NEW ZEALAND - Postal History continued...
Lot |
Symbol |
Catalog No. |
Description |
Opening |
641 |
U |
Upper Waiwera (AK 1874-1928) good large part H-type cds (UPPER WAIWE-) 8 MR 09? on 1d Universal. Scarce.
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
642 |
U |
Uruwhenua (NN 1907-40) good-fine near complete B-type cds 12 MY 34? on 1d GV. Scarce. (Image)
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
643 |
U |
Waddington (CH 1874-1924) good, near complete ?9 Dec 1902 "A" class cancel on 1900 3d Pictorial. Wooders 5. (Image)
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
644 |
C |
Waianiwa (IN 1883-1980) good near complete A-type cds (though -IA- not visible) 17 JA 11 on 1d Dominion on PPC to GB (diagonal corner crease). Unusually, message in Esperanto.
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
645 |
U |
Waiau (CH 1863-1992) fine near complete "C / 79" in bars obliterator on 2d FSF. Scarce. (Image)
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
646 |
U |
Waiharara (WR 1907-88) 2 fine complete strikes of A-type cds 9 DE 40 on 2d Centennial on piece & 6 JE 62 on regn label. Also
fine complete J-type 27 AU 64 on regn label (3). (Image)
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
647 |
U |
Waihoki Valley (MS 1903-14) clear part H-type cds (WAIHOKI -) ? ? 10 on 1d Dominion. Rare.
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
648 |
U |
Waikawa (IN 1899-1955) fine near complete A-type cds 12 NO 20? on 1½d GV orange-brown. (Image)
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
649 |
C |
Waiko Gorge (GM 1898-1938) fine near complete A-type cds 24 FE 25 (part of -E off stamp) on GV 1½d red-brown & fine complete J cds 11 JL 38 on 1d GV on neat piece. Also Franz Josef Glacier (new name 1938-90), 3 fine J-type cds 27 DE 64, 11 MR 66 on
2 fin
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
650 |
U |
Waikoikoi (DN TO 1939-57) fine complete J-type cds 30 SP 52 on paper (approx cut-to-shape). Scarce TO use. (Image)
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
651 |
U |
Waikokopu (NA 1922-43) fine C-type cds 15 MY 35 on 1d Jubilee. Railway construction camp. Scarce.
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
652 |
U |
Waikouaiti (DN) fine part strike of "O5" in bars oval obliterator (small part of "5" off edge) on 2d FSF. (Image)
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
653 |
C |
Waikumete (AK 1898-1922, to Glen Eden) good complete A-type cds 21 DE 08 as receipt d/s on PPC (Sumner Road scene) with stamp removed.
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
654 |
U |
Waikumete (AK 1898-1922, to Glen Eden), fine complete A-type cds 23 AP 06 on neat cutout ex PPC. Scarce.
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
655 |
U |
Waingawa (MS 1900-16) good large part H-type cds (-AINGAWA) JL 12 09 on 1d Universal type. Very scarce.
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
656 |
C |
Wainihinihi (GM 1903-71) good complete H-type cds (date unclear but 1960s) on 1960 4d Flower on fine cover.
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
657 |
C |
Wainuiomata (WN 1870-1961 to Homedale) good virtually complete (but rather light) A-type cds 18 NO 10 on ½d Mt Cook on fine
greeting PPC. Message covers whole of card, so sent inside cover with corner cut out. (Image)
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
658 |
U |
Waiongona (NU 1890-1925) fine part strike of A-type cds (WAIONGO- ) 25 NO 98 on 1d SSF. Scarce.
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
659 |
C |
Waipahi (IN 1875-1986) fine complete A-type cds 12 OC 05 as transit d/s along with 4 other cds on Muir & Moodie PPC (No 2180 "Thule, Stewart Island") to Balclutha. Dispatch office almost illegible (appears to be Crookston). Heavy tone on stamp,
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
660 |
U |
Waipapa (WR 1900-65) fine complete H-type cds 24 MY 39 on 1d GVI on neat piece.
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |