Patriotic Covers continued...
LotNo. |
Symbol |
CatNo. |
Lot Description |
1181 |
132 |
"Mc Knight Guards,
Co. L, 28th Reg't Penn. Vol's, Capt. James Barr". Shield with oval portrait black patriotic design with cannon and sword at bottom, on cover Chaplain endorsed "Soldiers Letter", entered mails with bold "Washington D.C. Jun 9, 1862" cds to
Hammonton, N.J.; manuscript "Died List" on reverse, Very Fine and exceptionally rare, only two recorded used examples, ex-Gabriel. Walcott No. 132; Estimate $400 - 600. (Image1)
Get Market Data for [United States 132] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Est. $400-600
Selling for...$190.00
Will close during Public Auction |
1182 |
51st Regt.
P.V. Red and blue soldier and flag patriotic design with verse below "The star-flower banner must never be furled…" below, M.R. Wills of Norristown Pa. imprint at left on 1862 cover bearing 3¢ rose (65) tied by "Washington D.C. Dec
24" cds to Flemming Pa., with original linteresting letter mentioning "bad fight", other interesting subjects, need for supplies from home, etc.; reduced at right, F.-V.F. and scarce regimental design. Estimate; $200 - 300. (Image1)
Get Market Data for [United States 65] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Est. $200-300
Selling for...$95.00
Will close during Public Auction |
1183 |
Loyal States.
Multi-colored all over oval of Loyal States Seals with eagle, shield and flags at top, Upton imprint on bottom backflap, on cover bearing 1¢ blue (63) and 3¢ rose (65), both with Boston boxed "Paid" handstamp, red "Boston
Mass., Jan 12" cds to Philadelphia Pa., 1862 docketing on reverse; stamps small flaws due to edge placement, otherwise Very Fine and choice prepaid carrier fee patriotic use, Walcott L-1622. Walcott No. 1622. Estimate; $300 - 400. (Image1)
Get Market Data for [United States 63] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Est. $300-400
Selling for...$140.00
Will close during Public Auction |
1184 |
Connecticut State
Seal and Flag. Red and blue patriotic design on cover bearing 3¢ dull red (26), small faults, barely tied by target cancel duplexed with matching "Hartford, Conn. Aug 10, 1861" cds to Philadelphia Pa.; missing flap, mounting
adherances on reverse, still Very Fine and scarce design. Estimate; $150 - 200. (Image1)
Get Market Data for [United States 26] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Est. $150-200
Selling for...$70.00
Will close during Public Auction |
1185 |
The Massachusetts
Pine. Patriotic design with six-line verse below on orange cover with manuscript Officers "Soldiers Letter" endorsement entering the mails with Philadelphia "US Ship 3 cts" circular handstamp to Foxborough Mass.; reduced slightly at
right, some edge wear, F.-V.F. Estimate; $150 - 200. (Image1)
Est. $150-200
Selling for...$70.00
Will close during Public Auction |
1186 |
State Seal. Red and blue oval patriotic design with eagle, shield and flags on small ladies cover bearing 3¢ dull red (26), corner mended, tied by blue "Somerville, Mass Jun 17" cds to Merideth Village N.H., attractive and Very
Fine appearance. Estimate; $150 - 200. (Image1)
Get Market Data for [United States 26] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Est. $150-200
Selling for...$70.00
Will close during Public Auction |
1187 |
Fort the Union,
Minnesota. Multicolor Magnus two-panel patriotic design showing Indians on cover bearing 3¢ rose (65) tied by four-ring cancel, matching "Alexandria Va. Oct 8 '63" cds to South Alabama, N.Y., couple small edge tears;
accompanied by unoriginal matching multicolor Magnus lettersheet from soldier writing to his sister from "Camp near Brandy Wine Station, Va. Apr. the 2nd 1862…I think the soldier will get a vote and it we live to see that day will short the
traitors where the circumference of the Circle lies. I do think that Old Abe will be the President and I find I am not the only one that thinks so. God grant that such be the case…", some mends, Very Fine pair,
ex-Risvold. Estimate; $1,000 - 1,500.
(Image1) (Image2)
Get Market Data for [United States 65] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Est. $1,000-1,500
Selling for...$475.00
Will close during Public Auction |
1188 |
Loyal to the
Union, State of New York. All-over red and blue patriotic design with Wells flap imprint on cover with "Washington D.C. Jan 20, 1862" cds and "C.H. Van Wyck" member of congress free frank to North Hempstead, Long Island N.Y.; small edge tears,
Very Fine. Estimate; $150 - 200. (Image1)
Est. $150-200
Selling for...$70.00
Will close during Public Auction |
1189 |
1895 |
"My Country in
peril". Verse below multi-colored hand-painted Magnus patriotic of man resting with imprint below on cover bearing 3¢ rose (65), small corner crease, tied by "Alexandria Va. Jul 5, 1862" cds to Shoemakertown Pa.; faint cover
stains, reduced at right, F.-V.F. and scarce Magnus design, with 1991 P.F. certificate. Walcott No. 1895; Estimate $500 - 750. (Image1)
Get Market Data for [United States 1895] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Est. $500-750
Selling for...$240.00
Will close during Public Auction |
1190 |
"Our Union
Volunteers". Red and blue patriotic design showing Officers, Indian Head and Waving Flag on cover bearing 3¢ rose (65) tied by blue "Delaware City Del. Nov 10" cds to Lancaster County Pa.; reduced slighty at right, 3¢ light
crease and perf toning, Very Fine and attractive design. Estimate; $200 - 300. (Image1)
Get Market Data for [United States 65] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Est. $200-300
Selling for...$95.00
Will close during Public Auction |
1191 |
834 |
"United States
Artillery". Blue patriotic design showing men manning cannon, flag in blue behind, verse below, on cover bearing 3¢ rose (65) tied by "Washington D.C. Dec 19, 1863" to Tioga Pa.; reduced slightly at left, fresh and Very
Fine. Walcott No. 834; Estimate $150 - 200. (Image1)
Get Market Data for [United States 834] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Est. $150-200
Selling for...$70.00
Will close during Public Auction |
1192 |
"Feed the light of
Liberty, that it may burn the brighter." . Red design showing female pumping water on clean cover bearing 3¢ rose (65) tied by partial "Old Point Comfort, Va." cds to Framingham Mass., Very Fine and choice. Estimate; $300 - 400. (Image1)
Get Market Data for [United States 65] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Est. $300-400
Selling for...$140.00
Will close during Public Auction |
1193 |
"If I cannont
fight, I can feed those who do." . Red patriotic design showing Woman cooking in Kitchen on cover bearing 3¢ dull red (26), small flaws, tied by partial "Washington D.C., Aug 12" cds to Petersburgh Pa.; cover soiling and staining at
right, Fine and scarce design. Estimate; $150 - 200. (Image1)
Get Market Data for [United States 26] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Est. $150-200
Selling for...$70.00
Will close during Public Auction |
1194 |
Lady Liberty and
Flag. Multi-colored Magnus-style hand-painted patriotic design on cover bearing 3¢ rose pink (64b), minor perf tip toning, tied by neat "Rockton, Ill Oct 28" cds to Portland N.Y.; reduced at right with minor wrinkling, Very Fine
and rare patriotic. Estimate; $500 - 750.
Get Market Data for [United States 64b] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Est. $500-750
Selling for...$240.00
Will close during Public Auction |
1195 |
2129 var. |
Lady Liberty and
"Union" Flag. Red and blue patriotic design with S.C. Rickards imprint on 1861 cover with "Washington D.C. Nov 21" cds and Member of Congress free frank to Göttingen, Hannover, Germany, endorsed "via Bremen" although sent via
Hamburg, light "N.York, Hamb. Pkt. '5' Nov 30" debit exchange cds, carried by HAPAG Saxonia from Nov. 30th to Hamburg arriving Dec. 14th, Hamburg (12.14) transit backstamp and blue "6½" exchange rating, large red crayon
"6½" restatement, Göttingen (12.14) arrival backstamp; addressee name neatly disguised, Very Fine and scarce patriotic use to Germany. Walcott No. 2129 var.; Estimate $500 - 750. (Image1)
Get Market Data for [United States 2129 var.] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Est. $500-750
Selling for...$240.00
Will close during Public Auction |
1196 |
2158 |
Liberty, Flag and
Eagle. Red and blue patriotic design on 1862 cover bearing 3¢ rose (65), corner flaw and tear, tied by light "Lebanon, Ky Oct 31" cds to Williamstown Mass., pencil "No 26 '62" docketing; small stain spot, F.-V.F. and unusual
design. Walcott No. 2158; Estimate $150 - 200. (Image1)
Get Market Data for [United States 2158] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Est. $150-200
Selling for...$70.00
Will close during Public Auction |
1197 |
"O'er old oceans
farthest deep Our Banner'd Navies Proudly sweep". Purple Magnus-style female design with verse below on cover bearing 3¢ rose (65), s.e. at top and tiny tear, tied by "Saint Louis, Mo. Nov 28" cds to Pulaski N.Y., docketed "Ans Dec.
10/61" at top; reduced slightly at right, Very Fine. Estimate; $200 - 300. (Image1)
Get Market Data for [United States 65] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Est. $200-300
Selling for...$95.00
Will close during Public Auction |
1198 |
"Our old oceans
farthest deep, Our Banner'd Navies Proudly sweep". Blue Magnus-style patriotic design with verse below showing Lady Liberty and additional woman adjacent on yellow cover bearing pen canceled 3¢ rose (65), matching manuscript
"Martinsburg O. Dec 31" town postmark to Bucyrus, Ohio; corner fault lower right, Fine and attractive design. Estimate; $150 - 200. (Image1)
Get Market Data for [United States 65] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Est. $150-200
Selling for...$70.00
Will close during Public Auction |
1199 |
2254 var. |
Exalteth a Nation but Sin is a reproach to any People". Green patriotic design with verse and Liberty, red illustrated Partridge imprint inside flap and balance of verse covering entire inside front panel, on orange cover bearing 3¢ rose
(65) canceled by blue circular grid cancel duplexed with "Oberlin O. Dec 17" cds to Elzria, Ohio, Extremely Fine and choice, a most unusual patriotic design with inside text and imprint. Walcott No. 2254 var.; Estimate $300 - 400. (Image1)
Get Market Data for [United States 2254 var.] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Est. $300-400
Selling for...$140.00
Will close during Public Auction |
1200 |
Eagle and Flag with Song. Blue patriotic design with Herron imprint on yellow cover bearing 3¢ rose (65) s.e. tied by "Washington D.C. Apr 9, 1862" cds to Lakeville N.Y., enclosed matching "Soldier's Memento" patriotic
lettersheet datelined "Camp Wadsworth, Co. D. Regiment 104, April the 8th 1862" with some interesting camp content "…Our regiment had marching orders since the came here but they was so many of the men sick that they couldnt go, the
orders was to march a crost the potmic…"; small edge flaws, 3¢ slightly affected from edgement, still Very Fine and scarce patriotic pair. Estimate; $300 - 400. (Image1) (Image2)
Get Market Data for [United States 65] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Est. $300-400
Selling for...$140.00
Will close during Public Auction |