Postal History continued...
Lot |
Symbol |
Catalog No. |
Description |
Opening |
421 |
C |
Hukerenui (WR 1887-1988) good-fine complete A-type cds (HUK- rather faint) 2 SP (07) on 1d Universal on cover to Kamo (A b/s same day). Note: year appears to be missing from Hukerenui cds. Part of flap missing, otherwise fine. Kauri gumdiggers'
town at this time.
Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM |
422 |
U |
Huntly (HN) fine almost complete "A/33" barred obliterator on 1890 1d QV blue p/c cutout. Scarce.
Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM |
423 |
U |
Ida Valley (DN 1881-1951) good, near complete 26 November 1945 J class cancel on 2d Pictorial. Wooders 5.
Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM |
424 |
U |
Kahuika (DN 1899-1950) fine fairly complete strike (tip of K- off stamp) of H-type cds AP 24 21 on 2d GV. Scarce. (Image)
Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM |
425 |
U |
Kai Iwi Beach (WG 1935-48) fine 29 Feb 1940 "J" class cancel x 2 on 1939 Health set on piece.
Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM |
426 |
U |
Kaikora North (NA 1884-1910, to Otane) fine complete A-type cds 23 AU 07 on 1d Universal on neat piece. (Image)
Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM |
427 |
U |
Kaikora North (NA 1884-1910, to Otane) fine near complete strikes of A-type cds 31 OC 03 on 1d Universal & 4 SP 06 on 1d
Universal on piece (2). (Image)
Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM |
428 |
U |
Kaimata (NU 1899-1971) good-fine fairly complete H-type cds (name complete) 22 JE 22 on 2d Victory & good complete strike 25 SP
63 on 5d Daisy on neat piece (2). (Image)
Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM |
429 |
U |
Kaimataitai (DN TO 1934-66) fine complete J-type cds 14 AU 53 (index "8") on paper. Very scarce. (Image)
Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM |
430 |
U |
Kaimaumau (WR 1907-39) fine slightly overinked B-type cds (complete) 7 MY 34 on 1d GV on neat piece. Scarce. (Image)
Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM |
431 |
U |
Kaitaia (WR 1860- ) fair-good (worn) strike of "A/15" concentric circle obliterator (PSNZ Vol 3 Type 19) centrally on 2d SSF
die I horiz mesh, p12 x 11½ (so period 1882-86). Very scarce. (Image)
Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM |
432 |
U |
Kaitawa (PM 1889-1918) fine complete A-type cds 24 JE 00 on 1900 1d red Terraces horiz pair. Very scarce. (Image)
Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM |
433 |
U |
Kaitieke (HN 1906-60) fine large part F-type d/s (name complete) 15 AP 22 on 2d GV & fine complete F 18 AP 56 on piece (2). (Image)
Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM |
434 |
U |
Kapuka (IN 1895-1951) fine fairly complete A-type cds 2? NO 34 on 1d GV. (Image)
Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM |
435 |
U |
Karioi (WG 1886-1958) good 12 July 1923 "A" class cancel on 1/- GV. Wooders 4.
Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM |
436 |
U |
Kauana (IN 1906-37) good almost complete A-type cds 1 DE 36? on 1d Kiwi. Scarce. (Image)
Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM |
437 |
U |
Kawakawa (WR 1874- ) good fairly complete strike of "A/36" in 7 bars obliterator on 2d SSF p12 x 11½. Also similar clear
strike but most of "3" off stamp. Both stamps p12 x 11½ horiz mesh, so 1882-8 period. Scarce (2). (Image)
Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM |
438 |
U |
Kekerangu (BM 1861-1951) very fine 9 April 1903 A class cancel on 1900 1/- Pictorial. Wooders 4. (Image)
Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM |
439 |
U |
Kekerangu (BM 1861-1951) fine A-type cancel 4 DE 1903 on 1d Universal horiz pair. (Image)
Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM |
440 |
C |
Kimberley (CH 1876-1924) complete A-type cds (but name only fair-good) 5 MR 98 on 1d SSF pair on cover to Union Bank. Day should be "2" as b/s fine Darfield A 2 MR 98 & part Christchurch B 7.15PM same day. Clean. Scarce.
Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM |