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Longley Auctions Inc. Booth #512 continued...

Canada continued...
LotNo. Symbol Catalogue # Lot Description
121 CVR image1919 2+1c War Tax tied by FPO militia Camp Borden, Ontario (SP 13) to "The Duke of Argyll, 20 Ciarques St, London W, England" and redirected to Inveraray Castle, Argyll, with London W postmark on face (2 OC). The Camp Borden FPO militia handstamp, although faint is a particularly scarce marking. Reverse with Inveraray receiver (4 OC). The Duke of Argyll, the 10th Duke of Argyll, Niall Campbell, servd from 1914 until 1949 upon his death. This seat was Inveraray Castle. He was also a honorary Colonel of the 15th (Canadian) Argyll Light Infantry.
Longley Auctions Inc. Item#:2233 Booth #512

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122 CVR image#P35 2c Admiral postcard pays 2c UPU postcard rate from Victoria, British Columbia (BC) Nov 17, 1913 to Bernburg, Germany.
Longley Auctions Inc. Item#:2234 Booth #512

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123 CVR image1916ca "MAILED ON THE HIGH SEAS / EXEMPT FROM WAR TAX" purple hs ties GB 1d carmine with partial Quebec machine cancel tying stamp as well, to Dundrum, Ireland. Reverse is SS Northland (White Star line) boat image.
Longley Auctions Inc. Item#:2235 Booth #512

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124 CVR image1930 Montreal (Au 23 1930) to Hanover, Germany, a registered postcard with 4c Scroll, 10c Mount Hurd and #C1 5c airmail.
Longley Auctions Inc. Item#:2236 Booth #512

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125 CVR image1929 registered, airmail postcard to Brussels, Belgiu, from Calgary, Alberta (JUN 16) with 11 stamps tied on postcard. Reverse with Montreal (20 JUN), Montreal B&F Div (Jun 20), and London, GB transit bs. Clearly philatelic but registered postcards are rare, and an 11 colour franking quite spectacular for Canada.
Longley Auctions Inc. Item#:2237 Booth #512

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126 CVR image1930 Victoria, BC to Brussels, Belgium, registered airmail with #C1(3) 5c airmail and #154 8c Scroll tied by purple "Victoria Sub Office No. 1 BC" (Aug 16) MOOD cancel on cover. Reverse with Victoria Sub No. 1 MOOD (Aug 16), two strikes, Victoria cds (Aug 16) and Montreal B&F Div (Aug 21). Airmail rates to Europe were rarely used at this time. Jan 1, 1928 to July 31, 1928 8c per ounce, 4c per additional ounce August 1, 1928 to Feb 28, 1930 , 13c per ounce, plus 14c per additional ounce March 1, 1930 15c per ounce So this cover appears to have been paid using the former rate in effect from August 1, 1928 to Feb 28, 1930 at 13c per ounce, plus 10c registration for a total of 23c postage paid and allowed. The rate should have actually been 15c per ounce, plus 10c registration for a total of 25c, as the cover was mailed in August 1930 after the rate went into effect on March 1, 1930.
Longley Auctions Inc. Item#:2238 Booth #512

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127 CVR imageFDC. Canada Hand Painted FDC collection (460 items). An incredible collection of approx. 460 items from 37 cachet makers, such as Dorothy Knapp (8), Ralph Dyer (82), A.J.Peak (13), Joyce Green (14) and A.Wood (160). Housed in four FDC albums. The finest ever offered.
Longley Auctions Inc. Item#:2203 Booth #512
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128 CVR imageCanada FDC Darnell cachet collection, 1968-1970, 136 items (first and last reported), with duplication, sequential numbers etc, in one Lighthouse FDC album. Lot includes First Impressions article on Darnell FDCs.
Longley Auctions Inc. Item#:2204 Booth #512
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129 CVR imageMilitary. 1900 Boer War, FPO 30 ties 3d postage, registered to Montreal, Canada via London, GB, ms "On Active Service". The Tattersall correspondence. Montreal precursor squared circle bs (OC 14 00).
Longley Auctions Inc. Item#:2239 Booth #512

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130 CVR image"CANADIAN CONTINGENT OCT 31 1900 SOUTH AFRICA" oval handstamp on cover with APO 55 S. Africa to Kingston, Ontario. Cover is from Sgt. S. Slater, "C" Battery, Royal Canadian Field Artillery, 2nd Contingent. (P)
Longley Auctions Inc. Item#:2240 Booth #512

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131 CVR image1901 Orange River Colony, Bloemfontein (AP 6 01), ties six stamps on cover with HPL censor hs, registered to Hamilton, Canada bs, red London, GB transit.
Longley Auctions Inc. Item#:2241 Booth #512

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132 CVR image1940 Internment Camp "M" Mimico Prisoner of War letter sheet from Capt Max Jenssen No. 13 715, to Hamburg, Germany. Free, "Opened By Censor" tape, and German censors, redirected. etc.
Longley Auctions Inc. Item#:2242 Booth #512

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133 CVR image1941 Nordenham, Germany (8 11 42) to POW Camp 12, care of Chief Postal Censor, Great Britain, redirected to Canada, c/o Commissioner of Internment Operations,, pink "Canada Int. Op Censored (crown 45" for Camp 45, then blue in pencil "40" circled. Small tape stain. Prisoner with a low number "S.N.o. 000901". Very unusually, there is a blue boxed "P/W Middle East 165" and a rare "Prisoners of War Censorship Middle East" at right. The Base APO Canada (JUL 20 1942) machine cancel ties the Middle East censor tape suggesting the cover may have been sent to the MIddle East. The return address is "Ludwigstr 24, Germany" which doesn't suggest it was from one POW to another. Most intriguing as there is no indication that it was to be sent to the Middle East, So it looks like it originated in Germany, was sent to Chief Postal Censor in Great Britain, likely then sent to a Middle East POW Camp, and then to Ottawa, Camp 45 and Camp 40. I could find only one other example of the Middle East censor tape online and it was on a "plain cover" priced at £120.
Longley Auctions Inc. Item#:2243 Booth #512

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134 CVR image1941 Internment Camp "N" Newington, from Australia.with 2d, 9d and 1/6(2) tied by Adelaide (26 MY 41) to Camp N via Base Army Post Office, Ottawa, censored, pink "Canada Int. Op Censored (crown) 21", small "A3". Reverse with return address, Ottawa slogam and Base APO Canada (1941 JUN 14).
Longley Auctions Inc. Item#:2244 Booth #512

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135 CVR image1944 Christmas issue armed forces air letter "Postage Free", November 29, 1944 From S. Sgt Wylia A.C., 10th Cdn Armoured Regiment (FGH), CAO, (#B10264) writing home to his mother in Sudbury, Ontario. Censor No 11860.
Longley Auctions Inc. Item#:2245 Booth #512

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136 CVR imageNewfoundland. 1922 #C3 35¢ with "Air Mail Halifax, N.S. 1921" overprint (2¾ mm spacing", St. John's to Toronto. The delayed Cotton flight from Botwood to Halifax. NSSC #FF7
Longley Auctions Inc. Item#:2246 Booth #512

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137 CVR imageStampless. 1778 SFL dateline “Londre le 11th Avril 1778” to Montreal. The letter was likely carried during a convoy under British Royal Navy protection to Quebec where it was marked “Ship 11 1/2” being 2d Stg (2 1/2d Cy) incoming ship letter fee plus 9d postage to Montreal. Although the 1778 Lloyd’s of London sailings are not available online (they are missing), this letter likely travelled in the convoy. This ship letter marking predates the tiny “fhip” marking used at Quebec from 1779-1780, of which there are two recorded, and priced at $10,000 each in the very old (1992) Canada Specialized catalogue. This is the only Revolutionary War incoming ship letter with a manuscript ship marking that I have recorded. Stienhart owned three incoming Revolutionary War letters, none of which had a ship marking. (R) Some interesting fact about the two people involved. In 1759 Thomas Pecholier, the writer was naturalized by an Act recorded in the Journal of the House of Lords, Vol 29, p. 457. In 1770, Pecholier and others, petition the government for fishing rights on the Labrador coast. In the Papers of Robert Morris, Cazeau is referred to as a Canadian refugee at the end of the Revolutionary War and Congress is involved in his claim for moneys for good collected for the US and destroyed by the enemy. This includes orders of wheat to US General Benedict Arnold, ships of rum for General Burgoyne for over $22,000.
Longley Auctions Inc. Item#:2205 Booth #512

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138 CVR image1832 SFL Penetanguishine, UC to Bath, GB, redirected to London, GB with rms instruction "tr way of New York, U. States", red Lewiston, NY hs and red "US P Paid 25" (Canadian post office accounting for US postage collected), then "1N7" in GB, and "2/-" to London. The reverse with Liverpool Ship Letter, Bath receiver (JU 20), redirected with London oval (JU 21). The US P PAID 25 is a rare handstamp of interest to US collectors as the postmaster acted as an agent of the UP Post Office.
Longley Auctions Inc. Item#:2206 Booth #512

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139 CVR image6% Exchange Surcharge. 1842 Lampeter, GB (Apr 2) to Wellington Square, UC via Liverpool, Boston, USA, Queenston, UC via Cunard "Britannia", rated 1/- Stg packet rate via US = 27c US (2c ship+25c postage to border), converts to 1/4 1/2 Cy plys 7d Cy from the border to Guelp, for a total of 1/11 1/2d due, plus 1d being the 6% Exchange Surcharge. The 6% Exchange Surcharge was added to compensate the border post masters collecting and remitting postage to the USA. The period of use was March 1, 1832 until May 16, 1842, a very short period.
Longley Auctions Inc. Item#:2207 Booth #512

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140 CVR image2½ % Exchange Surcharge Rate. 1843 SFL Liverpool, GB (Sept 17) to Niagara Falls, UC, “p. Columbia Steamer” (10th voyage), via Boston, rated 52¢ due (2c ship + 25¢ x2 to border), sent in error to Niagara, UC (Oct 8), which was a local exchange office only, and properly sent to Queenston (Oct 10) where 2/7 Cy plus 1d exchange surcharge of 2 1/2% was applied), plus 9d from border (4 1/2d x 2), total 3/5 Cy collect.
Longley Auctions Inc. Item#:2208 Booth #512

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141 CVR image1842 SFC oval "STEAMBOAT LETTER / Q / 184 (2)" with ms date entered "19 July" and year date "2", rated ms "9" for 9d to Montreal,
Longley Auctions Inc. Item#:2209 Booth #512

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142 CVR image1843 Montreal (OC 12) to Company Sgt Richard Lynch, #7 Co, 1st BN Royal Artillery, Woolwich, GB, originally rated 1s/2d Stg due, corrected to “P1” in red indicating 1d rate TO A SOLDIER. London (OC 30 1843). Long letter from brother implores soldier to act decently and don’t let his poor choices impact his future etc. The 7th Company, 1st Battalion also served in Lower Canada, and was formed with Coldstream Guards and volunteer forces to form the “Queen’s Volunteers”, serving from 1839 until 1842 when they returned to England. British military records show a Company Sergent Richard Lynch serving in the Coldstream Guards, who based on his connection with this letter, likely served in Canada and returned to England with the unit in 1842.
Longley Auctions Inc. Item#:2210 Booth #512

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143 CVR image1852 Steamboat Letter Quebec (AU 12 1852) on SFL to Montreal, rated "3d" due.
Longley Auctions Inc. Item#:2211 Booth #512

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144 CVR image1853 Waterloo, UC (May 16) to Nagold, Wurtemburg (Germany), rated 2/8 Stg (double weight), Cunard closed bag mail to USA, to Liverpool, Calais, Canada & Art 12 boxed hs, rated "58/3" (58k French debit to Thurn & Taxis, 3 kr internal Wurtemburg = 1fr/1 due. Ex Steinhart, Hobden.
Longley Auctions Inc. Item#:2212 Booth #512

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145 CVR image1854 SFL Montreal, L.C. (FE 13 1854) to Schiedam, Holland.ms “pr Royal Mail Steamer via Boston to L’pool 15 Feby 1853”, carried via closed bag mail via Cunard “Arabia” from Boston to Liverpool and London bs (27 FE 27 1854), rated “1/6”, then “110” due in Netherland, reverse with red “Sch Edam 1/3” bs. Netherlands is a very rare destination for Canada mail and I know of no other examples in the Pence period. Ex Steinhart, Wilkinson, Hobden.
Longley Auctions Inc. Item#:2213 Booth #512

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146 CVR image1857 Toronto, CW Paid (Mar 21 1857) to Detroit, with red "Canada Paid 10 Cts" treaty hs, oval Law Department Canada with signature and "Pv Clrk" notation. The reverse has a peculiar "BOSTON / 25 MAR / BR PKT" that I have never seen before. The cover was missent to Boston and redirected back to Detroit.
Longley Auctions Inc. Item#:2214 Booth #512

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147 CVR image1856 SFL Montreal (AU 4) to Cognac, France, via Calais, red italic "PAID" hs, ms "2/7" (Stg) and "3/2" Cy. Reverse with London, GB cds (16 AU), and Paris transit, Cognac receiver (18 AU).
Longley Auctions Inc. Item#:2215 Booth #512

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148 CVR imageVictorian. #17e 10¢ Deep Red Purple, perf 11¾ (Printing order 2A), tied by Toronto diamond grid hs on cover from Toronto, CW (JA 31 62) to Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. The letter is sent to R.S. Duncanson who was a painter. A biography is included.
Longley Auctions Inc. Item#:2216 Booth #512

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149 CVR image#27var 6¢ Large Queen SLIP PRINT, #27var 6¢ LQ with doubling of the right half, especially noticeable in “STAGE” right frameline, right “6”, “NTS” etc. tied by cork cancel on cover from Orangeville, Ont (AP 29 71) to Toronto bs (MY 1 71). Not as significant as the true “double print” and the printing is not offset as much. Still an excellent exhibition item for the specialist.
Longley Auctions Inc. Item#:2217 Booth #512
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150 CVR image#35 1c Small Queen tied by Woodstock, Ontario cds (De 30 1896) to Pelham Union, Ontario, ms "private postcard". The card meets the minimum dimensions of a postcard (greater than 3.25" x 2.25") but it breaks the rule of being made of thick cardboard. The regulation read "The material used to be ordinary card board not thicker than that used for the cards by the Department". It should be letter rated, but presumably allowed as printed matter. The reverse has a printed message, "Wishing You a Happy New Year / C.H. Hill Woodstock".
Longley Auctions Inc. Item#:2218 Booth #512

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