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United States continued...

Error Stamp Booklets and Booklet Panes continued...
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip
261 nh B BK144 (2116a) var image1985, Flag over Capitol Dome, intact booklet of $1.10, containing pane of five stamps of 22c on pasted paper, before to be perforated and cut off, spliced by scotch tape on front and red tape on reverse, full OG, NH, VF and rare, Est. $200-$250 (Image)

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Currently...$ 100.00
Will close during Public Auction
262 nh B BK169 var (2441c) image1990, Love, intact $5 booklet, 25c multicolored in two panes of ten, top pane has bright pink omitted variety, while second one is normal, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $750, Est. $300-$350 (Image)

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Currently...$ 150.00
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263 nh B BK171 var (2474a var) image1990, Historical Lighthouses, five $5 intact booklets containing 4 panes of five 25c stamps (all with plate No.4 which is scarce), white color ''25 USA'' erroneously placed at the lower left corner of stamps, in addition black (offset) color shifted to the bottom, full OG, NH, VF, Est. $500-$600 (Image)

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Currently...$ 250.00
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264 nh B BK174b (2484g) image1991, Wood Duck, two $5.80 intact booklets, containing 29c stamps in two panes of ten, both have plate No.1111, each one imperforate between stamps with straight edge at top or bottom, perfect quality, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $1,750, Est. $800-$900 (Image)

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Currently...$ 400.00
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265 nh B BK191 var (2566a var) image1991, Comedians by Hirschfeld, $5.80 intact booklet containing 29c stamps in 2 panes of ten, top pane has six stamps with pale lilac (offset) color practically omitted, full OG, NH, VF, Est. $100-$150 (Image)

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Currently...$ 50.00
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266 P B 2770a P, b, c image1993, American Musicals, three imperforate proofs of se- tenant booklet pane of four 29c values in full color, in blue only and in blue and magenta colors only (design is slightly different from issued stamps), all with full OG, NH, VF and very rare, C.v. $1,250 for finished design pane only, others priced with ''-'', Est. $1,000-$1,200 (Image)

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Currently...$ 500.00
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267 P B 2778a Pa-g image1993, American Musicians, seven imperforate proofs of se-tenant booklet pane of 29c values in yellow, pink, red, blue, black, gray and in finished design, each one with partial or complete plate No.A222222 at top selvage, full OG, NH, VF and rare assembly, C.v. $3,300, Est. $1,500-$1,800 (Image)

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Currently...$ 750.00
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268 nh B BK228b, var (2921e, var) image1996, Flag over Porch, two $6.40 intact booklets containing 32c self-adhesive stamps in two panes of ten, one booklet has die cutting omitted, the other one has vertical cut strongly shifted to the left, plate No.66666 orNo.11111 respectively, each stamp dated ''1996'' in red, backing paper intact, VF, C.v. $400 for the booklet with die cutting omitted only, Est.$200-$300 (Image) (Image2)


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Currently...$ 100.00
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269 nh B 3112c image1996, Christmas, Madonna and Child by Paolo de Matteis, $6.40 self-adhesive intact booklet pane of 20, die cutting completely omitted, backing paper intact, VF, C.v. $400, Est. $150-$200 (Image)

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Currently...$ 75.00
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270 nh B 3112d image1996, Christmas, Madonna and Child by Paolo de Matteis, $6.40 self-adhesive unfolded booklet pane of 20, top seven stamps at the top with missing black engraved inscription due to strong shift of die cutting, while six bottom ones have this inscription printed at top and bottom, fresh and VF, the item is listed, but priced in Scott with ''-'', Est. $400-$500 (Image)

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Currently...$ 200.00
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271 nh B 3363a var image1999, Deer, intact booklet pane of $6.60 containing 20 two-color stamps of 33c in gold and four other colors, 4 stamps at bottom row have missing large part of gold, backing paper intact, VF, scarce and a spectacular item, a common pane is included, Est. $300-$400 (Image)

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Currently...$ 150.00
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272 nh B 3492c image2001, Apples and Oranges, $6.80 intact booklet, containing 20 self-adhesive 34c stamps in two panes of ten, blocks of four at right of each pane with omitted black color, backing paper intact, VF, as per US Errors Cat. this is unique booklet pane, Est. $4,000-$5,000 (Image)

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Currently...$ 2,000.00
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Special Delivery stamps
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip
273 nh E15c image1927, Motorcycle Delivery, 10c red lilac, horizontal pair imperforate between stamps, full OG, NH, VF centering for this difficult error, C.v. $575, Est. $300-$350 (Image)

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Currently...$ 150.00
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Official Mail
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip
274 nh Bl O148 imp image1991, 23c red, blue and black, imperforate block of four, full OG, NH, VF, this item is considered to be a printer's waste, Est. $200-$250 (Image)

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Currently...$ 100.00
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Revenue stamps
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip
275 nh RG123 image1944, Silver Tax stamp, J. C. Spencer, $4 gray, strong color, full OG, NH, fine, PF certificate, C.v. $150 as hinged, Est. $100-$120 (Image) (Image2)


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Currently...$ 50.00
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War Saving stamps
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip
276 nh Bl WS7 image1942, Minute Man, 10c rose red, complete pane of 100 (10x10), top part (two and a half rows - 30 stamps) printed on double paper, scotch tape on top margin (front) and on 3rd row (reverse), red splice lines on front and back, full OG, NH, VF and rare, Est. $600-$800 (Image) (Image2)


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Currently...$ 300.00
Will close during Public Auction
United States Collections
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip
277 nh Bl 373/ 1207, C7/C90 imageMODERATE PLATE BLOCKS COLLECTION IN TWO SCOTT ALBUMS: 1909-76, 581 items, including blocks of four, six or larger, some panes and souvenir sheets, representing postage and air post material, starting with Hudson-Fulton Celebration, some better items including Presidential of 1938, perf and imperf National Parks issues and etc., fresh quality, full OG, generally all NH (some hinged on margins, counted as singles), F/VF, C.v. is over $4,700, Est. $1,000-$1,200 (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4) (Image5) (Image6) (Image7) (Image8) (Image9) (Image10) (Image11) (Image12) (Image13) (Image14) (Image15) (Image16) (Image17) (Image18) (Image19) (Image20) (Image21) (Image22) (Image23) (Image24) (Image25) (Image26) (Image27) (Image28) (Image29) (Image30) (Image31) (Image32) (Image33) (Image34) (Image35) (Image36) (Image37) (Image38) (Image39) (Image40) (Image41) (Image42) (Image43) (Image44) (Image45) (Image46) (Image47) (Image48) (Image49) (Image50) (Image51) (Image52) (Image53) (Image54) (Image55) (Image56) (Image57) (Image58)

image image image image image

Get Market Data for [United States 373/ 1207, C7/C90] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Currently...$ 500.00
Will close during Public Auction
278 nh 948/ 2975 imagePOST WORLD WAR II COLLECTION IN SCOTT SPECIALTY ALBUM: 1947-90, about 1700 mint stamps, 19 souvenir sheets, 29 complete se-tenant panes and 3 booklets, apparently complete for the period with some material after 1990, nice presentation of definitives, including imperf pair of coils #1058a, 1906a, 2009a, 2457a and many more, some imperf errors such as #1698b (no gum) and 1702a, nice quality unit, full OG, NH, mostly VF, C.v. is about $2,200, Est. $400-$500 (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4) (Image5) (Image6) (Image7) (Image8) (Image9) (Image10) (Image11) (Image12) (Image13) (Image14) (Image15) (Image16) (Image17) (Image18) (Image19) (Image20) (Image21) (Image22) (Image23) (Image24) (Image25) (Image26) (Image27) (Image28) (Image29) (Image30) (Image31) (Image32) (Image33) (Image34) (Image35) (Image36)

image image image image image

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Currently...$ 200.00
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279 nh Bl 905/968 var imageDOUBLE PAPER VARIETY - SEVEN ITEMS: 1942-48, Win The War, War Veterans, Tennessee Statehood, Mississippi, Francis Scott and Poultry, each one has denomination of 3c, four vertical strips of four and three strips of five, each one has two-three stamps with double paper variety, scotch tape on front and reverse, red crayon splice lines, all are NH, VF, Est. $300-$400 (Image) (Image2)


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Currently...$ 150.00
Will close during Public Auction
United Nations
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip
280 nh Bl 1/163, C1-12 imageCOLLECTION ON SCOTT ALBUM PAGES: 1951- 66, 172 mint single stamps, 172 corner margin inscribed blocks of four, 3 souvenir sheets and 17 postal stationery items, practically complete for the period, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. is about $450 for stamps only, Est. $150-$200 (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4) (Image5) (Image6) (Image7) (Image8) (Image9) (Image10) (Image11) (Image12) (Image13) (Image14) (Image15) (Image16) (Image17) (Image18) (Image19) (Image20)

image image image image image

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Currently...$ 75.00
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