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301 |
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Vatican 1950s-80s extensive accum/colln neatly arranged in 2 large s/bs, much duplication & mostly MUH (but some used) & most
especially MUH seem to be in equal numbers as sets. About 7500 stamps. Good cv. (Image)
Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM |
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302 |
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Venezuela 1859-1937 specialised colln mint & used on s/b pages, large ranges of earlies with shades, pmks etc. Noted 50c Arms
double print, invtd ovpts, Civil War issues, perfins, forgeries etc. Comprehensive range. (Image)
Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM |
303 |
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Venezuela 1862-1911 specialised colln mint & used with dupn in 3 s/bs, quantities of 1862-3 issues & onward, Arms official
imperf proofs, double print etc. (Image)
Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM |
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304 |
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World 1870s-2016 seln of 113 picked over Earl Howe circuit books, mix of mint & used. Mainly modern European incl France,
Liechtenstein, Sweden & Switzerland. SG cat £16,200. (Image)
Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM |
305 |
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World 1880s-2015 seln of 18 picked over Earl Howe circuit books, mix of mint & used. Mainly European stamps particularly
modern Sweden. SG cat £4600. (Image)
Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM |
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306 |
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World c1920-80s an eclectic mix of odds/sets/multiples/FDCs/presentation albums featuring UPU, Churchill, animals, Disney etc,
& optimistically priced for sale @ $8700+, in box. Noted: Egypt SG 219-232 used; Honduras SG 488a mint; Jamaica SG 121-133a mint; & West Berlin SG B54-B60 used. Weight approx 3kg. Mint/MUH/used. (Image)
Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM |
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307 |
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Zululand 1888-96 mint & used in plastic mounts on hingeless album pages. Noted 1888 FU to 9d, 1/- mint, 1894 to 2/6d mint (18
stamps). (Image)
Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM |
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308 |
C |
Postcards: Asia c1900s-30s early pictorial p/cs accum of approx 600 in box, arranged by country, incl Hong Kong (32, incl 3
folding panoramas), China (25), Japan (144), Indochina (108, incl 13 art type), Singapore (32), Malaya (52), Dutch East Indies (11), Burma (31), India (25), Ceylon (50), & Egypt (80). Unused & used. Some very interesting (& hard to find) cards
noted. Some of the Indochina appear to be privately created "real photo" cards. Inspection essential. Ex Leo Haks. (Image)
Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM |
309 |
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Postcards, Photos: Far East c1920s bespoke professionally produced travel album of a Dutch family containing high quality
photographs of their travels through Hong Kong (9 photos), Canton (7 photos), Shanghai (7 photos & 7 PPCs), Japan (40 photos & 38 PPCs). Also a few Hawaii items at end. All in perfect condition but stuck down on the pages. A glimpse of 1920s
high-end tourism. The view of Hong Kong streets are extraordinary as is a p/c of a ship coaling (via a hand-to-hand chain of coolies). Superb condition. Ex Leo Haks. (Image)
Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM |
310 |
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Postcards: Japan 1910s-30s N.Y.K. Shipping Line advertising pictorial p/cs (almost all in full cover) incl 220 diff with great
variety of Japanese art designs with inset photo black & white vignettes of named ships. Also 53 other NYK advert PPCs (without ship name) mostly c1930s photo scenes or art. Almost all fine unused condition (a few PU). In small box. Arranged
alphabetically by ship name. Ex Leo Haks. (Image)
Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM |
311 |
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Postcards: Netherlands c1900s-50s pictorial p/cs regional costumes theme, fascinating colln of approx 200 diff unused & used,
plus c50 later (1960s-80s) on the same theme. Noted Rawly Gravenhage, Canary Isl, Marseilles etc. (Image)
Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM |
312 |
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Postcards: NZ c1900s-20s early pictorial p/cs, small box full of approx 650 used & unused, incl North Isl (c275), South Isl
(c225) & misc "subject" type (c150). Also 5 1900 QV 1d brown Boer War contingent postal stationery p/cs (scarce) used (in VG condition), 3 QV 1½d lettercards used, & 2 1d on 1½d L/Cs. Ex Leo Haks. (Image)
Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM |
313 |
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Postcards: NZ mix 1900s-70s eras seln of about 100 (mostly early) - 28 Wellington region, rest spread throughout country. Some
real photos etc. (Image)
Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM |
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314 |
"The Postage Stamps of New Zealand", vols 1-4, 6-7 plus "The Penny Universal of NZ" by Lee. All with dustjackets (vol 1-4 a
bit tatty). Vol 1 has photo plates & Vol 2 has colour FFQ Chalon die proofs. (Image)
Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM |
315 |
"The Postage Stamps of New Zealand", Vols I to VIII & "1d Universals" by Lee - all number 736. RPSNZ pubs Vols II to VIII all
apparently unused but some minor foxing throughout. Very unusual to find complete numbered set (note Vols IX & X were not numbered).
Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM |
NEW ZEALAND - Postal History
NEW ZEALAND - Postal History
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316 |
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Dunedin postal district: 6 very scarce to rare pmks on 1d Universals: Ashley Downs “H” class (Wooders rated 9/10); Otago Heads
“F” (7/10, complete on piece); Queensberry “A” (7/10); Rough Ridge “H” (7/10); Upper Nevis “H” (9/10); Wharuarimu “G” (9/10, near complete on piece). All complete or near complete strikes. (Image)
Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM |
317 |
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Gisborne postal district: 4 diff very scarce to rare pmks on 1d Universals: Iwiroa “A” class (Wooders rated 8/10); Pouawa “B”
(9/10); Poututu “A” (9/10) & Waingake “A” (8/10). All good-fine near complete strikes. (Image)
Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM |
318 |
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Greymouth & Westport postal districts: 3 rare pmks on 1d Universals: fine “Pekanga 12/6/07” manuscript cancel [GM, P.O. open
only 1907-1912, “G” class cds proofed c1908 but no examples seen]. This is THE sole m/s cancel recorded. Also, good Pakorari “H” class (Wooders rated 8/10) 15 SP 02 (GM, 1901-12) & Little Wanganui “H” (10/10) MR 26 04 (WP, 1895-1919, “H” replaced
by “J” in 1911). (Image)
Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM |
319 |
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Hamilton postal district: range of 9 diff very scarce to scarce pmks on 1d Universals: Kakepuku “A” class (Wooders rated 8/10);
Kiritehere “F” (9/10, known 1908-1911 only); Oparure “A” (9/10); Patunga “J” (8/10); Rukuhia “H” (10/10); Tahunga “A” (9/10); Te Rapa “H”; Waerengahou “G” (10/10); Wardville “B” (9/10). All good-fine near complete strikes. Also, fine strikes of
Rotoorangi “H” (10/10) OC 4 07 on fine PPC & Tangawahia “H” (8/10) 11 SP 03 (muddled date – month invtd) on spiked “Tatts” lottery cover to Hobart. Rare lot. (Image)
Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM |
320 |
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Kawarau (DN 1863-74, to Cromwell) fine A-type cds DE 19 73 as dispatch b/s on fine cover to Port Chalmers (2d FFQ canc unclear
"O32" obliterator). Also fair-good strike SP 19 72 as b/s on good 6d FFQ Chalon blue cover to GB (with clearer "O32" cancel).
Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM |
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