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Cape of Good Hope continued...
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Description Opening
2981 U imageCape of Good Hope 1858 1/- triangular bright yellow-green, imperf (touched on each side). SG 8. Cat £325. FU. (Image)

Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM
2982 U imageCape of Good Hope 1862 6d slate-lilac triangular, imperf 3 margins (small-good), pen cancel, otherwise fine. SG 7c. Cat £500. FU. (Image)

Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM
2983 U imageCape of Good Hope 1863 1/- triangular bright emerald green, imperf 1½ margins, with owner's(?) m/s in black on rear. SG 21. Cat £750. FU. (Image)

Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM
2984 U imageCape of Good Hope 1863 1/- bright emerald green triangular, imperf almost 1 margin. SG 21. Cat £750. GU. (Image)

Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM
2985 U imageCape of Good Hope 1864 4d triangular blue, imperf almost 3 margins, corner crease. SG 19a. Cat £140. FU. (Image)

Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM
2986 U imageCape of Good Hope 1864 6d triangular mauve, imperf - cut close, small thin. SG 20. Cat £550. GU. (Image)

Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM
2987 R imageCape of Good Hope 1864 6d triangular bright mauve, imperf 3 margins, (close to large), "ADI" m/s cancel - presumed to be fiscal use - attractive nonetheless. SG 20. Cat £550. (Image)

Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM
2988 U imageCape of Good Hope 1864 6d triangular steel blue, 3 margins (touched to good). SG 19c. Cat £325. GU. (Image)

Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM
2989 U imageCape of Good Hope 1868 4d on 6d Seated Hope. SG 27. GU. (Image)

Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM
2990 U imageCape of Good Hope 1876 1d on 1/- Seated Hope. SG 33. Cat £85. FU. (Image)

Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM
2991 M imageCape of Good Hope 1890 4d Seated Hope. SG 51. Cat £26. Mint. (Image)

Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM
2992 M imageCape of Good Hope 1903 4d EVII sage-green. SG 75. Cat £22. Mint. (Image)

Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM
2993 U imageCape of Good Hope 1903 5/- EVII brown-orange. SG 78. Cat £30. FU. (Image)

Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM
Cayman Islands
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Description Opening
2994 M imageCayman Isl 1900 ½d QV pale green & 1d rose-carmine set of 2, wmk crown CA, p14. SG 1a, 2. Cat £30. Mint. (Image)

Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM
2995 C Cayman Isl 1968 5 commercial airmail covers to NZ (same addressee). Various combinations of 1962 Picts.

Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Description Opening
2996 U imageCeylon 1857 1d QV deep turquoise-blue, star wmk, imperf 4 margins but small nick into frame at right. SG 2. Cat £45. FU. (Image)

Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM
2997 U imageCeylon 1857 5d QV chestnut, star wmk, imperf 3 margins (small part obliterator cancel). Brownish stains on back. Attractive frontally. SG 5. Cat £160. GU/FU. (Image)

Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM
2998 U imageCeylon 1859 4d QV dull rose, imperf 3 margins, very slightly cut into frame on 4th side (at base), star wmk. BPA cert (1965) (which states "badly stained" but discolouration is in fact reasonably light). Sound. SG 4. Cat £4500. GU/FU. (Image)

Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM
2999 U Ceylon 1880-1905 x 57 assorted Telegraphs - mainly "halves" & annotated as per Barefoot. Barefoot cat £120+.

Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM
3000 M Ceylon 1885 5c on 8c lilac. SG 187. Cat £28. Mint.

Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM

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