NEW ZEALAND - Definitives continued...
Full Face Queens Chalon Collections & Accumulation continued...
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Catalog No. |
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381 |
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Simplified imperf set of 8, mostly with 4 margins (1d red mint, others FU & 3d is accidental imperf); & perf set of 11 (no 1d
red & 2 x 2d one with worn plate, 4d rose is GU/FU). (Image)
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382 |
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Later issues, Hausburgs: 1d, 2d (pl 1), 3d, 4d, 6d & 1/- horiz pairs; 1d B of 8; 2d (pl 1) B of 8; 2d (pl 2) B of 9, B of 4 & B
of 6; 3d B of 8; 4d B of 8; 6d single & B of 8; 1/- single & B of 8. Specimens: 1d Official reprint; 3d & 6d perf x 2; 2d plate proof horiz pair in black: 2d Official reprint in blue (pl 1 worn); 1d, 2d & 6d Official reprints; 2d Jolliffe B of 4;
Vol 2 Handbook die reprints (1950); 1/- Spanish "CORREOS" forgery. Spiro forgeries: 1d x 8, 2d x 4, 4d x 2 & 1/- x 3 plus other modern items: 11 items with Odenweller certs (c2015), plus "The History of New Zealand Stamps" by Jolliffe (publ 1913)
incl the 2 panes of 42 from the damaged portion of 2d plate 2, plus 21 damaged imperf & perf FFQs Chalon. (Image)
Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM |
Full Face Queens Chalon
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Catalog No. |
Description |
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383 |
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1855 2d blue on blued paper, London print, imperf 4 margins. Fine barred "16" cancel (Port Victoria). SG 2. Cat £750. FU. (Image)
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384 |
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1855 1/- pale yellow-green on blued paper, London print, imperf no complete margins, star wmk. Barred "1" cancel (Auckland).
SG 3. Cat £6500. FU. (Image)
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385 |
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1d red on blue paper, imperf 4 good margins, fine barred "11" cancel (Ahuriri). Odenweller cert (2015). SG 4. Cat £2500.
FU. (Image)
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386 |
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1d red on blue paper, imperf 4 margins, fine barred "18" cancel. SG 4. Cat £2500. FU. (Image)
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387 |
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Seln of 4: SG 5 4 margins (1 close) FU; SG 8 4 margins barred "18" cancel GU/FU; SG 46 4 margins GU. Also 1/- green 4 margins
SG 6 but very heavy cancel & very little paper blueing. (Image)
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388 |
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2d blue on blue paper, imperf 3 margins (but part next stamp at right, SG 5), on piece tied by barred "12" cancel (Wanganui),
also very nice near complete "PETRE DEC 10 1857 A NEW ZEALAND" cds (note name changed in 1854 but pmk used until 1858). (Image)
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389 |
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1/- green on blue paper, imperf 4 large margins, barred cancel slightly over face. SG 6. Cat £4000. FU. (Image)
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390 |
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1/- Bisect (Richardson print) on entire, tied by barred "18" obliterator, addressed to James Crawford, Edinburgh. B/s Otago DE
23 1858 unframed cds & Edinburgh AP 1 59 receiving cds. Odenweller listing R-19 (stated damaged in blitz, ie: rust spots caused by water damage). RPSNZ cert (1996). SG 6a. Cat £30,000. Provenance includes ex Charles Williams, Meredith & JR
Richards. (Image)
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391 |
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1d dull orange, imperf, no wmk x 10. Mixed cond, some minor & major faults, 1-4 margins. Most with legible numeral cancels.
SG 8. Cat £9000. GU/FU. (Image)
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392 |
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1d carmine-vermilion, imperf 4 margins, star wmk. SG 35. Cat £1100. Unused no gum. (Image)
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393 |
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3d brown-lilac imperf x 7, star wmk, range of shades, very mixed cond. Also another apparently unused but small margins (maybe
perf cut down). SG 40. (Image)
Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM |
394 |
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3d brown-lilac rouletted 7 discernable all 4 sides, star wmk. Clear barred 1 cancel (Auckland). Ex Inoue. RPSNZ cert (1996).
SG 52. Cat £950. (Image)
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395 |
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6d black-brown, rouletted 7 clearly discernable all 4 sides, star wmk, very light pmk. BPA cert (2000). SG 53. Cat £700.
FU. (Image)
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396 |
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6d black-brown rouletted 7 clearly discernable at sides, internal row at base incl part next stamp, star wmk. SG 53. Cat
£700. FU. (Image)
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397 |
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6d brown, rouletted "7" (at Auckland) clearly discernable all 4 sides & clear of design, star wmk, barred "1" cancel
(Auckland). Odenweller cert (2017). SG 54. Cat £700. FU. (Image)
Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM |
398 |
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1/- green, rouletted 7 clearly discernable all 4 sides, star wmk, fine barred 1 cancel (Auckland). RPSNZ cert (1974). SG 56.
Cat £1000. (Image)
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399 |
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1/- green, rouletted 7, internal row at left, clearly discernable at right, star wmk. Excellent item. SG 56. Cat £1000. (Image)
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400 |
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2d deep blue, serrated p18 (at Nelson) clearly discernable 3 sides, clear barred "15" cancel (Nelson). Small thin spot top
left on back. BPA cert (1991). Ex Samos. SG 60. Cat £2500. FU. (Image)
Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM |
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