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AUSTRALIA continued...

LotNo. Lot Description Estimate in AU$'s
1251 image1913 Engraved 1d red KGV, plate no 1, 2, 3, 4 blks of 4. F-VF M/MNH. ACSC 59(1-4)z cat $1700 as blks of 8. (16) (Image1) (Image2) (Image3)

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Estimate AU$650

Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM
1252 image1913 Engraved 1d red & KGV 4d orange on Registered cover, each tied by 'LORD HOWE ISLAND JU 30 1921 NSW' cds, red registration label numbered '57' to England with b/s of Sydney & oval Liverpool, mnr toning. Very rare franking from Lord Howe Island. Ex Chris Buckman. (P) (Image1) (Image2)


Estimate AU$2,000

SOLD for AU$1,400.00
Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM
1253 image1913 Engraved 1d rose-red KGV, horiz pr error DOUBLE perfs at base, believed to be from Plate 1. VF fresh MLH. SG 17(var). ACSC 59B bh cat $550+. (2) (Image1)

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Estimate AU$300

SOLD for AU$300.00
Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM
1254 1913 Engraved 1d rose-red KGV blk of 15, Plate 1 91-95, 101-105, 111-115 with major variety 1/105 're-entry below 1d' (ACSC 59(B)(1)yd). Mostly VF MNH inc variety. SG 17c(var). ACSC 59B(1)yd cat $60 Mint, should be at least double, $120 MNH, plus other stamps $440 (15)

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Estimate AU$180

Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM
1255 image1914-36 KGV period collection (no heads) on pgs, fairly comp inc 1914 6d Kookaburra (both shades), 1928 Kookaburra 3d M/Sheet (minor margin flts), virtually all 1927-36 commemorative sets comp except 5/- Bridge inc VIC Cent set both perfs, some imprint blks of 4 inc 3d Harbour Bridge, some plate number blks of 4 inc 1½d Stuart comp 1-8, 1½d Swan 1 & 2, 3d Kingsford Smith No 2 & 1932 6d large Kookaburra blk of 8 MNH. VF MLH-MNH. ACSC cat $1800+. (130 + 1 M/S) (P) (Image1) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4) (Image5) (Image6) (Image7) (Image8) (Image9) (Image10) (Image11) (Image12) (Image13) (Image14)

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Estimate AU$400

Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM
1256 1913-36 KGV period collection inc Roos to 5/-, plus faulty £1 grey & £2, SPECIMEN 10/- to £2, KGV ½d to 1/4 inc 1d red with several Harrisons, 1/4 (5) etc, commemoratives (mostly comp sets), 1½d Swan inc re-entry varieties, 3d Airmail, 3d blue & 6d claret (1914 Engraved) Kookaburra, Kingsford Smith inc 3d Plane dropping mail bag, 6d extra islands, plus opt OS, VIC Cent 3d extra flag, Macarthur, Jubilee inc 3d block with apostrophe flaw, accent over 9 varieties, SA Cent 3d Cable, NE variety NSW Anniversary 2d man with tail etc. Apart from varieties there has been a focus on pmks, so there are a lot of duplicated commemoratives with cds. Really interesting collection. Condition mainly F-VFU, some VF M/MNH. ACSC cat $4000+. (500+) (P)

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Estimate AU$1,000

Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM
1257 image1913-68 collection on Lindner Australia pages in binder inc Roos 1st wmk to 2/- (2/- is CTO Melbourne), 2nd wmk to 5/- (5/- W/C VFU), 3rd wmk to 5/-, CofA wmk to 5/-, KGV comp ½d to 1/4 S wmk inc 1d red Die II & III SM wmk perf 14 to 1/4 comp, SM wmk perf 13½x12½ comp ½d to 1/4, CofA wmk comp ½d to 1/4, 1914 6d Kookaburra Engraved CTO & 1928 3d Kookaburra M/Sheet Superb U with 1928 Melbourne Exhibition 1/11/28 cds in red, 1930s Commems inc 1934 Melbourne Cent set both perfs, 35 Silver Jubilee, 1937 KGVI Def set inc 3d blue Die I, Robes set to £1 (2 sets), 1949 Arms to £2, 1964 Navigators comp to £2 with both papers. Seems comp 1937-65, plus blks of 50 of 1964 & 1965 Christmas, small range of decimals 1966-70, range of 1950s Postage Due to 5/- & AAT 1957-87 appears comp. Generally VFU/CTO. ACSC $5400. (666+, 2 M/S) (P) (Image1) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4) (Image5) (Image6) (Image7) (Image8) (Image9) (Image10) (Image11)

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Estimate AU$900

Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM
1258 1920s-30s collection of imprints & plate numbers & plate number blks of 4 inc 1d Sturt 1-8, 2d Kingsford Smith 1-8, 3d 1-3, 2d Jubilee 1-6, 2d Cable 1-4 & 3d -4, imprint blks inc 1½d brown KGV CofA wmk, Kingsford Smith 2d-6d violet, 3d VIC Cent blue (2 shades), Macarthur 2d Light & Dark Hills, 3d NSW 150th Anniv 2d-9d, Cable 2d & 3d, 1/6 Airmail Ash & McCracken, 5/- Robes M imprint prs inc 1/- VIC Cent perf 10½. Comprehensive collection. Mostly Superb fresh VF MLH-MNH. ACSC cat $3200. (250)

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Estimate AU$1,000

Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM
1259 image1919-20 England-Australia special 'Ross Smith' airmail stamp (printed on 2nd "crown /A" wmk paper) tied to piece by the special 'First Aerial Mail Great Britain - Australia 26 FEB 1920' oval pmk, plus 3-line 'Per Vickers Vimy Aeroplane to Australia' h/s below. Superb U with perfect centring & absolutely ideal perfs - defintely the nicest quality non-cover example in existance. Yvert PA1. Frommer U23, AAMC 27c cat $3000+ in 2010 as loose stamp. Important rarity as the 1st airmail stamp of Australia & certificate can be obtained on request. (P) (Image1)

Estimate AU$3,500

SOLD for AU$2,500.00
Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM
1260 image1927-30 Commems perf OS set MNH with 1927 Canberra, 1928 Kookaburra, 1929 Airmail 3d, 1930 Sturt 1½d, 3d set. All VF fresh MNH. SG cat £175 as M, should be at least double, £350 MNH = A$650. ACSC cat $430. (6). (P) (Image1)

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Estimate AU$200

Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM
1261 image1928 Kookaburra 3d blue M/Sheet blk of 4 M/S from UL of sheet. Overall VF fresh MNH, lower marg MLH, sl yellowing of gum at top & right edges. SG MS106a cat £520 as hinged single M/S, should be at least double, MNH, plus premium for blk. ACSC 133MS cat $1700 as single M/S. (P) (Image1)

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Estimate AU$700

SOLD for AU$700.00
Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM
1262 image1928 Kookaburra 3d blue M/Sheet. VF fresh MNH, sl suntanned area on reverse margin. SG 106a cat £130 for M, should be at least double, £260 MNH. ACSC 133MS cat $375 (P) (Image1)

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Estimate AU$220

SOLD for AU$170.00
Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM
1263 image1928 Kookaburra 3d blue M/Sheet, perf on 4 sides. W/C Superb fresh MNH. SG MS 106a cat £130 for M, should be at least double, £260 MNH. ACSC 133MS cat $425. (P) (Image1)

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Estimate AU$250

SOLD for AU$300.00
Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM
1264 image1928 Kookaburra 3d blue M/Sheet. VF CTO/U. SG 106a cat £250. ACSC 133MSW cat $475. (P) (Image1)

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Estimate AU$300

SOLD for AU$350.00
Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM
1265 image1928 Kookaburra 3d blue cnr marg single on FDC with red Exhibition cds 29 OC 28 on an International Philatelic Exhibition envelope, addressed to Birdwood SA. This stamp was released to coincide with the opening of the Exhibition. SG 106. SG MS 106a. F-VF. ACSC 133MSya cat $325. (P) (Image1) (Image2)


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Estimate AU$200

SOLD for AU$120.00
Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM
1266 image1928 Kookaburra 3d blue M/Sheet tied to cover front with both the red & 2 blue Exhibition 31 OC 28 pmk. SG MS106 cat £250 as loose M/S & would cat 'from x6' on cover. ACSC 133MS cat $475/$525 for red or blue cancels & quite rare with both, so est $1000+. (P) (Image1)

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Estimate AU$250

SOLD for AU$300.00
Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM
1267 image1929 WA 1½d Swan UL cnr plate number blks of 4 1-4 & 6-1. F-VF M/MNH. Also imprint blks of 4 (2) inc OS Perfin (as is). Attractive. ACSC cat $300, plus the OS perfin cat $525. (11 blks) (Image1) (Image2)


Estimate AU$250

Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM
1268 image1931 Sturt 1½d set of 8 plate numbers 1-8, UL cnr blks of 4. Mostly F-VFM/MNH, couple mnr thins. ACSC cat $200, plus Ash imprint blk of 4. (9 blks) (Image1)

Estimate AU$100

Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM
1269 image1931-32 Commem opt OS set with Kingsford Smith 2d lower marginal MNH (ACSC cat $375) & Airmail 6d brown. 1932 Bridge 2d & 3d & 1932 Lyrebird 1/-, all fresh MNH. SG cat £200 as M, should be at least double, £400, plus 1931 Kingsford Smith 3d blue MLH, cat £275, total = A$1250. Last with 2024 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (6) (P) (Image1)

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Estimate AU$400

Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM
1270 image1931 Kingsford Smith 2d set of 8 plate numbers 1-8, UL cnr blks of 4. Mostly F-VF MNH. ACSC cat $200. (8 blks) (Image1)

Estimate AU$100

Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM

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