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Ukraine continued...

Trident Overprints - Kharkiv continued...
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip
1101 c Bulat #679 image1919, registered cover from Kharkiv to Moscow, mixed franking by 12 stamps on reverse, including nine with black overprint (type 1) on imperforate 3k red, along with ''Sword Breaking Chain'' stamp of 35k ultra and 5k and 10k without overprint, all appropriate markings and arrival ds, VF and very scarce franking, Est. $300-$350 (Image)

Currently...$ 150.00
Will close during Public Auction
Trident Overprints - Katerynoslav
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip
1102 c Bulat #825, 827, 841 image1919, large part of Romanov Dynasty stationery wrapper 2k green, sent from Katerynoslav to Kharkiv, uprated by seven perf and imperf stamps with black overprint (type 1), minor soiling, still F/VF and rare, ex-Dr. Seichter, Est. $300-$350 (Image)

Currently...$ 150.00
Will close during Public Auction
1103 og/U Bl Bulat #857-63 imageEYE-CATCHING SELECTION OF TYPE 2: 1918, 30 mint or used (12) black boxed overprints on perforated and imperforate rouble values, singles, pairs and blocks, including 4 inverts with 1 tete-beche pair, 1 double overprint, nice quality, full/part of OG or used, ex-Dr. Seichter and Dr. Zelonka, C.v. $1,180, Est. $500-$600 (Image)

Currently...$ 250.00
Will close during Public Auction
Trident Overprints - Poltava
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip
1104 og Bulat #942-57 image1918, violet overprint (type 1) on perforated 1k- 70k, complete ''kop'' denominations set of 15 stamps, nice condition, full OG, LH or hinged, F/VF, most properly expertized, C.v. is about $700, Est. $300-$350 (Image)

Currently...$ 150.00
Will close during Public Auction
1105 c Bulat #943, 948 image1918, four perforated stamps (2k x2 and 10k x2) with violet overprint (type 1), used together with Saving stamp of 5k on pre-printed registered cover from Romny to Pryluky (banking correspondence), all appropriate markings, light fold away from the stamps, F/VF and scarce commercial cover, Est. $200-$250 (Image)

Currently...$ 100.00
Will close during Public Auction
1106 U Bl Bulat #957, var image1918, violet handstamp (type 1) on 70k brown and orange, printed on wove paper with vertical varnish lines, block of four, bottom left stamp with traces of overprint, while bottom right one with just two splashes of violet ink, postal cancellation, VF, Est. $150-$180 (Image)

Currently...$ 75.00
Will close during Public Auction
1107 og Bulat #982/99 image1918, black handstamp (type 1) on perforated stamps of 2k-7r, set of 12 values, full OG (4k has no gum), LH or hinged, F/VF, most stamps are properly expertized, C.v. $734, Est. $350-$400 (Image)

Currently...$ 200.00
Will close during Public Auction
1108 U Bulat #1038/48 image1918, black overprint (type 2) on perforated stamps of 15k-7r, set of nine, all are postally used, stamp of 35k has a pinhole, otherwise fresh, mostly VF and scarce assemblage, all are properly expertized, C.v. $1,260, plus 35k which is not priced in the Catalog, Est. $600-$650 (Image)

Currently...$ 300.00
Will close during Public Auction
Trident Overprints - Odessa
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip
1109 og/U Bl Bulat #1096-119, var imageGREAT RANGE OF TYPE 2: 1918, 435 mostly mint perforated and imperforate stamps (132 - used), including 27 strips of five and 28 blocks of four or six, representing 38 inverted and one double overprint, numerous overprint shifts and several errors of basic stamps, full/large part of OG or used, F/VF, ex-Dr. Seichter and Dr. Zelonka, C.v. $845++, Est. $400-$450 (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4) (Image5) (Image6)

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Currently...$ 200.00
Will close during Public Auction
1110 og/U Bl Bulat #1120/44 imageVALUABLE SELECTION OF TYPE 3: 1918, over 360 mostly mint perforated and imperforate stamps (143 - used), singles, pairs, strips and blocks, including 9 reprints, 5 inverted overprints, 47 stamps with shifted centers or overprints, gutter block of 4 with double overprint on top stamps and many more, full/part of OG or used, F/VF, ex-Dr. Zelonka and A. Epstein, C.v. is over $1,700 with many varieties not listed, Est. $800-$900 (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4) (Image5) (Image6)

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Currently...$ 400.00
Will close during Public Auction
1111 og/U Bl Bulat #1184/ 206 imageSTRONG ASSEMBLAGE OF TYPE 5: 1918, 55 perforated stamps (20 used), including 2 strips of five and 3 blocks of four, 6 inverted and 2 double overprints, 4 tete-beche pairs, 3.50r on vertically laid paper punched (not counted), still fresh and nice group, full/part of OG or used, F/VF, ex-Dr. Zelonka and A. Epstein, C.v. is about $2,500, Est. $1,000- $1,200 (Image) (Image2)


Currently...$ 500.00
Will close during Public Auction
1112 og Bulat #1222-23 image1918, black overprints (type 6) on 3.50 black and gray and 7r black and yellow, two stamps on vertically laid paper, full/large part of OG, VF, both with expert's hs on reverse, C.v. $240, Est. $120-$150 (Image)

Currently...$ 75.00
Will close during Public Auction
1113 nh/og Bulat #1255, 1257, var image1918, black overprint (type 6) on perforated 5r and two of 10r, the last ones from issues of 1915 and 1917, all with sheet margins, full OG, NH or LH, VF, signed by J. Bulat, C.v. $335++, Est. $150-$200 (Image)

Currently...$ 100.00
Will close during Public Auction
1114 og/U Bl Bulat #1279/ 308 imageATTRACTIVE HOLDING OF TYPE 8: 1918, 139 mint and used (54) perforated and imperforate stamps, representing 20 inverted overprints, 1 tete-beche pair and 3 double overprints, including invert on 4k priced with ''-'' and on 14k/20k not listed in the Cat., clean grouping, full OG or used, F/VF, some signed by well-known experts, ex-Dr. Seichter or Dr. Zelonka, C.v. is well over $3,000 (punched stamps not counted), Est. $1,200-$1,500 (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4)

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Currently...$ 600.00
Will close during Public Auction
1115 og Bulat #1285a/ 306a image1918, inverted black overprints (type 8) on perforated 10k, 10k/7k and 15k, imperforate 1k-5r, the total is ten values, full OG, mainly LH, VF, all are properly expertized, C.v. $430, plus imperf 5k and 70k not listed in the Cat. with inverted overprints, Est. $300-$350 (Image)

Currently...$ 150.00
Will close during Public Auction
1116 og Bulat #1329 image1918, black trident overprint (type 9) on imperforate 4k carmine, part of OG, VF, expertized by J. Bulat, C.v. $110, Est. $100-$120 (Image)

Currently...$ 50.00
Will close during Public Auction
Trident Overprints - Podilia
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip
1117 og/U Bl Bulat #1371/ 405, var imageOUTSTANDING ASSORTMENT OF TYPE 1: 1918, 160 mint and used perforated and imperforate stamps, representing singles, pairs, strips and blocks, starting with unused 7r on vertically laid paper, including inverted, shifted and double overprints, varieties of basic stamps, fresh quality group, full/part of OG or used, F/VF, C.v. is about $2,100, Est. $800-$1,000 (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4)

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Currently...$ 400.00
Will close during Public Auction
1118 nh Bl Bulat #1389, var image1918, black overprint (type 1) on perforated 70k brown and orange, block of 15 (5x3), left stamps in the middle and bottom rows have no overprints, full OG, NH, VF, expert's mark on reverse, ex-Dr. Zelonka, C.v.$150 for hinged single stamps, Est. $200-$250 (Image)

Currently...$ 100.00
Will close during Public Auction
1119 U Bl Bulat #1427a image1918, inverted black overprint (type 2) on perforated 2k green, block of 15 with partial selvages at right and bottom, Mikhalpol postal cancellations, some perforation reinforcement, still fresh, F/VF and rare multiple, C.v. $150 as singles, Est. $150-$200 (Image)

Currently...$ 75.00
Will close during Public Auction
1120 U Bulat #1568 image1918, black overprint (type 13) on 35k brown lilac and green, cancelled on a piece together with 2k green bearing type 15 overprint and 30sh stamp of General issues, mostly VF and scarce, stamp of 35k priced with ''-'' in the Catalog, ex-Dr. Seichter, Est. $200-$250 (Image)

Currently...$ 100.00
Will close during Public Auction

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