EMPIRE - GERMAN REICH 1872 1915 continued...
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Opening |
502 |
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19 PräF |
GERMAN REICH SHIELDS. 1872, 1 Gr. Red carmine with missing part of the embossing at the Plottigat, single circle postmark DÜSSELDORF, superb piece of letter, photo expertize summer (Image)
Get Market Data for [Germany 19 PräF] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Closing..Mar-31, 10:00 AM |
503 |
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19 |
GERMAN REICH SHIELDS. 1872, 1 Gr. Red carmine, small size (L 15) on piece with two-line cancel Luebeck railway station, superb piece of letter, photo expertize summer (Image)
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Closing..Mar-31, 10:00 AM |
504 |
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19IV |
GERMAN REICH SHIELDS. 1872, 1 Gr. Red carmine with plate flaw frame left besides TS in German broken, slight perforation defects, single circle postmark SCHENEFELD on cover to Hohenwestedt, very fine, Michel 700.- (Image)
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Closing..Mar-31, 10:00 AM |
505 |
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21b |
GERMAN REICH SHIELDS. 1872, 2 ½ Gr. Red-brown, with horseshoe cancel Hamburg I. A., having bright colours superb item, photo expertize jug, Michel 700.- (Image)
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Closing..Mar-31, 10:00 AM |
506 |
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23a,30 |
GERMAN REICH SHIELDS. 1872, 1 Kr. Yellowish green and 9 on 9 Kr. Brown orange, single circle postmark ENGEN IN BADEN, decorative superb in every respect piece of letter, expertized W. Engel and photo expertize jug (Image)
Get Market Data for [Germany 23a,30] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Closing..Mar-31, 10:00 AM |
507 |
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23a |
GERMAN REICH SHIELDS. 1874, 1 Kr. Yellowish green, small stamp (15 L) on printed representatives card with single circle postmark "MANNHEIM", superb (Image)
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Closing..Mar-31, 10:00 AM |
508 |
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24 |
GERMAN REICH SHIELDS. 1872, 2 Kr. Orange, single circle postmark MAINZ, repaired, fresh colours and good embossed, photo expertize jug, Michel 3200.-
Get Market Data for [Germany 24] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Closing..Mar-31, 10:00 AM |
509 |
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24 |
GERMAN REICH SHIELDS. 1872, 2 Kr. Orange, Tu T cancel BENSHEIM, strength, mostly on the back defects, Michel (3200.-) (Image)
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Closing..Mar-31, 10:00 AM |
510 |
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25 |
GERMAN REICH SHIELDS. 1872, 3 Kr. Red carmine with North German Postal District single circle postmark SCHWEINA 31.12.74 from last day, one short perf otherwise superb, R! Photo expertize jug (Image)
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Closing..Mar-31, 10:00 AM |
511 |
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25 PräF |
GERMAN REICH SHIELDS. 1872, 3 Kr. Red carmine, with missing part of the embossing unusual embossment near the eagle's tail, two-line cancel HORNBERG, superb piece of letter (Image)
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Closing..Mar-31, 10:00 AM |
512 |
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25 |
GERMAN REICH SHIELDS. 1872, 3 Kr. Red carmine, 2 time on double used letter with single circle postmark RASTATT and single circle postmark cork 31.12.74 from last day, very fine, detailed photo expertize Brugger: last
day uses the 3 Kr. Large shield are on cover only in few copies known - breast shields postmark rarity (Image)
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Closing..Mar-31, 10:00 AM |
513 |
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27b |
GERMAN REICH SHIELDS. 1872, 9 Kr. Purple brown, single circle postmark HEIDELBERG, having bright colours superb item, photo expertize (of a former pairs) jug, Michel 600.- (Image)
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Closing..Mar-31, 10:00 AM |
514 |
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27b |
GERMAN REICH SHIELDS. 1872, 9 Kr. Purple brown, repaired, photo expertize Brugger, Michel (600.-) (Image)
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Closing..Mar-31, 10:00 AM |
515 |
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28 |
GERMAN REICH SHIELDS. 1872, 18 Kr. Black ocher, Baden two ring cancel KRAUTHEIM, splitting up in of the left upper corner otherwise superb, expertized among others Hennies, Michel 2800.- (Image)
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Closing..Mar-31, 10:00 AM |
516 |
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28 |
GERMAN REICH SHIELDS. 1872, 18 Kr. Black ocher, three lines frame cancel from Frankfurt, stamp at the bottom cut into and partly scissors separation, fine Michel 2800.- (Image)
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Closing..Mar-31, 10:00 AM |
517 |
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29(2) |
GERMAN REICH SHIELDS. 1874, 2 ½ on 2 ½ Gr. Brown orange in the vertical pair, cancel "BERLIN P. A. 9" (June 75), superb, abridged certificate summer
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Closing..Mar-31, 10:00 AM |
518 |
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30 |
GERMAN REICH SHIELDS. 1874, 9 on 9 Kr. Brown orange, tiny corner crease, normal perforation otherwise superb, expertized Brugger, Michel 650.-
Get Market Data for [Germany 30] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Closing..Mar-31, 10:00 AM |
519 |
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30 |
GERMAN REICH SHIELDS. 1874, 9 on 9 Kr. Brown orange, single circle postmark CARLSRUHE IN BADEN, having bright colours superb piece of letter, photo expertize jug, Michel (650.-) (Image)
Get Market Data for [Germany 30] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Closing..Mar-31, 10:00 AM |
520 |
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30 |
GERMAN REICH SHIELDS. 1874, 9 on 9 Kr. Brown orange, one short perf otherwise superb piece of letter, photo expertize Dr. Zill, Michel 650.- (Image)
Get Market Data for [Germany 30] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Closing..Mar-31, 10:00 AM |
521 |
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o,△ |
GERMAN REICH SHIELDS. Interesting lot large breast shield, 261 values in somewhat mixed condition with many superb and superb in every respekt items, treasure trove for the specialist, Michel 7500.- (Image)
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Closing..Mar-31, 10:00 AM |