Lot |
Symbol |
Descrip |
Cat. Value or Suggested Bid (S.B.) |
1461 |
(13) 30gr. NH F-VF (Image)
Cat. 200.00
Currently...$ 30.00
Closing..Feb-14, 06:00 PM (EST) |
1462 |
^ |
(25, 25a) used F-VF (Image)
Cat. 775.00
Currently...$ 80.00
Closing..Feb-14, 06:00 PM (EST) |
1463 |
(400) high value NH F-VF (Image)
Cat. 235.00
Currently...$ 46.00
Closing..Feb-14, 06:00 PM (EST) |
1464 |
(401-414) Hindenburg og F-VF set (Image)
Cat. 162.00
Currently...$ 26.00
Closing..Feb-14, 06:00 PM (EST) |
1465 |
(670-685) Post Horns NH F-VF set (Image)
Cat. 1700.00
Currently...$ 350.00
Closing..Feb-14, 06:00 PM (EST) |
1466 |
(702-721) Heuss NH F-VF set (Image)
Cat. 225.00
Currently...$ 44.00
Closing..Feb-14, 06:00 PM (EST) |
1467 |
k |
(714) key value NH block F-VF (Image)
Cat. 230.00
Currently...$ 26.00
Closing..Feb-14, 06:00 PM (EST) |
1468 |
(B15-B18) 1926 Arms NH F-VF set (Image)
Cat. 175.00
Currently...$ 38.00
Closing..Feb-14, 06:00 PM (EST) |
1469 |
(B28-B32) 1929 Arms NH F-VF set (Image)
Cat. 180.00
Currently...$ 40.00
Closing..Feb-14, 06:00 PM (EST) |
1470 |
(B33) IPOSTA sheet NH F-VF. (Image)
Cat. 1200.00
Currently...$ 260.00
Closing..Feb-14, 06:00 PM (EST) |
1471 |
(B38-B41) NH F-VF set (Image)
Cat. 180.00
Currently...$ 40.00
Closing..Feb-14, 06:00 PM (EST) |
1472 |
(B59-B67) Workers NH F-VF set (Image)
Cat. 450.00
Currently...$ 95.00
Closing..Feb-14, 06:00 PM (EST) |
1473 |
(B104) Birthday sheet NH F-VF (Image)
Cat. 240.00
Currently...$ 26.00
Closing..Feb-14, 06:00 PM (EST) |
1474 |
(C27-C34) German Eagles NH F-VF set (Image)
Cat. 900.00
Currently...$ 200.00
Closing..Feb-14, 06:00 PM (EST) |
1475 |
(C27-C34) German Eagles NH couple with very minor finger prints on gum F-VF set (Image)
Cat. 900.00
Currently...$ 180.00
Closing..Feb-14, 06:00 PM (EST) |
1476 |
(C35, C36) Zeppelins NH F-VF (Image)
Cat. 307.00
Currently...$ 60.00
Closing..Feb-14, 06:00 PM (EST) |
1477 |
(C38-C39) South American og F-VF set (Image)
Cat. 500.00
Currently...$ 100.00
Closing..Feb-14, 06:00 PM (EST) |
1478 |
(C40, C42) Polar Flight NH both with almost undetectable finger prints F-VF (Image)
Cat. 2200.00
Currently...$ 325.00
Closing..Feb-14, 06:00 PM (EST) |