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Russian Post in Mongolia, Charity Letter Sheets, Mute Covers continued...

Russian Post in Urga, Mongolia continued...
Lot Symbol Lot Description CV or Estimate
2404 Used image1915 (24 Nov) Censored cover sent from Urga (Mongolia) to Wiborg (Russian Finland) franked with 10k tied by Urga Type 7 datestamp, rare censor black handstamp Used(Image 1) (Image 2)


Closing..Feb-07, 10:00 AM
2405 Used image1915 (Aug) View postcard to famous Russian explorer P. K. Kozlov, discoverer of Kara Khoto, in Urga (URGA V MONGOLII "b" backstamp Type 7a), franked by 3k tied by TSARSKOYE SELO datestamp. Inward mail is very scarce Used(Image 1) (Image 2)


Closing..Feb-07, 10:00 AM
2406 Used image1915 (Aug) Cover to Elizabeth V. Kozlov, wife of famous Russian explorer P. K. Kozlov, in Urga (URGA V MONGOLII "v" Type 7b backstamp) franked with 10k tied, ms. 'Via Troitskosavsk' Used(Image 1) (Image 2)


Closing..Feb-07, 10:00 AM
2407 Used image1915 (Aug) cover to Elizabeth V. Kozlov, wife of famous Russian explorer Col. P.K. Kozlov, in Urga (URGA V MONGOLII "b" Type 7a backstamp), franked with Russia 10k tied by heavily inked datestamp, ms. 'Via Troitskosavsk' Used(Image 1) (Image 2)


Closing..Feb-07, 10:00 AM
2408 Used image1916 (January) Red band censored cover to Peking franked on reverse with Russia 1909 10k tied by URGA V MONGOLII 'b' Type 7A datestamp with Cyrillic 'Pekin' (Type 7) and Chinese PEKING February 12 datestamp alongside. A rare cancel on cover Used(Image 1) (Image 2)


Closing..Feb-07, 10:00 AM
2409 Used image1916 (May) Red band censored cover franked on reverse with Russia 1912 10k dark blue tied by URGA V MONGOLII 've' Type 7B datestamp. Cyrillic 'D. C. POGRANICHNAYA No. 8' censor handstamp and PEKING datestamps alongside. Ex-Liphschutz, signed Holcombe. Used(Image 1) (Image 2)


Closing..Feb-07, 10:00 AM
2410 Used image1916 (15 March) Red band censored cover from Urga to Peking, bearing on the reverse 1909 issue 10k, cancelled with the Urga Type 7a datestamp. Peking Russian P.O. datestamp on the front. Peking Chinese P.O. datestamp on the back Used(Image 1) (Image 2)


Closing..Feb-07, 10:00 AM
2411 Used image1916 (6 Sept) Red band cover sent from Urga (Mongolia) to Peking (China) (24.09.1916). Cancellation and dispatch double-ring postmarks of the Russian post office in Urga, serial "б", used in 1913-1917, and arrival double-ring postmark of the Russian post Used(Image 1) (Image 2)


Closing..Feb-07, 10:00 AM
2412 Used image1916 (6 Dec) Red band censored cover from Urga to Peking via Vladivostok, franked with Russian 10k dark blue, tied by "Urga in Mongolia" Type 7 cds, with Russian Peking TYpe 7 and Chinese Post Office arrival pmks. Vladivostok censor handstamp on the back Used(Image 1) (Image 2) (Image 3) (Image 4)




Closing..Feb-07, 10:00 AM
2413 Used image1916 (7 Jun) Red band censored cover sent from Urga (Mongolia) to Peking via Vladivostok, franked with 10k tied by Urga Type 7 datestamps, red censor 'D.C. Vladivostok №9' cachet on the back, also Russian 'PEKIN' Type 7 and Chinese 'Peking' arrival datest Used(Image 1) (Image 2)


Closing..Feb-07, 10:00 AM
2414 Used image1916 View postcard to URGA (Type 7a) franked with Russia 3k tied by TROITSKOSAVSK "e" cds with complete strike alongside. Inward covers to Urga are rare, this especially so from the Russo-Mongolian border Used(Image 1) (Image 2)


Closing..Feb-07, 10:00 AM
2415 Used image1917 Red band cover to PEKING, 10k stamp cancelled URGA Type 7B, reading URGA IN MONGOLIA 'v' 28 1 17. Censored at VLADIVOSTOK (Speekaert Type 7). Arrived PEKING 2 Feb 1917. Used(Image 1) (Image 2)


Closing..Feb-07, 10:00 AM
2416 Used image1917 (6 Apr) Censored cover, rare route from Urga to Peking via Vladivostok, bearing on the reverse 1909 issue 10k, cancelled with the Urga Type 7b datestamp. Peking Russian P.O. datestamp, Peking Chinese P.O. datestamp. Double censor handstamp Used(Image 1) (Image 2)


Closing..Feb-07, 10:00 AM
2417 Used image1917 (17 Nov) Registered censored cover front only from Urga (Type 7 datestamp) to Arvika (Sweden), with scarce registration label 'Ourga Poste Russe', was unique, now 2 such labels are known. Franked by 5k (x2), 10k, 20k/14k (x3), 75k total. Used(Image 1)

Closing..Feb-07, 10:00 AM
2418 image1926 (27 Jul) USSR, Russia, registered cover sent from Vladivostok to Urga/Ulan-Bator (Mongolia) with Philatelic Exchange handstamp on back(Image 1) (Image 2)


Closing..Feb-07, 10:00 AM
2419 image1935 (16 Aug) Postcard sent from Sochi (USSR) to Urga/Ulan-Bator (Mongolia) violet Ulan-Bator postmark with swastika(Image 1) (Image 2)


Closing..Feb-07, 10:00 AM
2420 Used image1903 (30 Mar) Red band cover front from Urga to Peking, bearing on the reverse 1889 issue 3 & 4 kop., cancelled with the Urga Type 4 datestamp Used(Image 1) (Image 2)


Closing..Feb-07, 10:00 AM
2421 Used image1903 (15 Nov) Red band cover front from Urga to Peking, bearing 1889 issue 7 kop. cancelled with the Urga Type 4 datestamp in Violet. Violet Urga datestamps are very rare. Used(Image 1) (Image 2)


Closing..Feb-07, 10:00 AM
2422 Used image1912 (3 Aug) Registered cover front only from Urga (Type 6 datestamp) to Sweden, franked with block of four 10k and two 3k, using domestic registered label instead of international and handwritten 'Ourga' by postman Used(Image 1)

Closing..Feb-07, 10:00 AM
2423 Used image1907 (13 Aug) Urga Type 4 datestamp on 5k on piece with slanting '13' variety Used(Image 1) (Image 2)


Closing..Feb-07, 10:00 AM

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