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Germany Early States continued...

Bavaria continued...
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
163 Front Cover , veryfine   imageBavaria lot of two folded letters from Ludwigshafen: 1867 – Folded letter bearing a 3 Kreuzer carmine stamp with full margins, tied with an open Mühlrad cancel “291”  alongside a semi-circle Ludwigshafen postmark (13.4.67). On the reverse, a semi-circle arrival mark from Straubing (14.4.67). 1873 – Folded letter franked with a 3 Kreuzer carmine (Mi. 23) with a corner nip, posted from Illkirch-Crafenstaden on 13.10.73.

Currently...$ 30.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
164 Front Cover , veryfine   imageGerman States, Barvaria, 1856 folded letter from  Munchen  Bayren  to Prag, franked with single 9kr green, Mi. No. 5aIII tied by "217" numeral wheel pmk, arrival pm dated 13.8.56

Currently...$ 40.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
165     imageBayern 1917. lot of two  one cover sent from  Melli Grunbaum  franked 40Pf and second cover send from Bayren on  21Jun  1917 franked mix fraktur 160 Pf, to Aschaffenburg

Currently...$ 20.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
166 Cover , veryfine   imageGerman States, Barvaria, 1856 folded letter  from Augsburg Bayren  to Berlinn, franked with single 9kr green, Mi. No. 5d tied by "18" numeral wheel pmk, margins all around, overall toning, with appropriate sequence of transit & arrival pm

Currently...$ 40.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
167 extremelyfine , postcard   imagestamp booklet Mi: No. 1 al, with serial number 1, is a complete original booklet with all stamps and intermediate labels. All stamps are mint never hinged. When the clip is opened, the Lumbeck-like bond is completely missing and the intermediate sheet 6 is inserted upside down. Minimal stains on the back do not spoil the otherwise very good overall impression. The booklet with a small edition has only rarely been preserved. A certificate from the Basel stamp inspection office dated June 12th. 2002 was available. Cat. Euro 5000.

Currently...$ 600.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
168 Mint Never Hinged , minthinged , veryfine   image1911, Bayern 14 diff stamps pf5 green and diff advertising stamp 12 label horizontal and two vertically (Michel # 77, No # W1.55, W1.47, W1.47, W1.47, W1.46, W1.37, W1.38, W1.39, W1.35, W1.36, W1.40, W1.41, S1.6, S1.8). mixed condition Cat. value €2860.

Currently...$ 250.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
169 booklet , veryfine   image1914, German BAYERN 1914-1916, Booklet Stamp. Booklet No. Mi-MHB-7a Two stamps missing from 1st pane. Cat V. for full booklet € 1000

Currently...$ 150.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
170 Used   image1911-12, Bayern pf5 green with advertising  G.Zechmeyer Nurnberg (Michel # 77, No # W1.55 R48/77II, used vf. Cat. €2000.

Currently...$ 150.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
171 Cover , veryfine   imageGerman State Braunschweig, 1863 folded letter from franked with a 3 Silbergroschen rose, imperforate, with full margins slightly touching at the upper right corner (Mi. 12a, Sc. 11; €280). Canceled with a superimposed numeral "8" and an adjacent double-circle "Braunschweig 3 Dec 1863" postmark. Sent to Hietzing, Vienna, with an arrival CDS on the reverse, along with a red wax seal.

Currently...$ 120.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
172 veryfine , Sheet Letter   image1866. Folded letter 4s dark green MiNr: 16a perf 13 ½ cds Hamburg 20 1 9-10A. on reverse WIEN pmk. The top side of the envelope had a small fold.

Currently...$ 29.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
173 Sheet Letter   image1866. Folded letter 4s dark green MiNA: 16a perf 131/2. cds dubel single-circle HMBURG 20 1 9-10A arrival WINEN. Top side small fold for the envelope coverץ

Currently...$ 30.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
174 Used , veryfine   image1859 1/2s black, large margins all around, v.f. used, signed Richter, Their etc. (Mi.1) Catalog #1.  S. PINCHOT  Expert Catalog Value € 750

Currently...$ 100.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
175 veryfine , Sheet Letter   image1864 commercial folded letter franked with a 1 1/4 Schilling brown-violet stamp, perforated 13 ½ (Mi. No. 12a). The stamp is canceled with a single-circle postmark reading "ST. P. A. HMBURG". The letter, sent at the domestic rate, was addressed to Neustadt and bears an arrival postmark. The condition is Very Fine (VF). Expert's mark on the bottom right corner of the reverse.

Currently...$ 60.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
176 Cover , veryfine , Sheet Letter   imageHanover, lot of 2 folded letters: 1851 cover franked with a Hanover 1/10 Thaler black on yellow stamp (Mi. No. 5, Scott 6), tied with a Hildesheim postmark and addressed to Mecklenburg-Schwerin. 1856 cover from Celle, Hanover to Herrn Mynher Grote in Hannover, franked with a 1 Gr. stamp (Mi. No. 9), domestic rate.

Currently...$ 50.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
North German Federation
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
177 Cover , collections , veryfine , Sheet Letter   imageNorth German Federation 1868, postal district 7 ancient sheet letters group of 4.

Currently...$ 60.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
178 veryfine , Sheet Letter   imageNorth German Confederation 1869 – 2 Kreuzer definitive stamp (MiNr. 20) on cover from Grunberg.

Currently...$ 80.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
179 Cover , collections , veryfine   imageNorth German Confederation 1868-1870 lot of 4 covers:  1gr rose and 2gr blue tied with box cachet  Jordansmuhl to Breslau ¼ Gr and ½ Gr (Mi. No. 13, 15) on 1870 Leipzig 16 to Jassy Romania 5 Gr and 1 Gr (Mi. No. 4, 5) on 1868 cover Wotschnil to Berlin 5 Gr and 1 Gr (Mi. No. 4, 5) on 1870 Reg. cover posted from  cancelled with Wöschnik cds  to Jerusalem st. Berlin. red wax seal and transit pmks on reveres.

Currently...$ 80.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
180 Front Cover , veryfine   imageNorddeutscher Bund (North German Confederation) lot of 2 commercial covers: 1871 cover, franked with 10c Mi. No. 5 I (blue) and 5c Mi. No. 4 I (green), posted from Metz and addressed to Baden. Strassburg, dated 30 June, sent to Nangy, north of France, franked with a 20c Mi. No. 6 I (red)

Currently...$ 60.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
181 Cover , veryfine , Sheet Letter   image1871 sheet letter sent from Berlin blue cds arrived to Sweden  Karlstadt 25.7.71 franking 1/3Gr MiNr: 14. 1870. folded letter from Frankfurt Mr. Hirseh from Aschafenburg 8 spt 70/ Respectable Rabbinate and Praiseworthy Board!We have the honor of sending you an appeal of the most urgent content with the humble request that you please organize the collection requested therein as best as possible, and request that you send the amounts received to the undersigned, for which a public account will be given later.We sign, with our best thanks in advance,BERLIN, in Aw 5631.With the greatest respect,The Board of the Association for Palestinian Affairs.I. A.Dr. Israel Hildesheimer.Chairman.

Get Market Data for [Germany Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Currently...$ 60.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
182 Cover , veryfine   image1867, Germany (Oldenburg, German States) , 3 Gr. ochre-brwn (Mi. 19 B, CV $70), cover to Frankfurt.

Currently...$ 60.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM

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