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Collections continued...

Worldwide Lots & Collections continued...
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
427 Unused , collections , postcard   imageUnited Nations. Collection of mainly U.M. sets on the album 16 pages including 4 blocks. Almost complete for the period 1958 to 1965 including mini sheets. Cat value MNH, & block No 1 hinged. EURO 300++

Currently...$ 30.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
428 collections , postcard   imageCollection GUINEE mounted in Album pages stock book with good stamps, sets, and souvenir sheets including apparently MNH and of excellent quality. The catalog value is of Euros 1400+, a low start! IMPORTANT: Please view ALL the lot photos, because all the stamps have been scanned.  organized in Havid on pages (different stamps per page), Including spice sheets perforation, and more. A trip to Space to save on shipping costs. Catalog value Euro1400++  all MNH

Currently...$ 160.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
429 collections , postcard   imageBritish Guiana. Collection of mainly U.M. sets on the album 16 pages including 4 blocks. Almost complete for the period 1966 to 1975 including mini sheets. Cat value MNH. EURO 250++

Currently...$ 35.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
430 collections , postcard   image1970-1982. MNH stamp collection Ghana from 1970, including souvenir timesheets and a lot of thematic including imperf sheets material in 1 (A4) stock book.Cata value 1400 Euro.

Currently...$ 150.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
431 collections , extremelyfine , postcard   imageA collection mounted in a pad of album pages with good stamps, NEW ZEALAND 1930-1979, including Small blocks of 6 stamps (Thematic birds) mine sheets as souvenir pages, including probably MNH, and in excellent quality. The catalog value is EUR 850++, a low start! Organized in Havid in the album (different stamps per page), . very good collection.

Currently...$ 100.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
432 collections , postcard   imageA collection mounted in a pad of album pages with good stamps, EAST ASIA & AFRICA JAPAN & TOGO, COTE D'IVOIRE, sets, and souvenir pages including probably MNH and in excellent quality. The catalog value is EUR 700++, a low start! Organized in Havid on leaves (various stamps per page), .

Currently...$ 100.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
433 collections , postcard   imageCollection mounted in album page pad with good stamps, GUYANA & UNITED NATIONS. AND NEW ZEALAND Souvenir sets and pages that probably include MNH and are of excellent quality. The catalog value is 400+ euros, a low start! Organized in Havid on leaves (various stamps per page),.

Currently...$ 50.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
434 collections , postcard   image1969-1978. MNH stamp collection Guinee from 1969, including souvenir timesheets (21) and a lot of thematic including imperf sheets and stamps material in 14 (A4) stock book.Cata value 900 Euro.

Currently...$ 100.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
435 collections , postcard   imageUnited Nations. Collection of mainly U.M. sets on the album 16 pages (A4) including 4 blocks. Almost complete for the period 1958 to 1984 including mini sheets. All stamps MNH, all stamps with a margin with the United Nations symbol, stamps from USA, AUSTRIA & SWISS, include 20 Flag Sheets. All blocks include No-1. Cat value MNH, & block No 1 hinged. EURO 500++

Currently...$ 80.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
436 Unused , collections , postcard   imageThe Vatican Stamp and bloks1945-1984 Two well-populated albums organized into two albums, one of 16 pages Elephant album and a small album of 16 pages. All stamps are in good condition. Catalog value 400 euros++

Currently...$ 50.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
437 collections , postcard   imageCollection mounted in Album pages with good stamps, sets, and souvenir sheets, apparently MNH, and of excellent quality. The catalog value is of Euros 2400+, low start! IMPORTANT: Please view ALL the lot photos, because all the stamps have been scanned. To Bidders living outside of Brazil, all MNH. VF

Currently...$ 300.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
438 collections , postcard   image1964-1975. MNH stamp collection Guinee from 1964, including souvenir timesheets (22) and a lot of thematic stamps. including a small collection of Israeli stamps from the 1970s  material in 16 (A4) stock book. Cata value 300++ Euro.

Currently...$ 40.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
441 veryfine , postcard   imageThailand 1970-1980 small collection 18 series mostly thematic. They are organized on two pages, marginal gum MNH.

Currently...$ 60.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
442 Used , collections , postcard   imageFrance. This collection of French stamps from 1926 to 1977 is organized in a 16-page album, including six pages. Most of the stamps are in good condition, and a few individual stamps are signed.Catalog value 2100 euros.

Currently...$ 120.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
443 collections , extremelyfine , postcard   imageCyprus. A collection of Cyprus stamps from independence 1960-1977 is organized in a 16-page album. It includes catalogs 179-193, including block number 1. All stamps are MNH originals.Catalog value 896 euros.

Currently...$ 90.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
444 collections , veryfine , postcard   imageA collection from African countries, organized in two small 10 &16-page albums. Includes from countries such as Cote-D'ivoire, Dahomey, Gabonasise, Ghana, Malagasy & Nigeria., stamps and boolks all stamps are in good condition with original gum MNH. Catalog value (2014) €580. Estimate: $200 -  $300.

Currently...$ 60.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
445 collections , postcard   imageMalta. Collection of mainly U.M. sets on the album 16 pages including 2 blocks. Almost complete for the period 1960 to 1982 including mini sheets. Missing just a few key sets. MNH Cat value EURO 400++

Currently...$ 50.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM

Definitive Stamps Varieties

Color And Printing
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
70 mintneverhinged   image1948 New Year Stamp 20m Bale: 13XII - This printing variety exhibits a downward shift of the color ribbon within the design, resulting in wider margins at the bottom of the stamp.

Currently...$ 60.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
82 Front Cover , veryfine   image1966 Israel Scott #217, Bale #238a - Zodiac 0.32A with 0.30A black overprint. This lot includes one stamp with a missing black overprint, alongside another stamp from the same issue, displaying the correct black overprint denomination. Both stamps are affixed to a Tel Aviv registered envelope.

Currently...$ 50.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
83 mintneverhinged   image1986 Archeology Series, an error in denomination of the first stamp in this series, Bale 921, Scott # 930 displays the Old Shekel currency of 1000 S. instead of the correct 1 NIS value.  MNH

Currently...$ 60.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM

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