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New Zealand continued...

Revenues continued...
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Description Opening
2081 R image1925 12/6d QVLT, p14½ x 14, sideways invtd wmk with "pom pom" flaw, at lower right of design, just above lower value panel. Unpunched. Attractive transient variety due to extraneous matter on paper, subsequently removed. Kiwi R460K var. (Image)

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM
2082 R 1925 £30 QVLT (THIRTY = 12.5mm), p14½ x 14, Cowan, sideways invtd wmk, unpunched. Kiwi R488K. Cat $60.

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM
2083 R 1937 7/6d Arms, unpunched. Kiwi R514. Cat $35.

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM
2084 R 1931 £1000 Arms horiz pair, unpunched. Kiwi R545. Cat $180.

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM
2085 M image1934-5 1d grey, 3d mauve Unemployment Relief. Also 6d blue with "1936" ovpt. Mint are scarce. Kiwi cat R594, 595, 611. (Image)

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM
2086 R 1934-5 £4 Unemployment Relief, pink. Kiwi R606. Cat $90.

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM
2087 R image1936 10d Unemployment Relief, attractive but horiz crease. Kiwi cat R613. Cat $100. (Image)

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM
2088 R image1937 £4 Wage Tax - Employment, scarce. Kiwi R634RA. Cat $100. (Image)

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM
2089 R 1938 ½d & 1d Inspection Fee, both used. Kiwi R134-5. Cat $45.

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM
2090 R image1938 £4 Wage Tax - Employment, scarce. Kiwi R634RB. Cat $100. (Image)

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM
2091 R image1939 35/- on 35/- Arms, Cowan, unpunched. Kiwi R 560A. Cat $100. (Image)

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM
2092 * image1939 3d Wage Tax Social Security horiz block of 8, minor discoloration on lower stamp. Also 1955-56 £1 single. MUH (9v). Kiwi RA637, RW650. (Image)

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM
2093 R image1944-51 4d GVI FINE PAID, unpunched - thinned. Kiwi R119. Cat $150. (Image)

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM
2094 R 1944-51 4d GVI FINE PAID, unpunched. Kiwi R119. Cat $150. Fine cancel.

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM
2095 R image1947-9 1/- GVI Mortgagee's Indemnity Fund, sideways wmk, unpunched. Kiwi R164b. Cat $50. (Image)

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM
2096 R 1947-9 1/- GVI Mortgagee's Indemnity Fund, upright wmk, unpunched. Kiwi R164a.

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM
2097 * 1994-8 Game Bird Habitat Stamps (5). Cat $130. MUH.

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM
2098 * image1996 $10 Game Bird Habitat - NZ Grey Duck. Kiwi R672. Cat $20. MUH. (Image)

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM
2099 * image1997-9 $10 Game Bird Habitat singles. Kiwi cat $95. MUH. (Image)

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM
2100 * 1997-8 $10 Game Bird Habitat Black Swan & Canada Geese singles. Kiwi R673-4. Cat $70. MUH.

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM

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