Australia continued...
Lot |
Symbol |
Catalog No. |
Description |
Opening |
2242 |
U |
1926-30 GV official range of 16 diff on 2 pages, with "O S" perfin & wmk multiple small crown & A (SG Type 7). Incl p14: 1d, 1½d, 3d SG O89, O90, O93; & p13½ x 12½ ½d-5d (no 4½d) SG O97-O110. SG cat £90. FU.
Closing..Feb-03, 06:00 AM |
2243 |
M |
1926 1d GV sage-green, multiple crown wmk, p13½ x 12½. Variety "die 2" plate flaw (curl in left value tablet). SG 95b. Cat £50. VLH mint.
Closing..Feb-03, 06:00 AM |
2244 |
U |
1926 4½d GV. SG 103. Cat £35. FU.
Closing..Feb-03, 06:00 AM |
2245 |
U |
1926 1/4d GV. SG 104. Cat £26. FU/.
Closing..Feb-03, 06:00 AM |
2246 |
U |
1928 3d Kookaburra block of 4 (m/s) with all selvedges, light central cds. SG 106a. Cat £250. FU.
Closing..Feb-03, 06:00 AM |
2247 |
U |
1929-32 Official: 1929 3d Air & 1930 3d Sturt with "O S" perfin; 1932 2d, 3d Bridge, 1/- Lyrebird with "O S" ovpt. SG O119, O122, O134-6. Cat £65. All FU.
Closing..Feb-03, 06:00 AM |
2248 |
U |
1929-30 6d, 1/- & 2/0 Roos, perfinned small OS. SG O114, O116, O117. Cat £28.50. FU.
Closing..Feb-03, 06:00 AM |
2249 |
M |
1929 1/- Roo, blue-green, multiple crown & a wmk, w/c, excellent perfs. SG 109. Cat £65. VLH mint.
Closing..Feb-03, 06:00 AM |
2250 |
U |
1929 5/- Roo (die II) multiple crown/A wmk, creased at left. SG 111. Cat £120. GU.
Closing..Feb-03, 06:00 AM |
2251 |
M |
1929 9d Roo violet, multiple crown & A wmk, o/c. SG 108. Cat £50. Mint.
Closing..Feb-03, 06:00 AM |
2252 |
U |
1930 2d, 5d GV ovpts, 2d on 1½d red & 5d on 4½d violet. SG 119-120. Cat £18. FU.
Closing..Feb-03, 06:00 AM |
2253 |
U |
1930 4½d GV violet, die 2 (redrawn), multiple crown wmk, p13½ x 12½. Not intended to be used. SG 120a. Cat £45. FU CTO with full gum.
Closing..Feb-03, 06:00 AM |
2254 |
M |
1930 5d GV orange-brown, die 2, multiple crown wmk, p13½ x 12½. SG 103a. Cat £38. LH mint.
Closing..Feb-03, 06:00 AM |
2255 |
* |
1930 5d GV, ovpt. SG 120. Cat £16. MUH.
Closing..Feb-03, 06:00 AM |
2256 |
U |
1931 6d Air sepia with "OS" ovpt, cds smudged. SG 139a. Cat £60. GU.
Closing..Feb-03, 06:00 AM |
2257 |
U |
1931-6 ½d - 1/4d GV range of 25 on page, wmk multiple crown & C of A (at least 2 of each value & clearly selected for diff shades). Also similar range of 16 Roos 6d-5/- (same wmk) on 2nd page, incl 2 x 6d SG 132 (cat £42 each) & 2 x 5/- SG 135 (cat
£25 each). Total 41. SG cat £243. FU.
Closing..Feb-03, 06:00 AM |
2258 |
* |
1931 ½d - 2d GV. SG 124-7. Cat £28. MUH.
Closing..Feb-03, 06:00 AM |
2259 |
C |
1931 2d, 3d Airs on envelope addressed to NZ, with airmail sticker, Daly Waters 19 MR 31 cdss (FDI). Inscribed by Dale Waters-Brisbane-Sydney. Also ½d NZ GV & Christchurch 7 AP 31 cds. Possibly not flown.
Closing..Feb-03, 06:00 AM |
2260 |
U |
1931 2d, 3d Kingsford-Smith with "O S" (Official) ovpt. SG O123-4. Cat £130. FU.
Closing..Feb-03, 06:00 AM |
2261 |
* |
1931 2d Kingsford-Smith rose-red with "O S" ovpt. Light horiz bend visible on back. SG O123. Cat £85 as mint. MUH.
Closing..Feb-03, 06:00 AM |