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The Stamp Group Sale - 352

Worldwide Mixed Lots

Mixed Lots
Lot Descrip Opening
1 imageAccumulation eight mainly well filled stockbooks and albums with 1000s of worldwide ranges incl two well filled 64 sided stockbooks, general mainstream incl countries A to C etc. Heavy lot.
Approx US$100, Approx Euro 97
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Selling...USD 91.04
Closing..Jan-07, 12:00 PM
2 imageAccumulation in a carton with some better noted including Norway useful old time collection on Yvert printed leaves from 1855-1938 (STC £1700), Bavaria, Austria 1850-1916 (approx 440), Sweden postal stationery, Malta, Stampworld 1990 handbook, GB small mint commems range. 100s.
Approx US$338, Approx Euro 327
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Selling...USD 307.26
Closing..Jan-07, 12:00 PM
3 imageAccumulation in a carton with world ranges in Liberty springback, South America, Hungary, Canada collections in well filled stockbooks, duplicated modern Malayan states bundleware, 100s loose etc. Sorter.
Approx US$63, Approx Euro 61

Selling...USD 56.90
Closing..Jan-07, 12:00 PM
4 imageAccumulation in a carton with world ranges in well filled stockbooks, Sweden, Norway, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Belgium, Netherlands, French Colonies, 100s loose etc. Sorter lot.
Approx US$63, Approx Euro 61

Selling...USD 56.90
Closing..Jan-07, 12:00 PM
5 imageAccumulation in a carton with world ranges in well filled stockbooks, 100s loose etc. Sorter lot.
Approx US$63, Approx Euro 61

Selling...USD 56.90
Closing..Jan-07, 12:00 PM
6 imageAccumulation in a carton with world ranges in well filled stockbooks, Switzerland, Greece, Malta, Gibraltar, Cyprus, Russia, Ireland, then loose in dozens of envelopes on and off paper, S. Africa FDCs and covers incl few Military Defence official envelopes etc. Sorter lot.
Approx US$63, Approx Euro 61

Selling...USD 56.90
Closing..Jan-07, 12:00 PM
7 imageAccumulation in an overfull box with 1000s loose on and off paper in envelopes, Br. C/Wealth in albums incl Canada, Australia, etc, sorter lot.
Approx US$50, Approx Euro 48

Selling...USD 45.52
Closing..Jan-07, 12:00 PM
8 imageBOX with a worldwide accumulation incl some old remaindered albums, stockbooks, loose, old Lincoln album, some GB face sets, Malayan states modern bundleware, etc, 100s.
Approx US$63, Approx Euro 61

Selling...USD 56.90
Closing..Jan-07, 12:00 PM
9 imageBritish Commonwealth accumulation in a heavy carton in various stockbooks and albums, strength in Dominions middle to modern, mint and used, India with odd better, etc, 100s.
Approx US$94, Approx Euro 91

Selling...USD 85.35
Closing..Jan-07, 12:00 PM
10 imageBritish Commonwealth accumulation of collections in heavy box with strength in Australia, New Zealand, also nice Christmas Island mint colln, Tuvalu mint sets with thematics, Canada etc. 1000s.
Approx US$94, Approx Euro 91
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Selling...USD 85.35
Closing..Jan-07, 12:00 PM
11 imageBritish Commonwealth accumulation of collections in heavy box with strength in Australia, New Zealand oversized binder with 100s mint blocks for defins and commems, modern Health M/S duplicated, also nice Aden sets mint & used colln, Canada mint 1960s-70s incl booklet panes on Hagners, QV used onwards in large stockbook, Singapore & Malayan states in two stockbooks plus folder of Flowers issue with identified minor varieties etc. 1000s.
Approx US$138, Approx Euro 133

Selling...USD 125.18
Closing..Jan-07, 12:00 PM
12 imageBritish Commonwealth and foreign being the balance of an old time lot, on leaves, cards and loose including better throughout noted Barbados QV range, India convention states GVI mint, Costa Rica inverted surcharge in mint blks of 4, Turks Islands QV, Mauritius 5r booklet, GB 1948 RSW £1 used (5), BWI QV, Straits Sett. EDVII 50c mint, North Borneo mint, Saar in sheets and mint blocks, New Hebrides EDVII in packets, etc, interesting sorter.
Approx US$188, Approx Euro 182
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Selling...USD 170.70
Closing..Jan-07, 12:00 PM
13 imageBritish Commonwealth and foreign being the balance of an old time lot, on leaves, cards and loose including better throughout noted Sudan old time collection mint and used incl sets to 50p, Malta QV 5s unused, NSW 8d perf used with unusual '1' cancel in blue, Ireland 1922 10d mint, Queensland 1s grey, Aden Camp postmark on piece, Bahrain QEII 2r on 2/6 mint with bar variety, 10r on 10s mint, BVI to 1s, Trinidad earlies on page, Nova Scotia to 12½c m & u, Tibet, RSW Morocco Agencies mint, India 1944 Mother's Day V. Mail forms (2), St Vincent GVI mint blocks, USA mint sheets and blocks for 1940s-50s, world in three old time springbacks incl Argentina, Br. Colonies etc, interesting sorter. 100s.
Approx US$200, Approx Euro 194
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Selling...USD 182.08
Closing..Jan-07, 12:00 PM
14 imageBritish Commonwealth duplicated old time club books mainly uncirculated with some better incl Canada Queen Heads, North Borneo mint to $5, Australia GV heads incl perf OS, Roos to 2s maroon, Mauritius, MEF, GB 1883 2/6 & 5s, Queensland, Eritrea ovpts, India QV to 3r, GV to 25r (3), GVI used to 25r, officials incl EDVII mint 2r on 10r (5), Burma, Bundi, Iraq Br. Occup. to 5r on 50p used, 1948 vals to 1d mint, officials to 1d mint, Zululand 1d lilac used, Cyprus, Pakistan officials 1947 5r & 10r mint (Cat £135), etc, 6 books, 100s.
Approx US$275, Approx Euro 266
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Selling...USD 250.36
Closing..Jan-07, 12:00 PM
15 imageBritish Commonwealth errors and varieties group of stockcards with modern varieties on original purchase cards includes Anguilla 1967 3c used with wmk inverted var, 1982 Commonwealth Games ovpt without S variety (3), Nauru 1973 Birds imperf blk of 4 or pairs (11 items), Jamaica grossly misplaced colour, Montserrat double OHMS ovpts (3), useful and interesting group.
Approx US$344, Approx Euro 333
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Selling...USD 312.95
Closing..Jan-07, 12:00 PM
16 imageBritish Commonwealth - Extensive QEII mint collection in an overfull ledger album with approx. 3400 all different stamps with better pickings, noted Gambia 1965 Independence set, Gilbert & Ellice Is., Gold Coast, Grenada, Guyana, Hong Kong 1963 FFH U/M, 1966 Churchill set, 1967 UNESCO, 1968 Year Monkey, 1969 Year Cock, 1970 Year Dog (all U/M), 1974 Arts M/S, 1975 Festivals M/S, India 1955 Five Year Plan vals to 10r mint, Ireland, Jamaica, Malaysia, Mauritius, Tangier, New Hebrides, PNG, etc, 1000s.
Approx US$425, Approx Euro 411
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Selling...USD 386.92
Closing..Jan-07, 12:00 PM
17 imageBritish Commonwealth - Extensive QEII mint collection in an overfull ledger album with approx. 3800 all different stamps with better pickings, noted St Helena, St Lucia, St Vincent, Samoa, Seychelles, Sierra Leone vals to £1, die cut self adhesives, Singapore 1971 Satellite setenant blk of 4, 1971 Art set, 1973 Games M/S, South Africa, Swaziland, Tonga incl die cut foil sets, Tristan Da Cunha, BVI, Zanzibar etc, 1000s.
Approx US$475, Approx Euro 460
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Selling...USD 432.44
Closing..Jan-07, 12:00 PM
18 imageBritish Commonwealth: Maritime cancels on stamps QV to QEII on leaves with more interesting noted incl S. Leone 2½d with Liverpool Packet CDS plus QV-EDVII with Paquebot CDS's, St Vincent with Southampton Ship Letter CDS (2), Dominica Posted on Board boxed h/s, Barbados with M/S Colombia, plus 6d Seahorse with Deutsches CDS, 1925 1d seahorse with New York Paquebot, Niger Coast QV 1d (2) with Paquebot CDS, Marseilles cancels on Seychelles, Tanganyika, Paquebot on Malayan states, Macau on HK 10c blue, Loose Ship Letter Papua, Packet on NZ, Hong Kong CDS on India on paper, Tenyo on HK, Tayo on HK, etc, intr lot. (126).
Approx US$313, Approx Euro 303
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Selling...USD 284.50
Closing..Jan-07, 12:00 PM
19 imageBritish Commonwealth small accumulation of QV to modern in well filled springback album & binder, loose on leaves noted Bermuda GVI to 12/6 used, Barbados Victory to 4d used, Bahamas GVI £1 f.u., KUT GVI £1 pair (cat £56), India, Egypt, Canada, Ceylon, Cyprus, Malta, etc, 100s.
Approx US$156, Approx Euro 151
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Selling...USD 142.25
Closing..Jan-07, 12:00 PM
20 imageCollector's clearout in nine boxes with mainly GB on and off paper in tubs and tins, box of stockbooks and albums including Germany, Canada, Australia etc, plenty to sort through mainly commoner material, 1000s.
Approx US$31, Approx Euro 30
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Selling...USD 28.45
Closing..Jan-07, 12:00 PM

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