The StampAuctionNetwork Top 1000 (200 US, 200 Canada, 500 Worldwide, and 100 Rarities with a separate category for Postal History) are the 1000 premium Stamps, Covers, Blocks, and Pairs that
are statistically the most likely to be offered as a single lot.
How we came up with the Rankings. Starting from our $2.5 Billion database of 2.0 million lots going back to 2001, we took the top 2000 items by number of Lots Offered.
This selection was done based on the country, catalog number and symbol (Covers, Blocks, Pairs, Mint NH, Mint, unused and used).
For each stamp we then ranked them by Supply, Demand, Maximum Price, and Average Price and came up with a general ranking where we weighted each of those
criteria equally to come up with a weighted ranking.
We did the same for Worldwide but started with 5000 Items and ranked them down to the top 500. Rarities were calculated by only looking at lots that sold for over $50,000.
Postal History is in two lists, the Rarities and the Covers with high demand and supply.
You can see the results below. We welcome your comments, suggestions, and analysis. Are these really the top items?
Which ones do you think should make the list but did not? Let me know.
You can do so using this google form found (here)
Whether you are concerned with the value of your collection or not, it is wise to consider the market
as you build a collection. These statistics can provide accurate historical data to demonstrate which stamps and
covers are most likely to be sold as individual lots. They will also provide comparative data as to the market
supply and demand for a particular stamp or cover. The reasoning is that
if you are building a collection by buying every individual stamp separately, when you go to sell it,
you will find that the items with market value are offered separately while the rest will be sold as a collection.
You can anticipate that situation by buying the better items singly, and picking up the rest from collection lots.
(Video on Youtube) The StampAuctionNetwork Top 1000 Stamps, Covers, Blocks, and Pairs most likely to be lotted as a single lot.
New Features!!!
- We added a number of sorts and selections.
- You can access not just the Market History, but also the Availability
- You can limit the view to see only the StampAuctionNetwork 1000 items that are currently offered at auction.
- For each auction firm, you can get a list of the items in their sale that match the StampAuctionNetwork 1000 and bid on them.
Call for Stamp Champions.
I am looking for 50 Stamp Champions that will take a series of Stamps and review the listings with the ability to make corrections.
We will provide Free PowerUser status for as long as you are on the project.
How to sign up to help.
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