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Worldwide Countries A to Z continued...

Lot Descrip Opening
261 imageFournier Forgery: 1865-66 Five early issues 'used' plus four postmarks on one piece & overprints / surcharges x nine different. (18).
Approx US$38, Approx Euro 36

Selling...USD 34.14
Closing..Jan-07, 12:00 PM
Lot Descrip Opening
262 image1911 GB used abroad: King Edward VII 1d red with Cairo and faint receiving Port Said cancels on postcard.
Approx US$10, Approx Euro 10
(ImageA) (ImageB)


Selling...USD 9.10
Closing..Jan-07, 12:00 PM
263 image1925 VAPORE / D'ALESSANDRIE two line transit handstamp across the 5m brown strip of 3 adhs applied on entry in Trieste Italy, typed address to Vienna Austria, few wrinkles otherwise fine cancel.
Approx US$53, Approx Euro 51

Selling...USD 47.80
Closing..Jan-07, 12:00 PM
264 image1925 VAPORE / D'ALESSANDRIE two line transit handstamp tying the 15m blue adhs applied on entry in Trieste Italy, typed address to Modling Austria, few wrinkles otherwise fine cancel.
Approx US$53, Approx Euro 51

Selling...USD 47.80
Closing..Jan-07, 12:00 PM
265 image1945 (30 Aug) WWII Free French Forces in Cairo Egypt stampless cover addr to Capt Lloyd GHQ, MEF, bearing nice strike of shaded POST AUX ARMEES / F.F.L. double ring CDS and arrival unshaded POSTE AUX ARMEES / 3 SEPT 1945 / F.F.L / CDS on reverse, few contemporary creases otherwise sound and both good strikes.
Approx US$48, Approx Euro 46
(ImageA) (ImageB)


Selling...USD 43.24
Closing..Jan-07, 12:00 PM
266 imageBritish Post Offices: Alexandria and Suez postmarks on GB QV nice range of 14 values with good cancels including BO1 2½d rosy-mauve plates 3 to 9 inclusive, 4d vermilion plate 12, 1856 6d lilac, 1862 6d lilac, 1867 2s blue (very fine, SG Z40 Cat £130). BO2 Suez 2½d rosy mauve pl.9, 1967 4d vermilion pl.12 & 13. Nice assembly on album page. (14). STC £580.
Approx US$219, Approx Euro 212

Selling...USD 199.15
Closing..Jan-07, 12:00 PM
267 imageFrench Sea Mails: Three postcards Port Said, Suez Canal, Arab Fete, each with LIGNE PAQ FR. No. 3, 4 & 8, 1900-1910 with France adhs tied Ligne octagonal d/s to France or Belgium, mainly good cancel, some faults.
Approx US$30, Approx Euro 29
(ImageA) (ImageB)


Selling...USD 27.31
Closing..Jan-07, 12:00 PM
Lot Descrip Opening
268 image1893-1910 Mint and used assembly on two old time Schaubek printed pages, good range of issues noted 1893 5l red and blue part original gum (thins and mounted heavily, Cat £600), 1895 set mainly used, 1903 set mainly used to 5l (Cat £60 on paper), odd mint are stuck down but not counted, good catalogue value. (33).
Approx US$325, Approx Euro 315
(ImageA) (ImageB) (ImageC)

image image

Selling...USD 295.88
Closing..Jan-07, 12:00 PM
Lot Descrip Opening
269 image1939 Centenary of Parnau superb fine used Miniature sheet with neat TALILINN 2.VII.39 CDS, very fine, SG MS 151a Cat £140.
Approx US$25, Approx Euro 24

Selling...USD 22.76
Closing..Jan-07, 12:00 PM
270 imageGerman Occupation: 1941-44 Attractive philatelic postcard (depicting stamps of Estonia in black and white) bearing set of 6 1941 Reconstruction Fund perf tied TALINN 7 XII 41 CDS cancels. Few gum or tone stains otherwise sound and unaddressed. SG 6/11.
Approx US$38, Approx Euro 36
(ImageA) (ImageB)


Selling...USD 34.14
Closing..Jan-07, 12:00 PM
271 imageOld time collection on leaves mint and used with a useful unpicked assembly from 1918 issues to 1940. Includes better part ranges noted 1918-1919 complete m & u, 1921 Red X set mint perf & imperf, 1926 red X set 2 used, 1924 Theatre set, 1928 10th Anniv. set, 1930 Kroon surch 1k & 2k, 1931 Red X set used (cat £76), 1936 Charity set 4 m, 1936 Pres. Constantin 14 values to 60s (cat £180), 1937-40 Caritas sets m, etc, mainly fine condition throughout. STC £700+.
Approx US$238, Approx Euro 230
(ImageA) (ImageB) (ImageC) (ImageD)

image image

Selling...USD 216.22
Closing..Jan-07, 12:00 PM
272 imageRevenue: 1941 WW2 Fiscal stamps surcharged 3r on 5rpf green, 5r on 5rpf purple, 30r on 25rpf red & 60r on 50rpf orange and red all in unmounted mint blocks of 4 Barefoot 290/294. Nice and seldom offered in blocks. (16 revenues).
Approx US$88, Approx Euro 85

Selling...USD 79.66
Closing..Jan-07, 12:00 PM
Lot Descrip Opening
273 image1894-1965 Mint and used collection on leaves with better STC £750+ incl 1894 set of 7, 1949 Liberation set used, 1952 Federation set used, Italian Occ. 1936 Annexation set m & u (Cat £125), useful assembly.
Approx US$188, Approx Euro 182
(ImageA) (ImageB)


Selling...USD 170.70
Closing..Jan-07, 12:00 PM
Lot Descrip Opening
274 image1944-56 Mint collection on leaves including 1944-45 set of 32 Dependency overprints SG A1/8 to D1/8, 1946 Thick Map set 1s with Poke for Pole variety, (cat £150), Thin Map set 9 (cat £100, 2d showing dot in T variety), etc, nice lot.
Approx US$69, Approx Euro 67
(ImageA) (ImageB) (ImageC) (ImageD)

image image

Selling...USD 62.59
Closing..Jan-07, 12:00 PM
275 image1946 Thick Map 3d black and blue mounted mint single showing both extra Island & Gap in 80th Parallel varieties, fine, SG G4a & G4 aa.
Approx US$113, Approx Euro 109

Selling...USD 102.42
Closing..Jan-07, 12:00 PM
276 image1947 ( 2 Feb) Cover to Port Stanley bearing 1946 Victory 1d tied GRAHAMLAND CDS cancel, PORT STANLEY 19 FEB receiver on reverse, fine.
Approx US$13, Approx Euro 12
(ImageA) (ImageB)


Selling...USD 11.38
Closing..Jan-07, 12:00 PM
277 image1954-62 Complete set of 15 hinged mint each with neat hinge remain, 2/6 & £1 are marginal examples, very fresh set, SG G26/G40. Cat £225.
Approx US$106, Approx Euro 103
(ImageA) (ImageB)


Selling...USD 96.73
Closing..Jan-07, 12:00 PM
278 image1966 (1 Dec) Trans Antarctic Ovpt 6d lilac tied to cover by ADMIRALTY BAY / SOUTH SHETLANDS CDS to UK. Very fine.
Approx US$13, Approx Euro 12

Selling...USD 11.38
Closing..Jan-07, 12:00 PM
279 imageSouth Georgia: 1945 (21 Feb) Complete set of 8 overprint values to 1s neatly tied violet FALKLAND ISLANDS DEPENDENCY / South Georgia CDS cancels, PORT STANLEY receiver on reverse, fine. SG B1/8.
Approx US$43, Approx Euro 41
(ImageA) (ImageB)


Selling...USD 38.69
Closing..Jan-07, 12:00 PM
280 imageSouth Georgia: 1945 (21 Feb) Complete set of 8 red overprint values to 1s neatly tied violet FALKLAND ISLANDS DEPENDENCY / South Georgia CDS cancels, PORT STANLEY receiver on reverse, fine. SG B1/8.
Approx US$43, Approx Euro 41

Selling...USD 38.69
Closing..Jan-07, 12:00 PM

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