Worldwide continued...
LotNo. |
Symbol |
CatNo. |
Lot Description |
Est or CV / bid in C$'s |
1676 |
FRANCE #22a TO #27 Lot of 3 1862-71 Emperor Napoleon III issue, perf, 1c bronze green on pale blue paper, 10c bister on yellowish paper and 40c orange on yellowish paper, used with a few perf faults.
Scott CV US$45.25 (Image)
Cat.Value: 61
Currently ($Cdn)...C$0.00
Closing..Feb-17, 03:00 PM |
1677 |
FRANCE #23 1862-71Emperor Napoleon III perf issue, 5c yellow green on yellowish paper, mint. Scott CV US$190
Cat.Value: 257
Currently ($Cdn)...C$0.00
Closing..Feb-17, 03:00 PM |
1678 |
FRANCE #28 1862-71 "Emperor Napoleon III" issue, perf, 80c rose on pinkish paper, used with Paris Star cancel. Scott CV US$30 (Image)
Cat.Value: 40
Currently ($Cdn)...C$0.00
Closing..Feb-17, 03:00 PM |
1679 |
FRANCE #29 TO #36 Lot of 3 1863-70 Napoleon III issue, perf, 1c bronze green, 20c blue and 80c rose, used. Scott CV US$37.55 (Image)
Cat.Value: 50
Currently ($Cdn)...C$0.00
Closing..Feb-17, 03:00 PM |
1680 |
FRANCE #29 1863-70 Napoleon III Laureate issue, 1c bronze green on pale blue paper, newspaper cancellation, used. Newspaper cancellations are not listed in Scott, Yvert&Tellier CV €35 (Image)
Cat.Value: 37
Currently ($Cdn)...C$0.00
Closing..Feb-17, 03:00 PM |
1681 |
FRANCE #29 1863-70 Napoleon III Laureate issue, pair of 1c bronze green on pale blue paper, newspaper cancellation, used with pulled perf lower right corner. Newspaper cancellations are not listed in
Scott, Yvert&Tellier CV €70 (Image)
Cat.Value: 105
Currently ($Cdn)...C$0.00
Closing..Feb-17, 03:00 PM |
1682 |
FRANCE #29 1863-70 Napoleon III Laureate issue, pair of 1c bronze green on pale blue paper, newspaper cancellation, used on piece of newspaper. Newspaper cancellations are not listed in Scott,
Yvert&Tellier CV €70 (Image)
Cat.Value: 105
Currently ($Cdn)...C$0.00
Closing..Feb-17, 03:00 PM |
1683 |
FRANCE #29 - #37 Complete set of 9 of the 1863-70 Napoleon III perf issue, 1c to 5fr., used. Scott CV US$930.55
Cat.Value: 1258
Currently ($Cdn)...C$0.00
Closing..Feb-17, 03:00 PM |
1684 |
FRANCE #29 1863-70 Napoleon III perf issue, 1c bronze green on pale blue paper, MNH with some gum disturbance. Scott CV US$37.50 (Image)
Cat.Value: 51
Currently ($Cdn)...C$0.00
Closing..Feb-17, 03:00 PM |
1685 |
FRANCE #30 1863-70 Napoleon III Laureate issue, 2c red brown on yellowish paper, newspaper cancellation, used. Newspaper cancellations are not listed in Scott, Yvert&Tellier CV €80 (Image)
Cat.Value: 120
Currently ($Cdn)...C$0.00
Closing..Feb-17, 03:00 PM |
1686 |
FRANCE #30 1863-70 Napoleon III perf issue, 2c red brown on yellowish paper, mint. Scott CV US$105 (Image)
Cat.Value: 142
Currently ($Cdn)...C$0.00
Closing..Feb-17, 03:00 PM |
1687 |
FRANCE #31 1863-70 Napoleon III Laureate issue, 4c gray, newspaper cancellation, used. Newspaper cancellations are not listed in Scott, Yvert&Tellier CV €250 (Image)
Cat.Value: 375
Currently ($Cdn)...C$0.00
Closing..Feb-17, 03:00 PM |
1688 |
FRANCE #32 1863-70 Napoleon III perf issue, 10c bister on yellowish paper, mint. Scott CV US$215 (Image)
Cat.Value: 290
Currently ($Cdn)...C$0.00
Closing..Feb-17, 03:00 PM |
1689 |
FRANCE #33 1867 Napoleon 20c blue with "a la corne" variety. Not listed in Scott, Yvert&Tellier €130
Cat.Value: 190
Currently ($Cdn)...C$0.00
Closing..Feb-17, 03:00 PM |
1690 |
FRANCE #34 1863-70 Napoleon III perf issue, 20c blue on bluish paper, MNH. Scott CV US$175 (Image)
Cat.Value: 236
Currently ($Cdn)...C$0.00
Closing..Feb-17, 03:00 PM |
1691 |
FRANCE #36 1863-70 "Napoleon III" issue, 80c rose on pinkish paper, used. Scott CV US$20 (Image)
Cat.Value: 27
Currently ($Cdn)...C$0.00
Closing..Feb-17, 03:00 PM |
1692 |
FRANCE #38 1870-71 Ceres Bordeaux issue, imperf, 1c olive green on pale blue paper, 4 large margins, mint. Scott CV US$125 (Image)
Cat.Value: 170
Currently ($Cdn)...C$0.00
Closing..Feb-17, 03:00 PM |
1693 |
FRANCE #38 TO #48 Lot of 8 1870-71 Cres Bordeaux issue, imperf, 1c bronze green, 2c red brown, 5c yellow green, 10c bister, 20c blue (type II and III), 40c orange and 80c rose, used with 3 and 4
margins. Scott CV US$1011 (Image)
Cat.Value: 1366
Currently ($Cdn)...C$0.00
Closing..Feb-17, 03:00 PM |
1694 |
FRANCE #38a 1870-71 Ceres Bordeaux issue, imperf, 1c bronze green on pale blue paper, 4 large margins, used with very light cancel. Scott CV US$155 (Image)
Cat.Value: 210
Currently ($Cdn)...C$0.00
Closing..Feb-17, 03:00 PM |
1695 |
FRANCE #39 1970-71 Ceres Bordeaux imperf issue, 2c red brown, 4 large margins, mint. Scott CV US$225
Cat.Value: 304
Currently ($Cdn)...C$0.00
Closing..Feb-17, 03:00 PM |
1696 |
FRANCE #42, #45 AND $47 Lot of 4 1870 Ceres Bordeaux 10c bister, 20c blue (2 shades) and 40c orange, used. Scott CV US$223 (Image)
Cat.Value: 300
Currently ($Cdn)...C$0.00
Closing..Feb-17, 03:00 PM |
1697 |
FRANCE #42 1870-71 Ceres Bordeaux issue, imperf, 10c bister on yellowish paper, used with 3 clear margins and just cut into at top left. Scot CV US$60 (Image)
Cat.Value: 80
Currently ($Cdn)...C$0.00
Closing..Feb-17, 03:00 PM |
1698 |
FRANCE #48 1870-71 Bordeaux issue, 80c rose on pinkish paper, used with 3 margins (just cut into at top right). Scott CV US$250 (Image)
Cat.Value: 333
Currently ($Cdn)...C$0.00
Closing..Feb-17, 03:00 PM |
1699 |
FRANCE #50 TO #73 Lot of 12 1870-73 Ceres perf issue, used. Scott CV US$144.70 (Image)
Cat.Value: 193
Currently ($Cdn)...C$0.00
Closing..Feb-17, 03:00 PM |
1700 |
FRANCE #50 1871-72 Ceres issue, 1c olive green on pale blue paper, used with newspaper cancellation, Newspaper cancellations are not listed in Scott, Yvert&Tellier CV €30 (Image)
Cat.Value: 45
Currently ($Cdn)...C$0.00
Closing..Feb-17, 03:00 PM |