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WORLD continued...

UNITED STATES continued...
LotNo. Lot Description Estimate in AU$'s
3458 image1851 Eagle Carrier 1c blue, plate proof on thin card, imperf, in issued colour, for Atlanta Exhibition. Superb UN as made, 4 margins. SG 2(p) cat £60+ as normal. Sc L02TC44e cat US$110. Only 1 sheet printed. (P) (Image1)

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Estimate AU$150

Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM
3459 image1851 Eagle Carrier 1c black, plate proof on thin card, imperf, instead of blue issued colour, for Atlanta Exhibition. Superb UN as made, 4 margins. SG 2(p) cat £60+ as normal. Sc L02TC4a cat US$120. Only 1 sheet printed. (P) (Image1)

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Estimate AU$150

Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM
3460 image1851 Eagle Carrier 1c scarlet, plate proof on thin card, imperf, instead of blue issued colour, for Atlanta Exhibition. Superb UN as made, 4 margins. SG 2(p) cat £60+ as normal. Sc L02TC4b cat US$110. Only 1 sheet printed. (P) (Image1)

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Estimate AU$150

Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM
3461 image1857-61 Portrait set 1c-90c, plate proofs on card, imperf in issued colours. Superb UN as made, all 4 margins. SG ex 20-43(p) cat £9480 as normals. Sc 40-47PU cat US$475 (normal cat US$9450). (8) (P) (Image1)

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Estimate AU$600

Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM
3462 image1857-61 Washington 12c, plate proof on India paper imperf, in issued colour. Superb fresh MLH (regummed), 4 margins. SG 40(p) cat £1900 as normal. Sc 44P3 cat US$125+ & under-catalogued (normal cat US$1700). (P) (Image1)

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Estimate AU$200

Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM
3463 image1857-61 Washington 90c deep blue plate proof on India paper imperf, in issued colour. Superb UN as made, 4 margins. SG 43(p) cat £3250 as normal. Sc 47P3 cat US$125+ & much under-catalogued (normal cat US$3000). (P) (Image1)

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Estimate AU$250

Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM
3464 image1857-61 Washington 90c blue plate proof on card, in issued colour. Superb UN as made, 4 margins. SG 43(p) cat £3250 as normal. Sc 47P3 cat US$125+ (normal cat US$3000). (P) (Image1)

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Estimate AU$150

Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM
3465 image1857-61 Washington 3c scarlet, Essay of the 1857 issue, plate proof on India paper, imperf. Superb UN as made, 4 margins. Sc 41P3 cat US$90+ (P) (Image1)

Estimate AU$120

Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM
3466 image1857-61 Washington 10c green, Essay of the 1857 issue, plate proof on India paper, imperf. Superb UN as made, 4 margins. Sc 43P3 cat US$90+ (P) (Image1)

Estimate AU$120

Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM
3467 image1861 Washington 3c rose, plate proof on India paper, imperf, in near issued colour. Superb UN as made, 4 margins. SG 62(p) cat £130 as normal. Sc 65P3 cat US$100 (normal cat US$125). (P) (Image1)

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Estimate AU$150

Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM
3468 image1861-66 Portrait simplified set 1c-90c, plate proofs on card, imperf, in issued colours. Superb UN as made, all 4 margins. SG ex 60-68(p) cat £18,950 as normals. Sc ex 63PU-78PU cat US$400 (normal cat US$18,150+). (10) (P) (Image1) (Image2)


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Estimate AU$700

Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM
3469 image1861 Washington 3c dull red, plate proof on India paper, imperf, in near issued colour. VF UN as made, 4 margins. SG 62(p) cat £130 as normal. Sc 65P3 cat US$100 (normal cat US$125). (P) (Image1)

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Estimate AU$150

Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM
3470 image1861 Washington 10c green plate proof on India paper, imperf, in issued colour. Superb UN as made, 4 margins. SG 64(p) cat £1100 as normal. Sc 68P3 cat US$65 (normal cat US$950). (P) (Image1)

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Estimate AU$100

Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM
3471 image1861 Washington 12c black, plate proof on India paper, imperf, in issued colour. Superb UN as made, 4 margins. SG 15B(p) cat £1800 as normal. Sc 69P3 cat US$65 (normal cat US$1700). (P) (Image1)

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Estimate AU$100

Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM
3472 image1861 Washington 90c blue, plate proof on India paper, imperf, in issued colour. Superb UN as made, 4 margins. SG 68(p) cat £3750 as normal. Sc 72P3 cat US$60 (normal cat US$3000). (P) (Image1)

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Estimate AU$100

SOLD for AU$70.00
Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM
3473 image1861-67 Jackson 2c black, plate proof on card, imperf, in issued colour. Superb UN as made, 4 margins. SG 69(p) cat £375 as normal. Sc 73P4 cat US$75 (normal cat US$350). (P) (Image1)

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Estimate AU$100

Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM
3474 image1861 Washington 24c lilac, plate proof on India paper, imperf, in issued colour. Superb UN as made, 4 margins. SG 74(p) cat £2750 as normal. Sc 78P3 cat US$80 (normal cat US$2750). (P) (Image1)

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Estimate AU$120

Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM
3475 image1865 Franklin 1c red, Bowlsby Coupon Essay, plate proof on white paper, imperf. Superb fresh M, 4 large margins. SG 63-E13d cat US$250. Very rare. (P) (Image1)

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Estimate AU$300

Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM
3476 image1865 Franklin 1c blue, Bowlsby Coupon Essay, plate proof on white paper, perf. Superb fresh M, gummed only on stamp. SG 63-E13h cat US$300 & under-catalogued. Very rare. (P) (Image1)

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Estimate AU$350

Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM
3477 image1869 Pictorial set 1c-90c, plate proofs on card, imperf, in issued colours. VF UN as made, all 4 margins. SG 114-124(p) cat £38,350 as normals. Sc 112PU-117PU, 120PU-122PU cat US$875 (normal cat US$32,975). (10) (P) (Image1)

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Estimate AU$1,100

Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM

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