges. {U} (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £32.00)
Get Market Data for [Ascension Z19] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate £ 40 SG c.v £160
Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST. |
530 |
Z7 |
1901 QV 1d lilac 16 dot, used in, with very fine full & clear Ascension AU 30 01 cds cancel. {U} [US1] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £46.40) (Image)
Get Market Data for [Ascension Z7] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate £ 58 SG c.v £95
Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST. |
531 |
Z41 |
1913 KGV: 1½d red-brown from definitive set of GB, on small piece with full upright cds for 'ASCENSION / B / JA 25 / 13', h/r. {U} (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £56.00) (Image)
Get Market Data for [Ascension Z41] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate £ 70 SG c.v £110
Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST. |
532 |
Z40 |
1917 KGV: 1d scarlet from definitive set of GB, on small piece with near complete cds for 'ASCENSION / A / SP 15 / 17', h/r. {U} (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £18.40)
Get Market Data for [Ascension Z40] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate £ 23 SG c.v £38
Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST. |
533 |
Z42 |
1920 KGV: 2d orange (Die I) from definitive set of GB, with upright cds for 'ASCENSI(ON) / DE 24 / 20'. {U} (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £48.00) (Image)
Get Market Data for [Ascension Z42] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate £ 60 SG c.v £100
Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST. |
534 |
Z51 |
1920 KGV: 1s bistre from definitive set of GB, part of 3 x cds for 'ASC(ENS)ION / AU 5 / 21'. Pencil annotation on reverse 'Ascension'. {U} (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £80.00) (Image)
Get Market Data for [Ascension Z51] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate £ 100 SG c.v £225
Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST. |
535 |
1922 Stamps of St Helena ovpt 'Ascension' - vals SG1 - ½d Black & Green, SG2 - 1d Green, SG4 - 2d Black & Grey and SG5 - 3d Bright Blue, f.u. with small h/r. (4) {U} [US2] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £44.80) (Image)
Estimate £ 56 SG c.v £104
Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST. |
536 |
1 |
1922 KGV: 1d black and green, stamp of St Helena ovpt 'ASCENSION', wmk Mult Script CA. Fine used. {U} [US4] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £7.20)
Get Market Data for [Ascension 1] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate £ 9 SG c.v £30
Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST. |
537 |
1 |
1922 KGV: ½d black and green, wmk MSCA, ovpt 'ASCENSION' on stamp of St Helena, fine used with near complete upright cds 'ASCENSION / DE 21 / 22'. {U} (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £14.40)
Get Market Data for [Ascension 1] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate £ 18 SG c.v £30
Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST. |
538 |
1,3,4 |
1922 Ovpts on St. Helena ½d,1½d,2d fine used {U} [US4] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £14.40)
Get Market Data for [Ascension 1,3,4] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate £ 18 SG c.v £91
Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST. |
539 |
1,etc |
1922 Ovpts on St. Helena set to 1s(7) fine mint {MH} (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £40.00)
Get Market Data for [Ascension 1,etc] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate £ 50 SG c.v £122
Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST. |
540 |
1,etc |
1922 Overprints on St. Helena set ex 1d(8) mint, heavily mounted {MH} [US5] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £52.00)
Get Market Data for [Ascension 1,etc] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate £ 65 SG c.v £325
Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST. |