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Foreign Country Collections continued...

Middle East to Viet Nam continued...
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
4439 /o      Ryukyus, Collection, 1946-72. Housed on album pages in binder; includes complete used 1948-72 regular, airmail & special delivery issues including #17 with roller cancel, also a selection of 30 different mint good to slightly better Provisional issues.
Estimate; $500 - 750.

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Est. $500-750
SOLD for $1,450.00
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4440 /      imageRyukyus, Post Office Seal Exhibit Collection. Exhibit pages including registration seals, repair seals and postal savings seals, collection includes 1952 registration seal pair, 1953: orange type I block of 12 and pane of 30, orange type II block of 20, 1963 light brown complete booklet of 10 panes of 20 (only recorded complete booklet), cover folded for display; page of four different unused cash envelopes, 1955 light green block of 10 and two used on cash envelope, 1955 olive green block of four and two used on cash envelope; 1955 dark green pair;Postal Savings yellow green, roulette 11 pane of 30 and blue, roulette 11 pane of 30; Repair Seals: outgoing foreign mail with English text, perf 10½ block of four and pane of 10; repair seal for domestic use, three different roulette 11 panes of 10 with red and black roulette variations, additional perf pane of 10; final group of 6 used cash envelopes including SOF7, 7a, SOF8, SOF 9, 9a, SOF11, 11a, etc.; an excellent basis for further study.
Estimate; $750 - 1,000.
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Est. $750-1,000
SOLD for $750.00
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4441 /o      Salvador, Group. Mint and used, a nice little group of classics, essays and proofs in a small stock book; have a look, consignor's estimated wholesale value $500.
Estimate; $300 - 400.

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Est. $300-400
SOLD for $270.00
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4442       Salvador, Cover Collection. 19th and 20th century cover collection of hundreds in three binders, including nice selection of early postal cards and stationery identified by Higgins and Gage numbers, commercial and event covers, TACA covers, and a selection of first day covers, well worth inspection, fine to very fine.
Estimate; $250 - 350.

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Est. $250-350
SOLD for $675.00
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4443 /o      Scandinavia, Accumulation. 19th and 20th Century mint and used neatly arranged in 5 stockbooks, one for each country represented, including Finland, Iceland, Denmark, Norway and Sweden, nice selection of singles and sets, clean and worth inspection, fine to very fine.
Estimate; $300 - 400.

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Est. $300-400
SOLD for $290.00
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4444       South America, Covers. Group of over 200 mostly airmail covers, range of countries including Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Columbia, Ecuador, Honduras, Mexico, Peru, Salvador, Uruguay, Venezuela, etc., some censored, registered, etc.
Estimate; $200 - 300.

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Est. $200-300
SOLD for $375.00
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4445 /o      Spain, Collection, 1850-1963. 1,200-1,400 stamps mounted on album pages in binder; from 1900 on mostly unused and fresh with little or no repetition, in some cases both the used and unused stamps are included, classics in good condition with occasional high values with bar reminder cancel or punch hole (not counted in the catalog total), Edifil catalog value €16,200.
Estimate; $1,500 - 2,000.

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Est. $1,500-2,000
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4446 /o      Spain, Portugal & Greece Collections. 19th and 20th Century mint and used in nine various stockbooks, featuring Spain & Colonies three volumes, Portugal & Colonies four volumes, Greece & Area two volumes, worthwhile group, review recommended, generally fine to very fine.
Estimate; $600 - 800.

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Est. $600-800
SOLD for $800.00
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4447       Turkey, Collection, 1863-1957. Outstanding (one of the best we've seen) nearly all mint collection neatly arranged chronologically in a 60 page Lindner stockbook, Ottoman Empire issues to 1922 are laid out in Turkish catalog order with postage dues and newspaper stamps etc. integrated with regular issues by series, continues with 1921-22 Turkey in Asia National Government issues including many unlisted varieties, then Turkish Republic from 1923 on, the Crescent and Star first issues presented in Scott Specialized order from 1923, 1924 and 1924-26 printings, vast majority of post-Ottoman material is n.h. with some hinged or used duplication, the many mint highlights follow in the order presented in the collection Scott #1-13, 8c, 20-6, 28-34, J31-35 (2), 38-40, 46, 47, 59-63, 66-73, 102-9, P37-42 P43-48, P49-54, 132-45, 151-64, 159, P61-66, 165-82, 165a-82a, 165b-82b, 165c-82c, P69-81, P69a-81a, P69b-81b, P69c-81c, 254-70, 278-84, 31B-316B, P130-31, 317-20, 322-24, B6, B16-18, B25, P134-52, 361-77, 378-95, 396-419, J67-70, J71-75, 479-93, P153-72, 494-508, 514A-16, 525A-8, 552-64, 549-50; Turkey in Asia 64-77, 78-89 (+78-89 n.h.), 90-97 n.h. (also 64//77 varieties - originally purchased for $3754); Turkish Republic 605-22, 621 n.h., 609d n.h., 610b n.h., 605c-15c n.h., 625-32 (+625-32 n.h., 631 VLH), 634-47 n.h., 648-58 n.h. (2), 659-72 n.h., 676-81 n.h., 682-704 n.h., 705-26 n.h. (725 VLH), 737-57 n.h., 765-73 n.h., B54-68 n.h., 775a-80a (v.l.h.-n.h.), 815a n.h. etc., also used J1-4 (2), J25 (2), 623 etc., this i a rare opportunity to obtain one of the finest original, intact collections of this area we have been privileged to offer, owner's Scott $55K, generally fine to very fine or better throughout.
Estimate; $7,500 - 10,000.

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Est. $7,500-10,000
SOLD for $11,500.00
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4448 /o      Turkey, Collection, 1876-1970. Mint and used collection in seven European stockbooks, some better early issues, then mostly mint with much n.h., better items throughout, worth inspection, fine to very fine.
Estimate; $400 - 600.

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Est. $400-600
SOLD for $725.00
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4449       Turkey, Never Hinged Collection, 1950-88. European collector's balance including three stockbooks with n.h. blocks of four from approximately 1950-1979, also small stockbook with misc. souvenir sheets etc., plus two additional large stockbooks with duplicate n.h. blocks of four, clean and worthwhile group, generally very fine.
Estimate; $500 - 750.

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Est. $500-750
SOLD for $850.00
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4450       Turkey, Never Hinged Collection, 1961-2000. Modern clean collection housed in three Lindner hingeless albums, two albums including issues from 1961-1991, third album ranges from 1989-2000, all n.h., generally very fine.
Estimate; $300 - 400.

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Est. $300-400
SOLD for $725.00
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4451       Vatican, Collection, 1929-90. Attractive all mint collection in two Lighthouse hingeless albums including Scott #1//869, B1-4, C1-91, E1-18, J124 and Q1-15, highlights including Scott #19-35, 39 and 40 (signed with PF certs), 41-67, 122-31, 155a etc., airmail complete for period with C1-15, C16-19 n.h., C20-21, C22-23 n.h. etc., also group of 1867-68 Roman States, a small stockbook with some mint and used duplicates and #113-15 and 117 vertical pairs imperf between (cat. $100 ea.), and a folder with varieties and multiples on pages, owner's Scott $6,100, clean and worthwhile, fine to very fine or better.
Estimate; $600 - 800.

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Est. $600-800
SOLD for $850.00
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4452       Viet Nam, Military Aerograms. Approximately 100 (two types, heavily duplicated) from the 1970's, all appear to be uncut and very clean.
Estimate; $150 - 200.

Est. $150-200
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Worldwide Collections

The Windsor Collection (Country & Worldwide Collections)
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
4453 /      Canal Zone, Mint Collection, 1904-80. An exceptional collection of several hundred single, sets, varieties, errors and more all mint, part is mounted on professionally made pages and the bulk of this holding is still on auction pages with descriptions added for each lot, begins with the first and second issues of 1904 followed by numerous varieties including Scott 56a with a PFC and 56b, antique types, overprints reading down Scott 39d, 52a, 55a n.h. with P.S.E. certificate, etc., "Zone Canal" errors, also unlisted varieties such as an inverted "M" in "Panama", multiples with varieties including pairs and blocks, se-tenants with varieties, booklets and booklet panes, 1924 Arms unissued set overprinted "Specimen" with security punches, Postage Due including J1-J3, Airmail Officials, Postal Stationary cards and more, some n.h. but mostly hinged, a few tropicalized gum, few minor faults are possible but the quality overall is far better than the norm. ex-Windsor.
Estimate; $7,500 - 10,000.

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Est. $7,500-10,000
SOLD for $12,500.00
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4454       Cuba, High End Comprehensive Mint Collection, 1855-1962. An excellent mint collection well written up on professional pages housed in two volumes including auction and dealer lot sheets, Very complete from 1855 up to 1962 missing very few and without Puerto Principe issues however everything else is here in mint single & sets including difficult to find issues. Begins with a nice showing of the Spanish perf and imperforate sets including Isabella 1866-1868 sets, as it progressed you will find Booklet panes, Air Mails, Special Delivery Postage Dues, Newspaper Stamps and more, Quality is well above the norm with fresh and o.g. stamps, Few if any faults, a small collection with a few used is included but not counted in the estimate or Scott value. The Scott value is based on o.g. however there will be some N.H. as well. In addition, some non-Scott Edifil listed is not counted in the Scott value which surpassed $10,000. ex-Windsor.
Estimate; $2,500 - 3,500.

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Est. $2,500-3,500
SOLD for $4,500.00
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4455 //o      Hawaii, Primarily Mint Collection, 1861-1913. High quality collection is neatly mounted on professionally designed pages with a solid showing of issues between 1864 and 1913 plus excellent back-of-the-book, Officials, Revenues, Post Cards, Envelopes and Reply Cards, Provisional Government overprints in Red & Black also includes two "no period after Gov't" varieties, array of unmounted material on Vario stock pages including a showing of Reprints, Specimens, and Canceled overprints plus more mint Postcards, Reply Cards, etc., few canceled stamps or cards but the collection is mainly mint and high quality throughout, also included is an extensive collection of stamps & covers of the Pineapple Post, a local issue, very few faults and many VF to XF stamps, main collection and the attractive "extras" have a Scott value of $8,000+, ex-Windsor.
Estimate; $3,000 - 4,000.

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Est. $3,000-4,000
SOLD for $4,000.00
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4456 /      Austria, Exceptional All Mint Collection with Key Single & Sets, 1880-1981. A solid mint high quality collection of hundreds of singles and sets housed in a professionally designed binder and well written up pages as well as dealer and auction purchases on lot cards all on Vario pages in a binder. Nice 19th century beginning with a mint #1. And more, Fairly complete from 1890 in singles & sets, extensive holding of Franz Josef definitives, sets with perf. Varieties, varnish bars, Birth day issue, Dolfuss Scott 380, balance of issues to 1945, Semi-Postals, WIPA regular and granite paper plus a single from the Souvenir sheet, Air Posts, Postage Dues, Military Issues, Lombardy, Venetia and much more, some N.H. with the main collection being o.g. Condition is well above the norm with few faults. Viewing is a pleasure online or in person. The auction lots have a Scott value in excess of $15,000. Without counting the main mounted collection in that figure, Therefore a substantial total catalogue value. ex-Windsor.
Estimate; $4,000 - 6,000.

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Est. $4,000-6,000
SOLD for $5,250.00
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4457 /      Belgium, Extraordinary Advanced All Mint Collection, 1858-1970. Several thousand all mint singles, sets, souvenir sheets and booklet panes, plus many dealer and auction lots on original lot sheets, neatly mounted on well described pages, in three packed albums make this one of the finest collections of Belgium that we have had the pleasure to offer. Please view the scans or better in person to appreciate the depth and scope of the scarce and rare items contained in this carefully collected high quality collection. We note selected early items all mint with 1869-1880 Leopold to 5fr. With additional shades noted plus another 5fr.,1893-1900 to 2fr, Albert to 5fr. 1915 set to the 10fr, Helmet set complete, Lion issues with advertising labels including tête-bêche a very comprehensive holding plus booklet panes. Regular issues very complete except for the earliest issues. Semi-Postals have all the better sets including: Red Cross, 1928 Orval Abbey, 1935 Stagecoach sheets of ten, Oval Abbey with the scarce "L" and "Anvers" overprints, Cardinal Mercier set, 1933 Orval Abbey Set, and the balance, Souvenir sheets are here with the 1921 Exhibition sheet of 25, 1924 Exhibition sheet, 1930 Antwerp, 1931 Brussels Exhibition, von Taxia (2), Borgerout and Charleroi, 1938 Basilica proof and more. As nice as the front of the book is the back is simply exceptional with Airmails, Special Delivery, Postage Dues, Military Stamps including German occupation with 1941 Flemish Legion souvenir sheets of four, Gihent perf. And imperf. Sheets, Walloon legion sheets used, Flemish kings sheets of four, Newspaper stamps, Outstanding Parcel Post with a multitude of key sets and singles. A great section of Telegraph stamps followed by German WWI Occupation issues. The collection contains a profusion of singles and sets in the $100. to $1,000. range including many scarce items seldom offered. The condition is of the highest quality with almost all being Fine to Very Fine o.g. or some N.H., a few faults keep this from perfection but its very few. A significant amount of value is in the Scott unlisted material which includes the Advertising labels, Telegraph and Baggage stamps and this figure will be substantial. The Scott value was figured as all o.g. but there will be some N.H. which will add further value. Catalogue without the unlisted is in excess of $42,000. ex-Windsor.
Estimate; $7,500 - 10,000.

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Est. $7,500-10,000
SOLD for $12,500.00
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4458 /      Belgian Congo, A Desirable Almost Complete Mint Collection, 1886-1960. A well formed mint collection of several hundred quality singles, sets and booklet panes missing only a few rarities and in outstanding condition neatly mounted on well described pages and on original auction lot sheets in two albums mainly o.g. with some N.H. A simply outstanding collection and begins with the 1886 Leopold to the 5fr, 1887-1894 5fr violet and 10fr, 1894 to 5fr, 1898 3.50fr. and 10fr, Congo Belge overprints with additional shades noted, also better booklet panes, Semi-Postals, Parcel Post, Airmails plus the Scott unlisted "Taxes" overprints and a second volume containing Katango and Ruanda-Urundi, A collection containing a profusion of key sets and singles rarely offered this complete, condition is well above the norm and Fine to Very Fine or better with few if any faults. We didn't check for N.H. and counted all as o.g. although some unhinged is likely, Scott value plus a few unlisted in Scott totals over $11,000. This is well worth viewing. ex-Windsor.
Estimate; $2,500 - 3,500.

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Est. $2,500-3,500
SOLD for $4,500.00
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