NEW ZEALAND - Postal Fiscals continued...
NEW ZEALAND - Booklets
NEW ZEALAND - Booklets
Lot |
Symbol |
Catalog No. |
Description |
Opening |
642 |
U |
1907 1d Universal official x 16 horiz pairs, all except one with cds. CP WO2a(x). Cat $960. Used. (Image)
Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM |
643 |
M* |
1919 1d Dominion rose-carmine shade, folded, fragile sheet (E398557) of 24 booklet panes with side & binding selvedge bars, by
Perkins Bacon & Co, plate 34, DLR wmk. Generally fine & virtually all MUH. A remarkable item, rarely offered. CP W4bY. Cat $8400+.
Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM |
644 |
* |
1967 50c: mixed (XA/XB/plain selvedge combinations) panes: 1967 (1st issue - deep red cover) x 2; 1969 (2nd issue - pale red
cover) x 8 (10 items). CP W9a(c). Cat $2250. MUH. (Image)
Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM |
645 |
* |
1988 $4 Mt Cook "NZ Stamps" 3 Kiwi symbols, 2004 $4.50 2 Kiwi symbols. CP W28av, W98ay. Cat $1100. MUH. (Image)
Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM |
646 |
* |
1992 $4.50 Panorama hangsell booklet (III on rear) grossly misguillotined (not listed by CP) & booklet pane visually most
impressive. MUH. (Image)
Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM |
647 |
* |
1996-2000 x 3 different Prestige stamp booklet errors: 1) 1996 NZ Racehorses with extra 80c & $1 (Blossom Lady) panes; 2) 1998
Performing Arts $1.20 (theatre) with printer’s quality check marking in black; 3) 2000 On the Road with extra $6.80 & $1.80 panes at end. All MUH & unexploded. Scarce. (Image)
Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM |
648 |
* |
1998 $4 Scenic hangsell booklet, Rugby Super 12 promotion, stamps printed on cover paper & vice versa (with explanation & used
example for comparison), CP W66b(Ya). Also, 2001 $4 Scenic hangsell booklet, Threatened Birds promotion, stamp designs completely omitted resulting in perforated blank stamps (with normal for comparison). A most impressive error. CP W66c(Ya). Cat
$955. MUH. (Image)
Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM |
649 |
* |
1998 $4.00 Town Icons, completely imperf. CP W69a(z). Cat $2000. MUH. (Image)
Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM |
650 |
* |
2002 $4.00 Tongaparutu Cliffs hangsell booklet, with punchable slot, but stamps completely imperf. CP W87a(w). Cat $2000.
MUH. (Image)
Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM |
651 |
* |
2002 $9.00 Curio Bay, Catlins major error: completely imperf MUH. Also incl 1998 $4.00 Scenic (Rugby Super 12 advert) error:
printed on backing paper. CP W66b(Ya) & W88a(Y). Cat $4100. Both MUH. (Image)
Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM |
652 |
* |
2010-14 Kaikoura regional (2 diff); also, set of 10 different $7, $8, $19 & $20 (Auckland etc) regional stamp booklets, 42v.
Listed but unpriced by CP. All MUH. (Image)
Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM |
Lot |
Symbol |
Catalog No. |
Description |
Opening |
653 |
C |
c1943 WWII printed "envelope saver" seals used (as intended) to seal folded commercial invoices. Examples x 12, most posted
Auckland (with GVI 1d) 1943, with text "Liberty Envelope Saver / Save Paper and Work For Liberty" (publ Whitcombe & Tombs Ltd), & 2 misc types.
Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM |
654 |
* |
Black Sheep/Posties Choice 2002 $4.00 Yvonne Sanders stamp booklet error: completely imperf MUH, with normal for comparison. (Image)
Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM |
655 |
U |
1903-39 6d Express Delivery all 6 issues: p11 unsurfaced paper; Cowan p14 x 14½ & p14 x 15; WT paper p14 x 14½, p14 x 15; 6d
Motorcar (CTO). CP U1a-e. FU. (Image)
Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM |
656 |
1970-9 Postal Notes x 35 - various values from 10c to $5. All but one with counterfoil mostly unused but "used" ones all
"philatelic" incl set of 6 10c Welpex 72 specials cancels. Also 1960 1/- inscribed "poundage" (67 Whakatane National Stamp Show cancel). Some duplication. Harwood US$624 (without counterfoils). (Image)
Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM |
NEW ZEALAND - Revenues
NEW ZEALAND - Revenues
Lot |
Symbol |
Catalog No. |
Description |
Opening |
657 |
R |
1867 seln of 37 perf Die I on s/b page. Noted 12/6d brown & blue & £35 deep rose & blue. Kiwi cat $2470. (Image)
Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM |
658 |
R |
1867 1d grey & red, Die I, star wmk, unofficial experimental separation, rough pin-roulette 13½ [this perf type not currently
listed in the Kiwi catalogue] on all sides, with additional piece incl part adjacent stamp at upper right. This clearly shows that the separation was made by a hand-held roulette wheel with narrow pins, not a line perforator. Part of the design at
left appears to be unprinted. A significant research example, appears unused. Rare. Kiwi R259a. Cat $650. (Image)
Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM |
659 |
R |
1867 1/- purple & red, Die I, “ONE SHILLING” in 2 lines in lower panel, small NZ invtd & reversed wmk (normal), unofficial
experimental separation, rough pin-roulette 13 on 3 sides, applied twice at foot (in error), imperf at left. 18/6/67 & initials in m/s & also small part h/s. Light toning visible on rear. Rare. Kiwi R259l. Cat $650. (Image)
Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM |
660 |
R |
1867 17/6d deep blue & black, imperf 4 margins. Kiwi R236. Cat $1250. (Image)
Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM |
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