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Mowbray Collectables Sale - 581


Lot Symbol Catalog No. Description Opening
1 / Aden-Kathiri State 1942-67 colln of 62 mint, MUH & FU on 2 Hagner pages. Noted 1942 ½a-5R set of 11 mint (& 7 diff FU to 8A), 1949 Silver Wedding set MUH & 5R FU, 1951 ½a-5/- ovpt set mint, 1954 5c-10R set mint/MUH (10R light perf tone), 70c SG 39 mint,

Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM
2 / imageAden-Qu'aiti State 1942-67 colln of 59 mint, MUH & FU on 2 Hagner pages. Noted 1942 & 1951 defin sets mint, 1949 Silver Wedding set mint, some MUH commem blocks of 4, & a few FU. SG cat £164. (Image)

Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Description Opening
3 M* imageAitutaki 1903-1917 remainder colln of 100 stamps mint/MUH on 9 old album pages. Noted many ovpt varieties (in blocks) not listed by SG, EVII ½d SG 9 block of 30 mostly MUH, EVII 6d SG 11 x 2 mint (cat £55 each), GV 1/- SG 18, 18a blocks of 4 x 10 mint/MU (Image)

Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Description Opening
4 U Australia 1913-70 used colln with perfs, shades & wmk varieties. Also incl Postage Dues & officials. Variable cond 489v & 1 m/s on 39 pages. Some mixed cond. SG cat £1040+.

Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM
5 U Australia 1913-72 colln in Empire album. Noted: Roos (13, to 2/- brown), 1914 6d Kookaburra, GV (20, to 1/4d), 1931 Airs (4), Victoria & Macarthur Cent sets, Anzac set, NSW 150th set, 1940 AIF set, 1941-50 Arms etc. Total c430 stamps.

Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Description Opening
6 M* Australia 1913-66 seln of 271v on 24 pages with perfs, shades & wmk varieties present. Little or no dupn, some variable cond. SG cat £1150+. Mint/MUH.

Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Description Opening
7 U Australia 1927-2000 colln of used in 2 pre-printed Tasman loose-leaf albums. Near complete to 1994 excl: 5/- Bridge, £1 Robes, £2 Navigators & most m/ss. Sporadic representation 1991 on. Overall good cond. Weight 1.8kg. SG cat c£800.

Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM
8 M* imageAustralia 1927-36 mostly commems colln of 39 diff mint (some MUH) & FU on pages in mounts. Better items incl: mint 3d blue Kookaburra, 1929 3d Air green, 3d Sturt plate no 1 single (MUH), 5d on 4½d GV (MUH), 1931 Air set, 3d Bridge, 1936 SA set, 1937 NSW (Image)

Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM
9 M* imageAustralia 1937-65 GVI-QEII pre-decimal colln of 207 diff mixed mint & MUH (& a few FU) on pages in mounts. Noted GVI mint 1d SG 180, 2d SG 184 (MUH), 1d, 2d Postage Due SG D113-4, 4d D116, 5d, D136. QEII issues near complete (no 1963-5 Navigators). SG (Image)

Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Description Opening
10 * Australia 1966-96 (postage) colln on Seven Seas hingeless pages (some stained) but stamps fine with good range of sets & m/s, fv A$535. MUH.

Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM
11 * Australia 1981-2000 colln, virtually complete. FV about A$1000. MUH.

Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM
12 U Australia-New South Wales c1890-1900 seln of 125 various, with dupn. GU/FU.

Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM
13 U Australia-Queensland c1890-1900 seln of 95 various with dupn. GU/FU.

Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM
14 U Australia-South c1890-1900 seln of 110 various, with dupn. GU/FU.

Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Description Opening
15 U Australian States c1890-1900 seln of 225+ various, with dupn, & some mixed cond. GU/FU.

Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM
16 R Australia-Queensland & other States c1890-1915 revenues & fiscals seln of 125 various, with dupn.

Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Description Opening
17 U Australia-Tasmania c1890-1900 seln of 100 various with dupn. GU/FU.

Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM
18 U Australia-Victoria c1880-1900 1d & 2d (115g) mainly off piece in small box, possible gold mine, with dupn & mixed condition. GU/FU.

Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM
19 U Australia-Victoria c1890-1900 seln of 100 various, with dupn. GU/FU.

Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM
20 U Australia-Western c1890-1900 seln of 120 various, with dupn. GU/FU.

Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM

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