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New Zealand continued...

Definitives continued...
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Description Opening
1001 * 1892 ½d Newspaper rose, p12½, letter "N" wmk. CP B3a(Y). MUH.

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM
1002 * 1892 ½d Newspaper rose, p12½, letter "E" wmk. CP B3a(Y). MUH.

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM
1003 U image1892 6d SSF, p10, Die II, 7mm wmk flaws: a) broken inner frame line above 1st "A" of "ZEALAND", & b) damaged "D" of "ZEALAND". CP D8h var. VFU. (Image)

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM
1004 U image1893 1d SSF p10 horiz pair, advts Every Does & A Good Wife, 2nd setting in red-brown (positions 163 & 164), Wellington 17 JA 94 "F" class cancel. GU. (Image)

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM
1005 U image1893 1d SSF p10 horiz pair, advts Truebridge & Fry's, 2nd setting in red-brown (positions 112 & 113), Feilding 27 FE 94 "A" class cds. FU. (Image)

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM
1006 U image1893 1d SSF p10 horiz pair, advts Bonnington's & Ladies, 2nd setting in mauve (positions 49 & 50), 2 DE 93 "A" class cds x 2. FU. (Image)

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM
1007 U image1893 1d SSF rose, die 3, p12 x 11½, with "hairclasp" (or "screwdriver") plate flaw (lower left pane, R9/2). Also with advt (lilac) "Beechams Cough Pills for Chest Affections". CP D2e(X) + DA2e(5). Cat $75 & $150. VFU. (Image)

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM
1008 U image1893 1d SSF p10 horiz pair, advts Soaps & Less Labour, 2nd setting in red-brown (positions 39 & 40), both somewhat thinned, Invercargill 4 NO ? "F" class cancel. FU. (Image)

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM
1009 U image1893 1d SSF p10 horiz pair, advts Sunlight & Use, 2nd setting in red-brown (positions 205 & 206 - former damaged), Masterton 14 MY 94 duplex cancel. FU. (Image)

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM
1010 U image1893 1d SSF p10 horiz pair, advts Dodgshun's & Ask For, 2nd setting in red-brown (positions 35 & 36 - latter damaged vert perfs), Oakura 22 MR 94 "A" class cancel. FU. (Image)

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM
1011 U image1893 1d SSF p10 horiz pair, advts Truebridge & Less Labour, 2nd setting in red-brown (positions 116 & 117), Masterton 31 AU 93 duplex cancel. FU. (Image)

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM
1012 U image1893 1d SSF p10 horiz pair, advts Truebridge & For, 2nd setting in red-brown (positions 230 & 231 - both damaged), Masterton ? NO 93 duplex cancel. FU. (Image)

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM
1013 U image1893 1d SSF p10 horiz pair, advts S. Myers & Use Only, 3rd setting in red-brown (positions 184 & 185), Eketahuna 10 FE 94 "A" class cds. FU. (Image)

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM
1014 U image1893 1d SSF p10 horiz pair, advts Sunlight & Be Sure, 3rd setting in red-brown (positions 217 & 218), Wellington 17 FE 94 "A" class cds. FU. (Image)

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM
1015 U image1893 1d SSF p10 horiz pair, advts For & Truebridge, 2nd setting in red-brown (positions 195 & 196), Te Nui 27 JA 94 "A" class cds. FU. (Image)

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM
1016 U image1893 1d SSF p10 horiz pair, Bonnington's & Ask For, 2nd setting somewhat washed out appearance in red-brown (positions 71 & 72), R.P.O.-C 22 AU 93 "A" class cancel. (Image)

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM
1017 U image1893 1d SSF p10 horiz pair, advts Lattey, Livermore & Use Only, 3rd setting in red-brown (positions 27 & 28), Pt Ahuriri 15 DE 94 "A" class cds. FU. (Image)

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM
1018 U image1893 1d SSF p10 horiz pair, advts To Sustain & Use Only, 3rd setting in red-brown (positions 25 & 26), Pahiatua 8 JA 94 "A" class cds x 2. FU. (Image)

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM
1019 U image1893 1d SSF p10 horiz pair, advts Truebridge & Fry's, 2nd setting in red-brown (position s112 & 113), Eketahuna 15 JA 94 "A" class cds. FU. (Image)

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM
1020 U image1893 2d SSF p10 horiz pair, advts S. Myers & Use Only, 3rd setting in red-brown (positions 184 & 185 - latter a couple of pulled perfs at RHS), Eketahuna 14 MR 94 "A" class cds. FU. (Image)

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM

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