Great Britain continued...
Lot |
Symbol |
Catalog No. |
Description |
Opening |
2542 |
U |
1856 6d pale lilac, no corner letters, wmk emblems, thin paper. Minor surface abrasions. SG 70. Cat £120. GU/FU. (Image)
Closing..Feb-03, 06:00 AM |
2543 |
U |
1858-68 2d blue, p14, plate 8, thick lines, die 2, wmk large crown. SG 45. Cat £45. VFU. (Image)
Closing..Feb-03, 06:00 AM |
2544 |
S |
1862 4d pale red (QA), plate 3 (no hair lines) SPECIMEN ovpt. SG Spec J52(2z)t. (Image)
Closing..Feb-03, 06:00 AM |
2545 |
M |
1862 9d bistre, small uncoloured letters, plate 2, centred left. SG 86. Cat £5800. Regummed, mint. (Image)
Closing..Feb-03, 06:00 AM |
2546 |
M |
1870 ½d rose-red, plate 11, 1 large paper hinge, large part OG. SG 49. Cat £120. Mint. (Image)
Closing..Feb-03, 06:00 AM |
2547 |
U |
1874 5/- rose, large uncoloured corner letters (GG/GG), plate 2, MC wmk. Messy but fairly light pmk. SG 126. Cat £1500.
GU. (Image)
Closing..Feb-03, 06:00 AM |
2548 |
M |
1876 8d orange, large coloured letters (LN-NL). RPSL cert (2022) which also states "faded" (and regummed). SG Spec J91A (SG
156). Cat £1850. Regummed mint. (Image)
Closing..Feb-03, 06:00 AM |
2549 |
M |
1879 1d turquoise-green Perkins Bacon tender essay, imperf on unwmk paper, with "W" in white in each corner.
Closing..Feb-03, 06:00 AM |
2550 |
U |
1882 ½d I.R. Official ovpt, pale green, dated (1885) cds. SG O1. Cat £40. GU.
Closing..Feb-03, 06:00 AM |
2551 |
U |
1882 1d I.R. Official ovpt, lilac, cds. SG O3. Cat £7. FU.
Closing..Feb-03, 06:00 AM |
2552 |
U |
1882 6d I.R. Official ovpt, grey, plate 18, cds. SG O4. Cat £140. GU/FU.
Closing..Feb-03, 06:00 AM |
2553 |
U |
1882 6d I.R. Official, ovpt grey, plate 18. SG O4. Cat £140. GU.
Closing..Feb-03, 06:00 AM |
2554 |
U |
1883-4 "various designs" seln: ½d (blue) x 7, 1½d x 5, 2½d x 10, 4d x 3, 5d x 7, 6d x 7, 9d & 1/- x 2. Mostly sound but most green issues loss of colour. All well over £5000+. Used.
Closing..Feb-03, 06:00 AM |
2555 |
M |
1883 2½d lilac. SG 190. Cat £95. Mint.
Closing..Feb-03, 06:00 AM |
2556 |
M |
1883 3d on 3d lilac (MJ). Discoloured gum afffects appearnce. SG cat £650. Mint. (Image)
Closing..Feb-03, 06:00 AM |
2557 |
U |
1883 4d dull green (MD) part INDIA (STREET) cds. SG 192. Cat £210. FU. (Image)
Closing..Feb-03, 06:00 AM |
2558 |
U |
1883 9d Govt Parcels dull green, heavy parcel cancel, reasonable colour. SG O63. Cat £1200. GU.
Closing..Feb-03, 06:00 AM |
2559 |
U |
1883 5/- crimson, large coloured letters, white paper, wmk anchor. Barred obliterator cancel just clear of face. SG 181.
Cat £250. GU. (Image)
Closing..Feb-03, 06:00 AM |
2560 |
U |
1884 2½d lilac, partial plate reconstruction, 92 of 240 positions covered, mixed cond. Cat £1840.
Closing..Feb-03, 06:00 AM |
2561 |
U |
1885-1901 Seln of QV I.R. Officials: ½d blue-green, ½d vermilion, 1d lilac (missing corner) & ½d slate blue. SG cat £64. GU/FU.
Closing..Feb-03, 06:00 AM |