GERMANY - 1938-45 OCCUPATIONS continued...
LotNo. |
Lot Description |
Estimate in AU$'s |
2415 |
1945 'Kurland 12' on red-brown Eagle roul Fieldpost Parcel Stamp, error grossly shifted rouls giving parts of 4 stamps in one. VF fresh MLH. SG 4B(var). Mi 4B(var). Amazing item! Exp Van Loo BPP, plus 2024 Ceremuga photo cert. (P) (Image1)
Get Market Data for [Germany 4B(var).] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate AU$500
Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM |
2416 |
1945 opt 'Kurland 12' on red-brown Eagle perf Fieldpost Parcel Stamp, error opt shifted so box of dots at base & '12' at top. VFU, tied to piece by 'Liepaja Latvija 20 IV 45' cds. SG 4A(var). Mi 4A(var) cat €90+++, plus large premium for rare
error. Exp van Loo BPP, plus 2024 Ceremuga photo cert. (P) (Image1)
Get Market Data for [Germany 4A(var).] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate AU$300
Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM |
2417 |
1945 opt 'Kurland 12' on red-brown Eagle perf Fieldpost Parcel Stamp error opt INVERTED. VF fresh MLH. SG 4Aa cat £225. Mi Dr Dub, plus 2024 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)
Get Market Data for [Germany 4Aa] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate AU$200
SOLD for AU$210.00
Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM |
2418 |
1945 opt '12 Kurland' on red-brown Eagle perf Fieldpost Parcel Stamp error opt DOUBLE, 2nd shifted sl down, the opt dots at top now form solid bars. F-VF fresh MNH. SG 4Ab cat £225 for M, should be at least double, £450 MNH. Mi 4ADD cat
€320 & under- catalogued. Exp Bartels, plus 2024 Ceremuga photo cert. (P) (Image1)
Get Market Data for [Germany 4Ab] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate AU$275
SOLD for AU$200.00
Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM |
2419 |
1945 opt 'Kurland 12' on red-brown Eagle roul Fieldpost Parcel Stamp error opt DOUBLE, 2nd one diag. VF fresh MNH. SG 4Bb(var) cat £95 for M, should be at least double, £190 MNH. Mi 4BDDF cat €300 & undercatalogued as very rare. Exp
van Loo BPP, plus 2024 Ceremuga photo cert. (P) (Image1)
Get Market Data for [Germany 4Bb(var)] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate AU$450
Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM |
2420 |
1945 opt 'Kurland 12' on red-brown Eagle roul Fieldpost Parcel Stamp, variety opt greatly shifted left in blk of 4, plus with 'short foot 2' variety at UL. SG 4B(var). Mi 4BI(var) (4) (P) (Image1)
Get Market Data for [Germany 4B(var).] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate AU$150
Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM |
2421 |
Latvia - Kurland:
1945 opt '12 Kurland' on red-brown Eagle roul Fieldpost Parcel Stamp reconstructed sheet of 50 (margin only at right). Left part of sheet is blk of 30 CTO 'Libau Deutsche Dienstpost 20.4.45' cds, right blk of 20 reconstructed from blk of 12 & 2
strips of 4 - all CTO 'Liepaja Latvija 20.4.45' cds. Normal opts (38) then all the opt varieties with type I 'small foot 2' (Pos 37), type II 'bent foot on 2' (Pos 40), type III '2 lower than 1' (Pos 8 & 9), type IV '2 higher than 1' (Pos 39), type V
'sloping foot of 2' (Pos 1), type VI 'higher opt' (Pos 49) & type VII 'printing spacer showing' (Pos 20), type VIII 'dot on 2' (Pos 21), type IX '2 broken base' (Pos 3), type X 'd rounded at LR' (Pos 29) & type XI 'broken 1' (Pos 26). VFU/CTO. SG
4B(var) cat £1200+ as normal singles. Mi 4B I-VII cat €1455+ as singles, plus premium for rare reconstruction. (Image1) (Image2)
Get Market Data for [Germany 4B(var)] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate AU$600
Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM |
2422 |
Macedonia: 1944
3-line opt Pictorial set 1L/10st-30L/40L, the 15L/4L & 30/14L opt is type I, rest all opt type II. SG 1-8 cat £190 for M, should be at least double, £380 MNH. Mi 1-8 cat €350. 2024 Ceremuga photo cert. (8). (P) (Image1)
Get Market Data for [Germany 1-8] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate AU$300
SOLD for AU$200.00
Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM |
2423 |
Macedonia: 1944
3-line opt Pictorial set 1L/10st - 30L/40L tied to envelope by 'Skopie 30 X 44' cds. The 15L/4L & 30L/40L opt type I, others type II. SG 1-8 cat £475+ as loose stamps. Mi 1-8 cat €500 for set on such CTO cover. 2006 Ceremuga photo cert.
(P) (Image1) (Image2)
Get Market Data for [Germany 1-8] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate AU$450
Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM |
2424 |
Montenegro: 1943
'Deutsche Militar-Verwaltung Montenegro' opt Yugoslav set 050L on 3D to 20L on 4D, tied to 4-line opt 1L on 4D Postal Card by 'Bernan 19.XI.43 cds. SG 76-84 cat £1400+ as loose stamps alone. Mi 1-9 cat €580 for CTO stamps with cancel or
€1500 for set on cover, plus card Mi P1 unpriced used. Sass 1-9 cat €3300 as set on cover, plus card Interitalia P4 cat €800 for card = €4100. Rare & attractive. (P) (Image1) (Image2)
Get Market Data for [Germany 76-84] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate AU$1,000
Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM |
2425 |
Montenegro: 1944
Refugee Fund set of 9 used on Yugoslav King Postcard with 5-line 1 Lira opt, opts 'Fluchtlingshilfe Montenegro', tied by 'Berane 13.VII.44' cds. SG 95-103 cat €2500+ as loose stamps alone. Mi 20-28 cat €1000 for CTO stamps with cancel cat
€2400 for set on cover, plus the card Mi P1 unpriced used. Sass 15-20 & PA 6-8 cat €2800 as set on cover, plus card Interitalia P4 cat €800, total €3600. (P)
(Image1) (Image2)
Get Market Data for [Germany 95-103] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate AU$1,000
Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM |
2426 |
Montenegro: 1944
Red Cross opt set of 7 used on Yugoslav King Postcard with 5-line 1 Lire opt, reverse tied by 'Berane 22 V 44' cds. SG 104-10 cat £1700+ as loose stamps alone. Mi 29-35 cat €700 for CTO stamps with this cancel & cat €2000 on cover,
plus the card Mi P1 unpriced used. Sass 21-24 & PA-11 cat €1500 as set on cover, plus card Interitalia P4 cat €800=€2300. (P) (Image1) (Image2)
Get Market Data for [Germany 104-10] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate AU$700
Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM |
2427 |
Montenegro: 1943
Cover franked 'Deutsche Militaer Verwaltung Montenegro 1.50 LIRE' 5-line opt King 3D, tied by Niksic 14 XII 43 cds. To Cetinje with arrival b/s & censor tape. SG 78 cat £46. Mi 3 cat €35 - both as loose stamp & unpriced on cover. Extremely
rare genuine postal usage. 2024 Ceremuga photo cert. (P) (Image1) (Image2)
Get Market Data for [Germany 78] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate AU$1,200
Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM |
2428 |
Montenegro: 1943
Registered cover franked ?Deutsche Militaer Verwaltung Montenegro 4 LIRE' 5-line opt King 5D, tied by 'Cetinje' cds. SG 80 cat £90+. Mi 5 cat €70+ - both as loose stamp & unpriced on cover. Extremely rare genuine postal usage. 2024
Ceremuga photo cert. (P) (Image1) (Image2)
Get Market Data for [Germany 80] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate AU$1,200
Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM |
2429 |
Montenegro: 1943
Registered censor cover franked ?Deutsche Militaer Verwaltung Montenegro 5 LIRE' 5-line opt King 5D, tied by 'Niksic 14 XII 43' cds, plus censor tape & cachet. SG 81 cat £90+. Mi 6 cat €70+ - both as loose stamp & unpriced on cover.
Extremely rare genuine postal usage. 2024 Ceremuga photo cert. (P) (Image1) (Image2)
Get Market Data for [Germany 81] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate AU$1,500
Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM |
2430 |
Govt: 1939-44 collection MNH comp on KABE hingeless pgs inc 1939 opt Hindenburg set to 2z. 1940 Official Large type set to 5z. 1940 Eagle & Swastika opt set to 3z. 1940-41 Views set. 1940 Official small type set to 50g. 1941-44 Hitler set to 1.60z.
1944 5th Anniv 10z. VF fresh MNH. Mi cat €488. SG cat £220 for M, should be at least double, £440 MNH. (165). (Image1) (Image2)
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Estimate AU$300
Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM |
2431 |
Govt: 1939-45 collection Used comp in special Fischer album inc 1939 opt Hindenburg set to 2z. 1940 Eagle & Swastika opt set to 3z inc 12g & 50g both types. 1941-41 Views set. 1941-44 Hitler set to 1.6z. 1944 5th Anniv 10z. 1940 Official set Large to
5z & small to 50g. 1941 Radio '4' & 'U' set of 2. VFU. Mi cat €487. SG cat £575+, plus cost of album. (169). (Image1) (Image2)
Get Market Data for [Germany cat] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate AU$220
Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM |
2432 |
Govt: 1939-45 Collection Used comp inc 1939 opt Hindenburg set to 2z. 1940 Eagle & Swastika opt set to 3z inc 50g both types. 1940-41 Views set. 1941-44 Hitler set to 1.60z. 1944 5th Anniv 10z. 1940 Official set large to 5z & small to 50g. 1941 Radio
'U' & 'A' set of 2. VFU. Mi cat €484. SG cat £570+. (168). (Image1)
Get Market Data for [Germany cat] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate AU$220
Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM |
2433 |
Govt: 1940 Eagle & Swastika opt set 2gr on 5gr - 3zl on 3zl. VF fresh MNH. Mi 14-39 cat €170. SG 372-391e cat £94 for M, should be at least double, £188 MNH. (26). (P) (Image1)
Get Market Data for [Germany 372-391e] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate AU$120
Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM |
2434 |
Serbia: 1942
Anti-Masonic Exhibition set 0.50D - 4D, tied to Exhib cover by 'Belgrade 1 1 1942' FDI cds in GOLD. SG G54-7 cat £58+ as loose stamps. Mi 58-61 (FDC III) cat €200. Superb & very scarce. (P) (Image1)
Get Market Data for [Germany G54-7] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate AU$250
Closing..Sep-04, 05:00 PM |