HEALTH continued...
Lot |
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Catalog No. |
Description |
Opening |
2062 |
C |
1938 Illustrated First Day Cover Jones H38.1N the 4 Covers in Blue,Green,Orange & Red. All Rated 6 and some light staining (4 Covers)
Estimate NZ$:0
Currently...NZ$ 150.00
Closing..Feb-25, 06:00 AM |
2063 |
C |
1938 Illustrated First Day Cover Jones H38.1Q (1) and (2) the two listed colours. Both Rated 7, the blue cover has a small fault at top with minor toning. (2)
Estimate NZ$:0
Currently...NZ$ 250.00
Closing..Feb-25, 06:00 AM |
2064 |
C |
1938 Illustrated First Day Cover Jones H38.1R Bison Exchange Club cover Rated 7 Scarce (1)
Estimate NZ$:0
Currently...NZ$ 150.00
Closing..Feb-25, 06:00 AM |
2065 |
C |
1938 Illustrated First Day Cover Jones H38.1S Karl Lewis handpainted cover addressed to JF Wremmell. The top 1cm has been cut off with the Health inscription. Rated 7. Very Scarce (1) PHOTO-PLATE 9
Estimate NZ$:0
Currently...NZ$ 200.00
Closing..Feb-25, 06:00 AM |
2066 |
C |
1938 Illustrated First Day Cover Jones H38.1UB with a Napier 1 OC38 cancellation although not clear on the front but very legible on the offset image on the back. Not Rated. Very Scarce & Rare First Day. Also generic Brown & Green cover showing a
large kiwi illustration with a pair of health stamps to England (2 Covers)
Estimate NZ$:0
Currently...NZ$ 250.00
Closing..Feb-25, 06:00 AM |
2067 |
P |
1939 Album Page showing two photographs used for the design of the Beachball stamp by S Hall, a Photographic Proof of the issued stamps and S. HallÕs signature on an album page piece. Interesting lot (4 items)
Estimate NZ$:0
Currently...NZ$ 100.00
Closing..Feb-25, 06:00 AM |
2068 |
C |
1939 illustrated First Day Cover Jones H39.1G Bison Exchange Club to USA. Rated 8. Scarce. Fine Cover (1)
Estimate NZ$:0
Currently...NZ$ 200.00
Closing..Feb-25, 06:00 AM |
2069 |
C |
1939 Illustrated First Day Cover Jones H39.1H Produced by DL Barrett with the corrected date and addressed to Dominica,Br West Indies. Backstamped Roseau. Rated 9. Very Scarce. Also a generic cover with a Maori mask and crossed spear with a 1d value
tied. (2 Covers)
Estimate NZ$:0
Currently...NZ$ 200.00
Closing..Feb-25, 06:00 AM |
2070 |
C |
1939 illustrated First day Covers with 24 Covers - Jones H39.1Ax2, 1B(1) x2, 1B(2), 1CA, 1CA(v) x3, 1CB, 1DAx3, 1DB, 1DC x2, 1E, 1N(3) also 1938 covers with 1939 stamps H38.1Jx2, and 1K(1) - 2 rated 2, 8 rated 3, 7 rated 4, 3 rated 5, 1 rated 6 plus
3 other covers. (24)
Estimate NZ$:0
Currently...NZ$ 200.00
Closing..Feb-25, 06:00 AM |
2071 |
C |
1940 Illustrated First Day Cover - Small Coolection of 14 Covers with Jones H40.1Ax2, 1B, 1C(1), 1C(2), 1CA(v) x2 one with cachet, 1H, 1I(1), 1I(4), also as H38.1J and plain covers with Blocks of 4. 3 rated 3, 2 rated 4, 6 rated5 and 1 rated 6 (14)
Estimate NZ$:0
Currently...NZ$ 250.00
Closing..Feb-25, 06:00 AM |
2072 |
**/C |
1940 Illustrated First Day Cover Jones H40.1D produced by the Marlborough Health Camp Association plus Beachball Pair in Bottom Left Corner Block of 4 Unhinged (1x Cover, 8 Stamps)
Estimate NZ$:0
Currently...NZ$ 100.00
Closing..Feb-25, 06:00 AM |
2073 |
C |
1940 Illustrated First Day Cover Jones H40.1F Bison Exchange Cover to USA Rated 9 Very Scarce (1)
Estimate NZ$:0
Currently...NZ$ 200.00
Closing..Feb-25, 06:00 AM |
2074 |
C |
1940 Illustrated First Day Cover Jones H40.1G Produced by DL Barrett Rated p Very Scarce (1)
Estimate NZ$:0
Currently...NZ$ 200.00
Closing..Feb-25, 06:00 AM |
2075 |
C |
1941 Illustrated First Day Cover Jones H41.1C Bison Exchange Club Cover to USA. Rated 8. Scarce (1)
Estimate NZ$:0
Currently...NZ$ 200.00
Closing..Feb-25, 06:00 AM |
2076 |
**/C |
1941 Illustrated First Day Covers - Small Collection with Jones H41.1A x4 used with Opening of Gisborne Health Camp and Used for Opening of Otaki Health Camp, Used for Opening of Roxburgh Health Camp, 1B (browning), 1D, 1FA. 15 Covers incl Chatham
Island front, 8 are rated 3, 2 rated 4 and one each are 5 & 6. The rest are plain covers. Also Top Right Corner Block of 4 of each stamp (15 Covers & 8 Stamps)
Get Market Data for [New Zealand Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate NZ$:0
Currently...NZ$ 150.00
Closing..Feb-25, 06:00 AM |
2077 |
C |
1942 First Day Cover late use of the 1940 Pelorus Sound cover Jones H40.1J with a strongly doubled image so that the brown and green colours are well separated. Rated 7 as a 1940 Cover (1)
Estimate NZ$:0
Currently...NZ$ 150.00
Closing..Feb-25, 06:00 AM |
2078 |
C |
1942 Illustrated First Day Cover - Small Cover Coolection with Jones H42.1B, 1C, 1D, 1E, 1I(1)a, a Block of 4 of the 2d value posted at Papakura Military Camp and censored FDC to USA. Apart from the non illustrated covers there are one each rated
2,3,4,5,& 6. (7 Covers)
Estimate NZ$:0
Currently...NZ$ 150.00
Closing..Feb-25, 06:00 AM |
2079 |
C |
1942 Illustrated First Day Cover Jones H42.1A Rated 5 & Jones H42.1F Rated 7 Pim & Co covers which has been readdressed. (2)
Estimate NZ$:0
Currently...NZ$ 150.00
Closing..Feb-25, 06:00 AM |
2080 |
C |
1942 Illustrated First Day Cover Jones H42.1D Bison Exchange Club cover Rated 8. Scarce (1)
Estimate NZ$:0
Currently...NZ$ 200.00
Closing..Feb-25, 06:00 AM |
2081 |
C |
1942 Illustrated First Day Cover Jones H42.1E Produced by DL Barrett Registered Cover with Pairs of each stamps. Rated 6 (1)
Estimate NZ$:0
Currently...NZ$ 100.00
Closing..Feb-25, 06:00 AM |