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New Zealand continued...

Postal History continued...
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Description Opening
341 U imageCarlton Avenue (WG 1917-51) fine complete J-type cds 27 AU 44 on 2d Whare on neat piece. (Image)

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM
342 U imageCass (CH 1909-14 period) light but readily legible near complete strike of H-type cds (name complete) 21 AP 13 on 1d Dominion. Very scarce. A different H was used for the previous (initial) opening 1907-8. (Image)

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM
343 U imageCass (CH 1922-66) fine almost complete 25mm J-type cds 16 MR 35 on pair 1d GV. Also complete but rather light strike 22 MR 47 on 2d Peace on neat piece (2). (Image)

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM
344 U imageCass (CH 1922-66) 3 clear strikes of 25mm J-type cds on stamp on piece: 29 NO 38 (large part strike), 28 MY 46 (complete) & 1 JA 59 (complete). Fine. (Image)

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM
345 C Cass River (CH 1866-1898, to Cass), cover franked 2d blue FFQ Chalon p12½ (creased), canc clear m/s of crossed pen strokes overcancelled by "C" in 6 bars obliterator. B/s fine Christchurch 5-line A-type receipt cds JY 9 70. To S Gaiforth at Royal Hotel, Chch. Good cond. With 1969 article by JJ Bishop stating that around 1870-71 Gaiford would buy cattle from all over Canterbury & send them to the (then) rail terminus at Cass River. From there, his agent drove the stock over Arthurs Pass to the West Coast goldfields.

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM
346 C 1877 damaged cover (¼ of front missing), franked 2d FSF canc fine "5" rectangular barred obliterator, b/s fine Carterton A-type dispatch cds 17 NO 77 & good-fine Wellington receipt A-type cds 19 NO 77. This 1st Carterton A known from 1 MR 76. Proving cover for this obliterator.

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM
347 U imageCaversham (DN 1884-1947, to Forbury), fine near complete B-type cds 4 OC 4(?) on 1940 1d Centennial. (Image)

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM
348 U Christchurch 1991 31 Oct & 1 Nov relief cancels on 2 diff covers celebrating 75th Anniv of 1906 Christchurch Exbn.

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM
349 U image"Christchurch/Loose Letter" 30mm C-type cds, 2 fine complete strikes on each of 3 neat pieces: 12 JE 30, 4 JE 31, 19 AP 32. All franked GV stamps. (Image)

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM
350 U imageClareville (MS 1881-1942) good 21 NO 1901 "A" class cancel on 1d Universal. Wooders 6. (Image)

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM
351 U imageClark's (DN 1876-1931) good large part A-type cds (name complete) 7 JA 10? on 1d Universal & near complete (part of C- off stamp) over-inked A 10? NO 26 on 1d Dominion. Scarce. (2). (Image)

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM
352 U imageClark's (DN 1876-1931) good-fine almost complete A-type cds 23 J? 00 on 2d SSF, p11. Scarce. (Image)

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM
353 U imageClark's (DN TO 1932-58) clear (somewhat over-inked) "TELEPHONE OFFICE / CLARKS" cds 16 OC 51 on paper. Very scarce. (Image)

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM
354 U imageClearburn (OU 1916-71) fine almost complete strike of J-type cds 3? JA 47 on registration label & fine complete strike 1 JE 55? on 3 QEII stamps on piece (2). (Image)

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM
355 C imageClevedon South (AK 1911-50) good fairly complete J-type cds, date unclear but c1914, as receipt d/s on comic PPC with stamp removed. (Image)

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM
356 U imageClevedon South (AK 1911-50) fine complete J-type cds 19 NO 49 on 2d GVI on piece. (Image)

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM
357 U imageClinton (DMN 1864-1988) good-fine near complete strike of "O21" barred obliterator on 1d SSF p11, with small fault. (Image)

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM
358 U imageConical Hills (DN 1923-37) fine near complete J-type cds (tops of CO- off edge) 22 FE 25 on 1d Dominion on piece. Very scarce. (Image)

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM
359 U imageCorbyvale (WP TO 1948-86) fine complete J-type cds 2 JA 59 on paper. (Image)

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM
360 U imageCricklewood (TU 1897-1948) good fairly complete strike of A-type cds (CRICKLEWOO-) 5 SP 32 on 1d GV & fine complete J-type cds 10 FE 42 on regn label. Scarce (2). (Image)

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM

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