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United States, Poland, WWI Locals, and World continued...

Poland continued...
Lot Symbol Lot Description CV or Estimate
101 Used image1922-23 Second Polish Republic, Issue for Upper Silesia (Mi. 5, 16, 18, 20, Fi. 148, 159, 161, 163, Used, CV $100) Used(Image 1)

SOLD for $4.00
Closing..Nov-11, 10:00 AM
102 MH image1922-23 Second Polish Republic, Issue for Upper Silesia (Mi. 17, 19, Fi. 160, 162, CV $30) MH 200m with small paper remnant traces.(Image 1)

SOLD for $4.00
Closing..Nov-11, 10:00 AM
103 MH image1918-19 Southern Poland, Austro-Hungarian Occupation (Fi. 21 - 22 a, 27 a - 29, 10h OFFSET of Overprint, Signed, CV $40) MH 3h - Signed. 50h and 90h gum toning, 10h paper remnant traces.(Image 1) (Image 2)


SOLD for $6.00
Closing..Nov-11, 10:00 AM
104 Used image1918-19 Southern Poland, Austro-Hungarian Occupation (Fi. 23 a - 26, Damaged 'PO' and 'O' in the words 'POLSKA', Used, CV $40) Used 45h thin spot.(Image 1) (Image 2)


SOLD for $6.00
Closing..Nov-11, 10:00 AM
105 Used image1918-19 Northern Poland, German Occupation (Fi. 6 - 11, 16, Used, CV $100) Used Most stamps with thin spots.(Image 1)

SOLD for $4.00
Closing..Nov-11, 10:00 AM
106 Used image1919 Northern Poland, German occupation (Fi. 92 A - 96 A, Signed, Used, CV $70) Used 1.50mk - Signed. 5mk with very small tear.(Image 1) (Image 2)


SOLD for $4.00
Closing..Nov-11, 10:00 AM
107 MH image1919 Northern Poland, German Occupation (Fi. 66 - 68, Mi. 130 - 132, Signed, CV $40) MH 5f on 2pfg with small paper remnant traces, 5f on 5pfg signed, with thin spot, light small toned stains.(Image 1) (Image 2)


SOLD for $4.00
Closing..Nov-11, 10:00 AM
108 MH image1919 Krakow, Poland (Fi. 30, 34, 38, 40 - 43, 45 I, 46, Signed, CV $600) MH 40h - Signed. 3h, 25h with small toned spots, 40 h with pinhole.(Image 1) (Image 2)


SOLD for $30.00
Closing..Nov-11, 10:00 AM
109 Used image1919 Krakow, Poland (Fi. 32 I, 35, Used, CV $80) Used(Image 1)

SOLD for $14.00
Closing..Nov-11, 10:00 AM
110 Used image1919 Krakow, Poland (Fi. 60, 62, Signed, Used, CV $30) Used(Image 1) (Image 2)


SOLD for $6.00
Closing..Nov-11, 10:00 AM
111 Used image1919 Krakow, Poland (Fi. 31, 35, 39 a, D 9, Signed, Used, CV $1280) Used 30h, 50h - Signed.(Image 1) (Image 2)


SOLD for $35.00
Closing..Nov-11, 10:00 AM
112 No image1919 Lesser Poland (Fi. 57 - 58, 61, 64 - 65, CV $30) No gum (*) 5h with light crease and small toned stain, 6h with very small toned spot.(Image 1)
No gum (*)

SOLD for $4.00
Closing..Nov-11, 10:00 AM
113 Used image1919 Lesser Poland (Fi. 55 - 56, 59 - 60, 62 - 63, Broken 'K' in 'Polska', Used) Used Few stamps with thin spot.(Image 1) (Image 2)


SOLD for $4.00
Closing..Nov-11, 10:00 AM
114 MH image1919 Poland, Ministerial Edition (Fi. 73 B, 77 B - 79 B, 20h without Dot) MH 3h with gum toning, 20h no gum and with toned stains, 50h thin spots and creases.(Image 1) (Image 2)


SOLD for $4.00
Closing..Nov-11, 10:00 AM
115 MH image1919 Levant, Polish Post Office in Turkey, Poland (Mi.1 - 5, Signed, CV $220) MH 50f with partial gum.(Image 1)

SOLD for $30.00
Closing..Nov-11, 10:00 AM
116 image1921 Poland (Fi. D 32 - D 33, D 35, Crescent after 'Mk' instead of Dot, Signed, CV $80) MNG, no gum as issued * 20mk - Signed. 1st stamp with thin spots, small hole, 20mk with toned spots.(Image 1) (Image 2) (Image 3)


MNG, no gum as issued *

SOLD for $4.00
Closing..Nov-11, 10:00 AM
117 MH image1923-24 Poland (Fi. 167 II, 169 I, 170 II, 171, CV $50) MH 50.000mk and 25.000mk with gum toning.(Image 1)

SOLD for $14.00
Closing..Nov-11, 10:00 AM
118 Used image1926-27 Port Gdansk, Poland (Fi. 12 B2, 13 b IIIV, 14 a B3, 15 b IIIV, Damaged 'O', Thin 'K', Full Set, Used, CV $50) Used 10gr. with small hole.(Image 1) (Image 2)


SOLD for $14.00
Closing..Nov-11, 10:00 AM
119 Used image1933 Poland (Fi. 259, Full Set, Used, CV $50) Used(Image 1)

SOLD for $4.00
Closing..Nov-11, 10:00 AM
120 MH image1935 Poland (Fi. 273 - 277, White Contour Above the Face, Full Set) MH With light fingerprint, 5gr with very small toned dot.(Image 1) (Image 2)


SOLD for $5.00
Closing..Nov-11, 10:00 AM

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