AUSTRALIA continued...
Lot |
Symbol |
Catalog No. |
Description |
Opening |
2321 |
M* |
1940 3d GVI bright blue block of 4, die III, p15 x 14, JOHN ASH imprint. BW 195z. Cat A$200. 2 mint/2 MUH.
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2322 |
U |
1940 AIF set. Cat £40. FU. (Image)
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2323 |
U |
1940 AIF set & additional 1d shade. SG 196 etc. Cat £41+. FU.
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2324 |
* |
1940 AIF set of 4. SG 196-9. cat £50+. MUH.
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2325 |
C |
1941 WWII 1d GV yellow-green postal stationery envelope (with pictorial logo of "Australian Defence Canteens"), canc fine cds "MIL PO DUBBO NSW" 18 AU 41 with violet h/s "Department of the Army/Concession Postal Rate" (partly unclear). Flap missing.
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
2326 |
* |
1942 1d Queen Elizabeth (mother) maroon vert coil pair, p15 x 14. SG 181a. Cat £18. MUH. (Image)
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2327 |
C |
1943 covers to Sydney ex RAAF P O Amberley/28 JF 43/ QLD, with purple boxed DEPARTMENT OF AIR/CONCESSION POSTAGE RATE h/s.
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2328 |
C |
WWII stampless OAS censored air cover to Australia, endorsed "N.S.A" [no stamps available]. Canc rather patchy "AUST UNIT POSTAL STN/403" steel CDS 19 FE 45 (violet). This d/s used by HQ Sepik Force c. Jan-July 1945. Proud stakes "not seen". With
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2329 |
* |
1946 2/- Roo maroon, ovptd "BCOF Japan 1946". SG 36. Cat £50. MUH.
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2330 |
* |
1948-9 5/-, 10/- & £1 Robes set, thin rough ordinary paper (£1 brownish gum). SG 176a-8a. Cat £145+. MUH.
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2331 |
U |
1949-51 5/- Arms, both thick & thin paper. SG 224a, 224ab. Cat £75. FU.
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2332 |
* |
1949 10/-, £1 Arms. SG 224b,c. Cat £64. MUH.
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2333 |
M* |
1949-50 1/3d Bull - £2 Arms set (7v), also 1/6d & 2/- no wmks. SG 223-24f. Cat £200. Mint/MUH.
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2334 |
U |
1949-50 £1 & £2 Arms. SG 224c,d. Cat £20. FU.
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2335 |
U |
1950 £2 Arms. SG 224d. Cat £16. FU.
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2336 |
C |
1952 F.P.O./2 cds on 30c & also 40c Malaysian aerogrammes. Both canc with date error "15 SP 52" (somewhat over-inked). Also incl 40c aerogramme mint & with correct (26 Nov) year date of 1982!
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2337 |
* |
1956 1/- Lyrebird grey-green block of 4, no wmk. SG 230d. Cat £22. MUH. (Image)
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2338 |
* |
1956 1/6d, 2/- Hermes & Crocodile, no wmk varieties, p14½. SG 224e,f. Cat £33. MUH.
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2339 |
* |
1959 5d Postage Due carmine & deep green, Die II, no wmk. SG D136a. Cat £65. MUH.
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2340 |
M* |
1963-4 Navigators set of 6 (4/- to £2). SG cat £120. 10/- & £1 MUH others unhinged. (Image)
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