LotNo. |
Symbol |
Lot Description |
Estimate and Min. Bid in AU$'s |
2525 |
![nh](nh.gif) |
1974 Tourism SG #196-9 set of 4, Cat £24 (2002). (Image1)
Estimate AU$12
Currently Opening at...AU$9.00
Closing..Feb-17, 05:45 PM |
LotNo. |
Symbol |
Lot Description |
Estimate and Min. Bid in AU$'s |
2526 |
F |
1878-99 'CR' Altered to 'VR' Perf 10x11¾ SG
#51b 2d yellow-green, very fine used, perf faults, Cat £550. (Image1)
Estimate AU$140
Currently Opening at...AU$110.00
Closing..Feb-17, 05:45 PM |
2527 |
F |
1881-99 1/- Brown SG #64a deep brown P10, Cat £32. (Image1)
Estimate AU$10
Currently Opening at...AU$8.00
Closing..Feb-17, 05:45 PM |
2528 |
![og](og.gif) |
1903 KEVII Wmk Crown/CA SG #114s £1
grey-black & ultramarine optd 'SPECIMEN', fine MVLH. (Image1)
Estimate AU$150
Currently Opening at...AU$120.00
Closing..Feb-17, 05:45 PM |
2529 |
Δ |
1912-23 KGV Mult Crown CA SG #137a £1 purple and
black/red Die II, on piece with mss cancel, Cat £325. (Image1)
Estimate AU$80
Currently Opening at...AU$65.00
Closing..Feb-17, 05:45 PM |
2530 |
![nh](nh.gif) |
1938-55 KGVI Pictorials SG #251 1½d carmine Die I corner block of 4, Cat £60+, short perf on one unit, gum slightly aged. (Image1)
Estimate AU$20
Currently Opening at...AU$16.00
Closing..Feb-17, 05:45 PM |
2531 |
F |
1917 Postage Dues SG #D5c 2d black fine used with rayed
star cancel, crease at rear not evident from front, Cat £750. (Image1)
Estimate AU$200
Currently Opening at...AU$160.00
Closing..Feb-17, 05:45 PM |
LotNo. |
Symbol |
Lot Description |
Estimate and Min. Bid in AU$'s |
2532 |
B |
1971 20c SG #SB8 with 2c Cardinal Honeyeater block of
10. (Image1)
Estimate AU$4
Currently Opening at...AU$3.00
Closing..Feb-17, 05:45 PM |
Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings
LotNo. |
Symbol |
Lot Description |
Estimate and Min. Bid in AU$'s |
2533 |
F |
1871-1950s Fine Used Collection well
arranged in a Lighthouse stockbook organised in SG order, noted: 1871 1d blue & 2d pale yellow-green CV £505, 1878-99 various perf issues, 1891-1902 issues, 1903 set to 1/- green & carmine, 1912-23 set of 13 to £1 Die I & Die II both with
CV of £325 ea, 1922-29 set of 14 to 5/- green & red/pale yellow, Omnibus and Commens up to £1 plus more. Well presented collection to suit any buyer. Vendor states a CV of £8,500+, inspection recommended. (100s) (Image1) (Image2)
Get Market Data for [Fiji Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate AU$1,500
Currently Opening at...AU$1,150.00
Closing..Feb-17, 05:45 PM |
2534 |
![og](og.gif) |
1871-1950s Mint Collection well arranged in
a Lighthouse stockbook organised in SG order, noted: 1871 1d blue, 2d pale yellow-green & 6d rose CV £385, 1878-99 various perf issues, 1891-1902 issues, 1912-23 set of 12 to 5/- green & red/yellow, 1922-29 set of 14 to 5/-, Omnibus and
Commens some with varieties, Postage Dues plus more. Overall a beautifully presented collection, without duplication, that would suit any purchaser. Vendor states a CV of £7,500, inspection will be sure to reward. (100s) (Image1) (Image2)
Get Market Data for [Fiji Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate AU$1,500
Currently Opening at...AU$1,150.00
Closing..Feb-17, 05:45 PM |
2535 |
/ /U |
1880s-1996 Collection in hingeless Seven
Seas album with fragmentary array mint or used to 1950s incl KEVII 1903 ½d to 5/- mint, KGV 1922-27 ¼d to 5/- set mint (Cat £130), 1954 onwards approx 90% complete incl QEII 1954-59 ½d to £1 MLH/MVLH, 1959-63 to £1 MUH, 1962-67 to £1 MLH;
decimal issues (incl M/Ss) appear to be mostly MLH or MUH; generally fine. (100s)
(Image1) (Image2)
Get Market Data for [Fiji Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate AU$180
Currently Opening at...AU$145.00
Closing..Feb-17, 05:45 PM |
2536 |
U/![og](og.gif) |
1882-1986 Randomly Set Out throughout the
range with strength in the variable condition QV period, noting 1877 4d on 3d SG #34 mint x3 (one toned perfs, one mint no gum) and used x5, 1881 1901 6d bright rose perf 11 Plate II SG
#57b (blunt TLC),1882 5/- SG #69 used and 1891 2½d Chocolate perf 11x10 SG #114. Then scattered */U KEVII and KGV definitives, KGV Silver Jubilee, 1937 Coronation
and 1949 UPU MLH followed by duplicated (but incomplete dies/perfs/shades), 1938-55 definitives to 5/- plus 10/- and £1 MLH. The balance is scattered disorganised QEII period to about 1986. (c300) (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$150
Currently Opening at...AU$115.00
Closing..Feb-17, 05:45 PM |
2537 |
![nh](nh.gif) |
1997-2019 Collection appaarently complete (ex
2006-16 Defintive Surcharges, small selection only) in hingeless Seven Seas album incl 2000 New Millenium set & M/S (Cat £65) and sought-after 2011-19 era where many sets and M/Ss Cat £10 to £15+ each; generally very fine MUH. (100s) (Image1) (Image2)
Get Market Data for [Fiji Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate AU$180
Currently Opening at...AU$145.00
Closing..Feb-17, 05:45 PM |
Postal Stationery - Registration Envelopes
LotNo. |
Symbol |
Lot Description |
Estimate and Min. Bid in AU$'s |
2538 |
P,S |
1969-71 2c+8c red on buff, blue text, size G, 1971
setting. (Image1)
Estimate AU$10
Currently Opening at...AU$8.00
Closing..Feb-17, 05:45 PM |
Postal History
LotNo. |
Symbol |
Lot Description |
Estimate and Min. Bid in AU$'s |
2541 |
![c](cov.gif) |
1982 (Feb 5) use of 15c Building x24 on large commercial air cover from Suva to Melbourne,
collector annotation on face, crease not affecting stamps. Unusual. (Image1)
Estimate AU$24
Currently Opening at...AU$20.00
Closing..Feb-17, 05:45 PM |
First Flight Covers
LotNo. |
Symbol |
Lot Description |
Estimate and Min. Bid in AU$'s |
2542 |
![c](cov.gif) |
1959 Australia - Fiji AAMC
#1407a illustrated Qantas 707 cover with adhesive cancel by special cancel Sydney 29July 59 backstamped Nadi Airport Fiji 29JUL59. (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$20
Currently Opening at...AU$16.00
Closing..Feb-17, 05:45 PM |
LotNo. |
Symbol |
Lot Description |
Estimate and Min. Bid in AU$'s |
2543 |
S |
Nadarivatu: blue straight-line '[NA]DARIVA[TU]' on 1d red KEVII. [Rated 150 by Proud] PO c.-/7/1905. (Image1)
Estimate AU$16
Currently Opening at...AU$13.00
Closing..Feb-17, 05:45 PM |
2544 |
Δ |
Savu Savu (2): 'SAVU SAVU/27MY59 9/FIJI', cancelling 3d Copra. Renamed from Savu Savu East PO 16/5/1946. (Image1)
Estimate AU$8
Currently Opening at...AU$6.00
Closing..Feb-17, 05:45 PM |
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