Definitives continued...
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Catalog No. |
Description |
Opening |
1042 |
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1915 GV surface set in blocks of 4 (incl London & local prints & War Tax). Jury cat $640+. MUH. (Image)
Closing..Feb-03, 06:00 AM |
1043 |
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1915-22 GV recess, Cowan, p14 x 14¼ set of 14 (8d brown not issued in this perf) - 4d purple plate 20 only. CP cat $1240+. MUH.
Closing..Feb-03, 06:00 AM |
1044 |
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1916 etc 1½d, 2d & 3d GV surface prints seln of 65v - mostly used & singles FU, identified as to printings etc. Also 7 various covers/postal stationery items & stock card with 3d Cowan FU block of 12 & 2d with part Sydney loose letter cds.
Closing..Feb-03, 06:00 AM |
1045 |
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1916 1½d GV surface horiz pair, local plate, franking WWI cover to Nantes, France, canc Hastings cds 10 JE 16. No sender's
address on flap. Unusual franking & surprisingly uncensored. VG cond. (Image)
Closing..Feb-03, 06:00 AM |
1046 |
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1916 1½d GV recess block of 4, thin provisional paper, 2 with & 2 without wmks. CP K1e, K1e(z). VFU.
Closing..Feb-03, 06:00 AM |
1047 |
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1916 1½d GV grey recess block of 12 (4 x 3), provisional thin "Pictorial" paper, p14 x 14¼, with sheet selvedge at base. Stamps in 3rd column have no wmk & stamps in 1st col show only a small part of 1 side wmk. CP K1e& K1e(Z). Cat $183. MUH.
Closing..Feb-03, 06:00 AM |
1048 |
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1916 2d GV yellow recess horiz pair, p14 (line). CP K2g. Cat $300. GU/FU. (Image)
Closing..Feb-03, 06:00 AM |
1049 |
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1916 2d GV yellow recess vert 2 perf pair. CP K2f. Cat $200. MUH. (Image)
Closing..Feb-03, 06:00 AM |
1050 |
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1916 3d GV recess, line p14, sideways wmk. CP K4d. Cat $75. FU.
Closing..Feb-03, 06:00 AM |
1051 |
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1916 3d GV, p14 (line), pictorial paper. CP K4d. Cat $60. MUH.
Closing..Feb-03, 06:00 AM |
1052 |
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1916 6d GV horiz pair, line p14, sideways wmk. CP K8d. Cat $800. FU/CTO.
Closing..Feb-03, 06:00 AM |
1053 |
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1916 6d GV carmine vert block of 6, line p14, sideways wmk, incl bottom 2 with no wmk variety. CP K8d. Cat $2000. VFU/CTO.
Closing..Feb-03, 06:00 AM |
1054 |
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1916 6d GV, line p14, sideways wmk (thin "provisional" paper). Variety no wmk. Unlisted singly by CP (stamp with wmk cat $400 with contemporary pmk). CP see K8d(z). FU/CTO.
Closing..Feb-03, 06:00 AM |
1055 |
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1916 8d EVII deep grey-blue, line p14, sideways wmk, well o/c. CP H7e. Cat $300. FU.
Closing..Feb-03, 06:00 AM |
1056 |
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1924-5 1d Dom, Jones paper. CP J2a. Cat $90. MUH.
Closing..Feb-03, 06:00 AM |
1057 |
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1924 2d GV pale yellow horiz pair, surface, Jones paper, p14 x 15. Canc good/fine almost complete UMUTOI A-class cds 12 MY
25. RH stamp with slightly short corner perf. Wmk very clear. CP K18b. Cat $400. (Image)
Closing..Feb-03, 06:00 AM |
1058 |
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1924 2d GV pale yellow surface horiz pair, p14 x 15, Jones paper, clear "Saies 10 FE 25" cds. Nice example. CP K18b. Cat
$400. (Image)
Closing..Feb-03, 06:00 AM |
1059 |
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1925 1d Dom, DLR, sideways invtd wmk. CP J4a(Y). Cat $250. FU.
Closing..Feb-03, 06:00 AM |
1060 |
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1925 1d Dom, DLR, sideways wmk. CP J4a. Cat $75. FU.
Closing..Feb-03, 06:00 AM |
1061 |
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1925 1d Dom, DLR, letters wmk. CP J4a(x). Cat $125. FU.
Closing..Feb-03, 06:00 AM |