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PACIFIC ISLANDS continued...

Lot Symbol Catalog No. Description Opening
2441 FU Fiji 1938-55 ½d-£1 GVI Pictorials set incl: ½d p14, 13½,12; 1½d Die II p14, 13½+ shade, 12; 2d Building p13½, 12; 2½d p14, 13½,12; 6d Die II, p13½ + shade, 12; 8d p14, 13; 1/6d p14, 13 (33v). SG cat £270+. FU.

Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM
2442 M Fiji 1938 2d GVI Map, Die I (No "180°"). SG 253. Cat £40. Mint.

Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM
2443 * Fiji 1938-55 8d-£1 GVI Pictorials, the 10 highest values. SG cat c£127. MUH.

Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM
2444 * Fiji 1938-50 2/6d, 5/-, 10/- & £1 GVI Pictorials. SG 265-6b. Cat £122. MUH.

Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM
2445 M Fiji 1938-55 GVI Pictorials short set of 15 (½d - 5/-). Missing: 1½d, 6d (die I), 2d (dies I & II), 5d blue-scarlet, 10/- & £1. SG 249-66. Cat c£40. Mint.

Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM
2446 M* Fiji 1938-55 GVI Pictorials short set of 18. Missing: 2d die II, 6d die I, 10/- & £1. SG 249-65. Cat c£100. Mix mint & MUH.

Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM
French Oceania
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Description Opening
2447 * French Oceania 1949 10F UPU. SG 210. Cat £17. MUH.

Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM
French Polynesia
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Description Opening
2448 C French Polynesia 1962 PPC (Ship "Seven Seas" of Europa-Canada Line), message header "Tahiti" franked damaged Netherlands 75c, canc. partially unclear Dutch "POSTAGENT" CDS 9.11.62. Also with Papeete cds 9.2.62 alongside "PAQUEBOT" straight-line h/s, By

Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM
2449 U French Polynesia 1979 44F Conch Shell, 1981 26F Folklore, 1982 42F Birds x 10 each. Suit reseller. Cat £156. FU.

Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM
Gilbert & Ellice Islands
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Description Opening
2450 U imageGilbert & Ellice Isl 1911 ½d - 2½d on pieces with 12 March cds. SG 8-11. Cat £55. FU. (Image)

Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM
New Hebrides
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Description Opening
2451 U imageNew Hebrides 1898 1d Inter Island black & lilac FU (14 June cds), also 26 Sept 1903 (French) cds cutout (2v). (Image)

Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Description Opening
2452 U imageNiue 1911 ½d Mt Cook, 1917 ½d, 1½d GV (both) FU. SG 17, 23-6. Cat £33.50. (Image)

Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM
2453 U imageNiue 1911 6d EVII block of 4. SG 18. Cat £28. FU. (Image)

Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM
2454 M imageNiue 1917 1d Dominion horiz pair, left stamp with "Q" (for "O") plate flaw (pl 13 R10/19). Some perf separation between stamps. SG 24, 24f. Cat £260. LH mint. (Image)

Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM
2455 U imageNiue 1917 2½d GV, p14 x 14½. SG 28a. Cat £17. FU. (Image)

Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM
2456 U imageNiue 1920 Pictorials set (1½d small fault). SG 38-43. Cat £70. FU. (Image)

Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM
2457 U imageNiue 1925 Pictorials set, scarce used. SG 44-7. Cat £45. FU. (Image)

Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM
2458 U Niue 1927 4d Harbour. SG 47. Cat £20. FU.

Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM
2459 U imageNiue 1930s x 13 regn labels, dated on piece. Also 3 pieces with AUCKLAND PACKET BOAT cancels & 2 misc pmks on piece. (Image)

Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM
2460 U Niue 1931 2d on 1½d Cook, solo use on small neat, typed addressed cover to NZ. SG 50. Cat from £30. FU.

Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM

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