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click on the image for full size image and description Feature Lot.

Lot 6204 - "G.R. POST 6 CENTS MAFIA" auf 1 Rupie Kaiseryacht, Aufdruck in schwarz, entwertet "F.P.N No. 343", tadellose Erhaltung, einzig bekanntes Exemplar in gestempelter Erhaltung, Expertise David Brandon (2004), Pascal Scheller (2024) "Genuine. Very fine.", Mi. 40.000.- - im Anbetracht dessen, dass es sich um ein Unikat handelt ist der Preisansatz nicht nachvollziehbar, diese seltene Marke zierte schon die legendäre Sammlung Bute! (S.G. M18)

"G. R. Post 6 cents MAFIA" on 1 Rupee imperial yacht, overp.... Currently EUR 28,000

(Link to this Lot in the Catalog for Bidding)

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Dr. Reinhard Fischer Auktions Sale - 200

Worldwide Public Auction of Stamps, Coins and Collections - April 2-4, 2025

Special Note for Live Auction bidders in this sale!

With the high number of lots in this auction there will be times when multiple lots will be skipped if there is no interest in them in order to have the auction proceed in a reasonable amount of time. If you want to place a live bid in this auction you should place a “Watch bid” on the items that you will be interested in bidding on by 30 minutes before the first session of the day begins. You do NOT enter a value for your bid, simply click on the box next to "watch" on the item you are interested in and press "Submit all Bids on this Page" on the top or bottom of the page. This declares that you are interested in the lot. There is no obligation to bid on or buy the lot. You may also use the “Send a Message to the Auction Floor” link from the live bidding form to enter what lot that you are interested in bidding on as the lot gets closer or if the auctioneer asks if there is any interest in a lot or group of lots.

Dr. Reinhard Fischer's auction house will be presenting its 200th jubilee auction on 02 to 04 April, 2025. Almost 7,000 lots with a total starting price of EUR 2,5 Million EUR will be auctioned. The auction offers a special catalogue German and Austrian Rarities since 1849 and the 2nd part ot the "Neptune" collection - German occupation Sudetenland

  • German States: selected offer incl. "Bavaria No. 1" on printed matter in remarkable fresh state of preservation
  • German Empire: interesting offer incl. MiNo. 72c MNH ** extremely fine and outstanding attractive "Vineta provisional" on piece
  • German colonies: wide offer, German East Africa Occ. Mafia MiNo. 18 - the only known used copy - ex. collection Bute
  • German occupation: an astonishing offer incl. Sudetenland with 270 lots incl. many of the sought after souvenir sheets incl. Maffersdorf MiNo. Bl.2 MNH ** (only 2 known!) and used with double ovpt, also Dunkerque and Lorient incl. the unique MiNo. 22
  • Germany past 1945: a rich offer incl. FRG with numerous "never issued" stamps incl. one of 2 known proof sheets of the "Bread for the World" issue
  • Austria: spectacular offer from the classics to the "Dalai Lama" incl. MiNo. 10 bisected with two normal stamps on unique cover
  • Main catalogue: a rich offer incl. strong German Colonies and Occ. - including special offer "Alexanderstadt", PO China and USA "Zeppelin" issue MNH **
Session Information:
Session 1: 02nd of April 2025, lots 1 - 2972 at 07:00 EST. ( 13:00 CET) -- Stamps single lots German States to Sarre
Session 2: 03rd of April 2025, lots 2973 - 5005 at 5:00 EST. ( 06:00 CET) -- Stamps single lots Germany Occ. WWII and past 1945 to Europe & Overseas
Session 3: 03rd of April 2025, lots 5006 - 5901 at 8:00 EST. ( 14:00 CET) -- Stamps collections
Session 4: 04th of April 2025, lots 6001 - 6371 at 05:00 EST. ( 11:00 CET) -- Special catalogue German States to Saare
Session 5: 04th of April 2025, lots 6372 - 6884 at 07:00 EST. ( 13:00 CET) -- Special catalogue coll. "Neptune", German Occ. WW II and Germany past 1945, Austria

Sale Session Information:

Session 1: (Lots 1 - 2972) Wednesday, April 02, 2025 at 5:00 AM EDT
Session 2: (Lots 2973 - 5901) Thursday, April 03, 2025 at 3:00 AM EDT
Session 3: (Lots 6001 - 6884) Friday, April 04, 2025 at 3:00 AM EDT

For more information please contact us at:

Dr. Reinhard Fischer Auktions
Joachimstraße 7
D-53113 Bonn, Germany
Phone: +49/(0)228 - 26 3130
Fax: +49/(0)228 - 21 3381

To request more information by email: info@briefmarkenauktion.net

Visit our Home Page at: Dr. Reinhard Fischer Auktions

Terms and Conditions.(English)
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