GREAT BRITAIN continued...
Lot |
Symbol |
Catalog No. |
Description |
Opening |
2661 |
U |
1902 1/- EVII dull green & carmine, GOVT PARCELS oficial, green colour faded. SG O78. Cat £300. FU. (Image)
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
2662 |
U |
1902 1/- EVII green & carmine block of 4, DLR printing. SG 257. Cat £160. FU. (Image)
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
2663 |
U |
1902 1/- EVII dull green & carmine, I.R. OFFICIAL. Green colour rather faded. Scarce. SG O24. Cat £ 900. GU. (Image)
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
2664 |
M |
1902 1/- EVII GOVT PARCELS ovpt. SG O78. Cat £1350. Mint. (Image)
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
2665 |
U |
1903 ½d EVII blue-green Admiralty Official x 2 diff ovpt types (letters "M" differ). SG O101, O107. Cat £43. FU. (Image)
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
2666 |
U |
1903 1d EVII scarlet Admiralty Official x 2 diff ovpts (letters "M" differ). SG O102, O108. Cat £38. GU/FU. (Image)
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
2667 |
U |
1903 1½d EVII dull purple & green Admiralty Official, wide "M" variety. SG O103. Cat £150. GU. (Image)
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
2668 |
U |
1903 2d EVII yellowish green & carmine-red Admiralty Official, wide "M" variety, green colour faded. SG O104. Cat £160.
GU. (Image)
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
2669 |
U |
1903 2½d EVII ultramarine Admiralty Official, wide "M" variety. SG O105. Cat £150. GU/FU. (Image)
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
2670 |
U |
1903 3d EVII dull purple/orange-yellow Admiralty Official, narrow "M". SG O112. Cat £400. GU/FU. (Image)
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
2671 |
U |
1903 3d EVII purple-yellow Admiralty Official, wide "M" variety. SG O106. Cat £160. GU nearly FU. (Image)
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
2672 |
U |
1911 1d EVII aniline-pink, part slogan cancel, tiny stain on 1 perf. SG 275a & Spec M6(8). Cat £400. FU. (Image)
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
2673 |
U |
1914-22 ½d-1/- Postage Due simplified set of 8, GVR simple cypher wmk, plus 7 shades. Also ½d-2/6d GVR block cypher wmk simplified set of 9, plus 3 shades. Mounted on 2 pages. SG D1-8, D10-18. Cat £110. FU.
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
2674 |
M |
1915 WWI pictorial anti-German propaganda cinderella "Remember Edith Cavell, murdered October 12th 1915" black & lilac. Imprint on gum "Published for charitable and Patriotic purposes by Winox Ltd, Richmond, Surrey, England". Some perf tone.
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
2675 |
U |
1915 2/6d Seahorses, DLR, cds, a few short perfs. SG 407. Cat £300. FU. (Image)
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
2676 |
* |
1916 4d GV grey-green horiz control strip of 3 "I16", with both selvedges perforated through. Selvedge slightly discoloured
at left & mounted, stamps are MUH. SG 379. cat £75 as stamps. (Image)
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
2677 |
M* |
1917-22 GV x 46 horiz control strips of 3: ½d x 12, 1d x 12, 1½d x 6, 2d x 8, 2½d x 2 & 3d x 6, all diff. Mounted on selvedge, otherwise MUH. Also 5 misc odds (½d-9d & these mint/MUH), on 5 Hagners. SG cat £900+ simpl.
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
2678 |
* |
1917 4d GV pale grey-green horiz control strip of 3 "J17", with both selvedges perforated through. SG 380. Cat £120 as
stamps. Selvedge hinged, stamps MUH. (Image)
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
2679 |
* |
1917 5d GV brown horiz strip of 3 "K17", with both selvedges perforated through. SG 381. Cat £75 as stamps. Selvedge
mounted, stamps MUH. (Image)
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
2680 |
* |
1917 5d GV brown horiz control strip of 3 "K17", with both selvedges not perforated through. SG cat £75 as stamps. Selvedge
mounted, stamps MUH. (Image)
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |