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German Zones continued...

British Zone
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
271     imageGermany 1949 American-British zone, Souvenir sheet issue ‘Export Fair Hanover 1948’ mixed franking with and the 2 penny help for the needy on Registered FD cover to Hamburg with arrival and First flight cds on back. in good condition,  Bl. 1a, 500€

Currently...$ 100.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
Russian Zone
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
272 mintneverhinged   imageGerman local issues, Bad Gottleube, blackened 3th Reich commemorative stamp, Hitlers birthday 1942, with "Town seal" overprint, mnh. Expertised/signed: STURN. A absolut rare stamp in a good condition.

Currently...$ 100.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
273 mintneverhinged   imageGerman local issues, Chemnitz 4, with blackening from Hitlers face, 7 different Hitler stamps, mnh, each stamp expertised/signed. Richter.

Currently...$ 100.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
274 mintneverhinged   imageGerman local issues. Schwarzenberg. Hitler stamps (1 to 5 Reichsmark) blackended with "Manor" withuout inscription  Schwarzenberg" overprint. Michel No. 20 II to 23 II complete, mnh,  in perfect condition, each stamp expertised/signed: STURM,  Rare and hard to find.

Currently...$ 250.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
275 mintneverhinged   imageGerman local issues. Schwarzenberg. Hitler stamps (10 + 12 Pfennik) blackended with "Manor" withuout inscription  Schwarzenberg" overprint. Michel No. 24 + 25 I, MNH, in perfect condition, each stamp expertised/signed: STURM. extremly rare.

Currently...$ 200.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
276 mintneverhinged   imageGerman local issues, Wurzen. Proofs. Hitler stamps, 6, 10 + 12 Pfennig, in stripes of 3 with different coplor overprints. Mnh and expertised/signed. ZIERER BPP Very rare.

Currently...$ 150.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
277 mintneverhinged   imageGerman local issues, Wurzen. Hitler stamps, 10 + 12 Pfennig, blockened with blackening from Hitlers face, Michel No. 21 +22, mnh, in perfect condition, each stamp expertised/signed. STURM.

Currently...$ 200.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
278 mintneverhinged   imageGerman local issues. Schwarzenberg. Hitler stamps (10 + 12 Pfennik) blackended with "Manor" withuout inscription  Schwarzenberg" overprint. Michel No. 24 + 25 II, MNH, in perfect condition, each stamp expertised/signed: STURM. extremly rare and vnot easy to find.

Currently...$ 200.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
279 mintneverhinged   imageGerman local issues. Schwarzenberg. Hitler stamps (1 to 5 Reichsmark) blackended with "Manor" withuout inscription  Schwarzenberg" overprint. Michel No. 20 to 23 I complete, mnh,  in perfect condition, each stamp expertised/signed: STURM and ZIERER BPP. Rare and hard to find.

Currently...$ 250.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
280 mintneverhinged   imageGerman local issues, Wurzen. Hitler stamps, 1 to 5 Reichsmark, blackened with blackening Hitlers face, Michel No.20B, I, II and III,  complete, mnh, in perfect condition, each stamp expertised/signed: STURM aND ZIERER BPP.

Currently...$ 250.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
281 mintneverhinged   imageGerman local issues, Aue, commemorative stamps "8 Jahre Reichs-Arbeitsdienst" complte, mnh, in perfect condition. Each stamp expertised/signed. Richte

Currently...$ 100.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
282 mintneverhinged   imageGerman local issues, Bad Gottleube, blackened 3th Reich commemorative stamp,  1942, with "Town seal" overprint 13 diferent stamps. All stamps mnh. Expertised/signed: ZIERER BPP. A absolut rare stamp in a good condition

Currently...$ 100.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
283 extremelyfine , postcard   imageRussia, German Occupation in WWI , 1918 Provisional issue Dorpat, Dark violet ultramarine, imprint on Mi.RU 69, 20 German reichspfennig, Mi. D 1a, Yt. 13, Mint signed Bloch

Currently...$ 60.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
284 mintneverhinged   imageGerman local issues, Wurzen. Hitler stamps blackened with blackening from Hitlers face. Michel No.  1 to 19 inkl. the good color No. 5Ia, complete, mnh, in perfect condition. each stamp expertised/signed: STURM

Currently...$ 150.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
285 mintneverhinged   imageGerman local issues. Schwarzenberg. Hitler stamps (10 + 12 Pfennik) blackended with "Manor" withuout inscription  Schwarzenberg" overprint. Michel No. 1 to 19 II inkl. the good color No. 5IIa, complte, mnh, in perfect condition, each stamp expertised/signed: STURM

Currently...$ 200.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
286 mintneverhinged   imageGerman local issues. Schwarzenberg. Hitler stamps (10 + 12 Pfennik) blackended with "Manor" withuout inscription  Schwarzenberg" overprint. Michel No. 1 to 19 I inkl. the good color No. 5Ia, complte, mnh, in perfect condition, each stamp expertised/signed: STURM.

Currently...$ 200.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
287 mintneverhinged   imageGerman local issues, Bad Gottleube, blackened Hitlers stamps with "Town seal" overprint. Michel No. 1 to 19 complete, mnh, All stamps expertsed/signed: ZIERER BPP A extremely rare set in perfect condition.

Currently...$ 100.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM


Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
144 Used   image1911, Germany kamerun Vertical Gutter Pairs,  5pf Plus Label, Michel # S2 R2/21, used, VF Michel € 2000.

Currently...$ 200.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
145 Used , Unused , veryfine   image1900-1915 CAMEROON Mi.7-19, Emperor´s Yacht 3Pfg-5M used, without watermark; very fine Except 5M hinged. Incld  C.E.F. MiNr: 2-4 MH.  cat. 624€

Currently...$ 80.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
146 minthinged , veryfine   image1919, German Kamerun, Booklet Stamp. Booklet No. Mi-MH-3b OG exploded booklet (for exhibiting), all pans are present CatV € 200

Currently...$ 40.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM

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