NEW ZEALAND - Postal History continued...
Lot |
Symbol |
Catalog No. |
Description |
Opening |
521 |
U |
Okains Bay (CH 1858-1951) fine near complete 27 M? 1902 "A" class cancel on 1901 1d Universal. Wooders 4. (Image)
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
522 |
C |
Okarito (GM 1874-1957) 2 fine complete strikes of A-type cds 12 DE 42 on fine cover franked 1940 1d Centennial pair. On this day 300 years earlier, Abel Tasman first sighted land in this locality. Gold mining in 1860s, with (briefly) 1250
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
523 |
C |
Okuru (GM 1915-69) 2 strikes of J-type cds (1 fine, 1 good) 26 AP 67 on "centenary" cover. Opened in 1867 as Haast River, to Okura 1 FE 1886, to Okuru 17 MY 1915.
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
524 |
U |
Omapere (WR 1874-1988) range of 9 pieces cut from used toll cards, with GVI stamps (all diff combinations 3d to 2/-), canc A-type cds NO 53 period (all with mail index shown as "00").
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
525 |
C |
Omihi (CH 1900-56) near fine complete H-type cds (a bit over-inked) 24 MY 10 as receipt d/s on good Bamforth photo comic PPC.
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
526 |
C |
Opawa 1962 cover with relief cancel. FU.
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
527 |
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Oroua Downs (PM 1909-79) good-fine complete G-type (3-ring) cds 21 JL 10 as transit d/s on readdressed PPC (franked ½cd EVII, 1cm edge tear). This d/s used until 1939.
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
528 |
C |
Otahuti (IN 1900-30) partial H-type cds (AHUT- clear & trace of -1) DE ? 24 06 on 1d Universal on fine chromolitho PPC (760 Esk St, New Arcade, Invercargill, publ Muir & Moodie). Tiny pinhole. Very scarce cds.
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
529 |
C |
Otira (GM 1909-88) fine 25mm J-type cds 2 NO 36 on 1936 Health pair on plain FDC & 3 fine strikes 13 MY 37 on 1937 Coronation set on pictorial FDC, good Brighton (Otago) receipt b/s. Fine.
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
530 |
C |
Ouruhia (CH 1905-1969) last day (31 March) cover with 3 fine "J" class cancels. Wooders 4.
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
531 |
C |
Outram (DN 1876-1990s) fine complete H-type cds 23 DE 09 on ½d Mt Cook on fine Xmas PPC. Also Owhango (HN 1909-89) fine complete H-type 29 JL 15 on ½d EVII on fine PPC ("Scows, Auckland Harbour). Outram known only 1905-10, Owhango 1909-28 (2).
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
532 |
U |
Outram (DN 1876-1990s) good fairly complete strike of "07" barred obliterator on FSF 2d. Vintage 1870s. (Image)
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
533 |
U |
Pahi (WR 1868-1939) fine almost complete A-type cds 13 AP 28 on 1d GV. (Image)
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
534 |
U |
Pahi (WR 1868-1939) good fairly complete "68" in 7 bars oval obliterator on 2d SSF, p10. Scarce. (Image)
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
535 |
U |
Papahaoa (WP 1919-59, to Sergeant's Hill) fine complete J-type cds 23 JA 59 on 1d QEII on piece. Last day with this name.
Gold mining. (Image)
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
536 |
C |
Papakaio (OU 1868-1972) good-fine complete A-type cds 1 NO 51 on fine pictorial 1951 Health FDC (set of 2). (Image)
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
537 |
C |
Parua Bay (WR 1888-1988) fine fairly complete H-type cds 8 FE 08 as receipt d/s on view PPC ex GB (stamp cleanly removed). This d/s used until c1963.
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
538 |
C |
Paterangi (HN 1876-1917) good-fine complete A-type cds (but only PATERA- of name fully clear) 21 DE 05 on 1d Universal on view PPC. Scarce cds. Also with fine Ohaupo receipt A-type cds 21 DE 05 (HN 1871-1988).
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
539 |
C |
Petane H.B (NA 1902-24, to Bay View) good-fine fairly complete H-type cds (PETANE H- clear) on ½d Mt Cook on PPC (corner crease). Date hard to see against dark stamp but appears to be 29 ?? 08. Very scarce (rated 9 on scale of 10 by one pundit).
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
540 |
C |
Piopio (HN 1905-89) good-fine virtually complete F-type d/s 4 AP 12 on 1d Dominion on fine real photo PPC (Hapawhenua Viaduct, N.I.M.T. Railway, FGR 1896). This d/s used until 1929 only.
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |