Lot |
Symbol |
Descrip |
Cat. Value or Suggested Bid (S.B.) |
1562 |
(12-14) 1st Seahorses og f-VF set (Image)
Cat. 370.00
Currently...$ 50.00
Closing..Feb-14, 06:00 PM (EST) |
1563 |
^ |
(14) 10 shilling used F-VF (Image)
Cat. 400.00
Currently...$ 60.00
Closing..Feb-14, 06:00 PM (EST) |
1564 |
^ |
(36) Seahorse used F-VF (Image)
Cat. 400.00
Currently...$ 60.00
Closing..Feb-14, 06:00 PM (EST) |
1565 |
^ |
(37) 5 shilling used Fine (Image)
Cat. 450.00
Currently...$ 40.00
Closing..Feb-14, 06:00 PM (EST) |
1566 |
(77a-79a) wide and narrow settings gum toning, hinge re-enforcing and a couple with thins appears F-VF set (Image)
Cat. 2800.00
Currently...$ 130.00
Closing..Feb-14, 06:00 PM (EST) |
Lot |
Symbol |
Descrip |
Cat. Value or Suggested Bid (S.B.) |
1568 |
(117-118) Plebiscite og hrs. F-VF set (Image)
Cat. 350.00
Currently...$ 26.00
Closing..Feb-14, 06:00 PM (EST) |
1569 |
^ |
(142A-142D) Philatelic Congress used tied on piece with congress cds F-VF set (Image)
Cat. 1235.00
Currently...$ 180.00
Closing..Feb-14, 06:00 PM (EST) |
1570 |
(142A-142D) Philatelic Congress 3 of the 4 signed Diena og hrs. Fine set (Image)
Cat. 1235.00
Currently...$ 100.00
Closing..Feb-14, 06:00 PM (EST) |
1571 |
(142A) Philatelic Congress og F-VF (Image)
Cat. 425.00
Currently...$ 38.00
Closing..Feb-14, 06:00 PM (EST) |
1572 |
(142D) og hr. F-VF (Image)
Cat. 360.00
Currently...$ 28.00
Closing..Feb-14, 06:00 PM (EST) |
1573 |
(280-289) Garibaldi og F-VF set (Image)
Cat. 166.00
Currently...$ 26.00
Closing..Feb-14, 06:00 PM (EST) |
1574 |
^ |
(280-289) Garibaldi used CTO F-VF set (Image)
Cat. 363.00
Currently...$ 30.00
Closing..Feb-14, 06:00 PM (EST) |
1575 |
^ |
(305) used CTO VF (Image)
Cat. 450.00
Currently...$ 38.00
Closing..Feb-14, 06:00 PM (EST) |
1576 |
(349-354) Composer og F-VF set (Image)
Cat. 287.00
Currently...$ 26.00
Closing..Feb-14, 06:00 PM (EST) |
1577 |
^ |
(354) used CTO F-VF (Image)
Cat. 340.00
Currently...$ 28.00
Closing..Feb-14, 06:00 PM (EST) |
1578 |
^ |
(574-576) Gymnastics used 5 lira with short corner perf o/w F-VF set (Image)
Cat. 1500.00
Currently...$ 110.00
Closing..Feb-14, 06:00 PM (EST) |