British Commonwealth continued...
Samoa continued...
Lot |
Symbol |
Lot Description |
CV or Estimate |
2074 |
Brief |
5 d. dull vermilion, perf. 11½:12 and 2½ d. rose perf. 12:11½, tied by black "APIA JAN 2" to registered commercial
cover to Germany with "R" in circle and London transit mark on front (Image 1)
(Image 2)
Get Market Data for [British (undetermined) 71, 44] |
SOLD for €130.00
Closing..Nov-15, 05:00 AM |
2075 |
Brief |
1894/1900, perf. 11½:12, 5 d. dull vermilion, tied by violet black "APIA JUL. 18" (1894) to cover to Massachusetts with
transit and arrival marks, also surcharge 1½ d. on 2 d. perf. 11 with black cds. on cover to Germany without arrival mark (3 corners clipped) (Image 1)
(Image 2)
(Image 3)
Get Market Data for [British (undetermined) 71, 75] |
SOLD for €110.00
Closing..Nov-15, 05:00 AM |
2076 |
Brief |
1½ d. on 2 d. and 2 copies ½ d. blackish-purple, tied by blue "APIA APR 18 95" to cover to San Francisco with arrival
mark (Image 1)
(Image 2)
Get Market Data for [British (undetermined) 73, 41a] |
SOLD for €80.00
Closing..Nov-15, 05:00 AM |
2077 |
Brief |
Surcharges 1½ d. on 2 d. (2) and 3 d. on 2 d., applied alternately, tied by black "APIA MAR 27 95" to registered
envelope to Germany with London register mark on front, fine (Image 1)
(Image 2)
Get Market Data for [British (undetermined) 73, 74] |
SOLD for €120.00
Closing..Nov-15, 05:00 AM |
2078 |
Brief |
3 d. on 2 d. perf. 12:11½ and 2½ d. rose perf. 12½, tied by blue "APIA APR 18 95" to commercial cover to Germany with
London transit and arrival marks (Image 1)
(Image 2)
Get Market Data for [British (undetermined) 74, 52] |
SOLD for €100.00
Closing..Nov-15, 05:00 AM |
2079 |
Brief |
1895/1900, Register stamp 3 d. on 2 d. and 2 s. 6 d., tied by black "APIA AUG 14 95" and additionally with oval
"REGISTERED LONDON" to registered envelope to Constantinople, Turkey with arrival mark, fine (Image 1)
(Image 2)
Get Market Data for [British (undetermined) 76, 64] |
SOLD for €110.00
Closing..Nov-15, 05:00 AM |
2080 |
Brief |
1896, 2½ d. black with 1 d. green and 2 d. pale ocre, tied by black "APIA SEP 17 98" to cover via San Francisco to New
York, fine (Image 1)
(Image 2)
Get Market Data for [British (undetermined) 81, 58, 59c] |
SOLD for €120.00
Closing..Nov-15, 05:00 AM |
2081 |
Brief |
1898/99, Handstamp 2½ d. on 1 s. with overprint 2½ d. on 1 d., tied by black "APIA APR 21 99" to envelope to San
Francisco with arrival mark (Image 1)
(Image 2)
Get Market Data for [British (undetermined) 83, 84] |
SOLD for €120.00
Closing..Nov-15, 05:00 AM |
2082 |
Brief |
1899, 1 d. deep red-brown tied by black "APIA SEP .. 99" to postcard with adjacent "N.Z. MARINE P.O.H.M.S. MARIPOSA 8
SEP. 99" to Germany with arrival mark (Image 1)
(Image 2)
Get Market Data for [British (undetermined) 89] |
SOLD for €80.00
Closing..Nov-15, 05:00 AM |
2083 |
Brief |
1899/1900, ½ d. dull blue-green and 1 d. chestnut, tied by black "APIA FEB 28 1900" to postcard to Germany (Image 1)
(Image 2)
Get Market Data for [British (undetermined) 90, 91] |
SOLD for €100.00
Closing..Nov-15, 05:00 AM |
Lot |
Symbol |
Lot Description |
CV or Estimate |
2084 |
Postfrisch |
1915, G.R. MAFIA in violet on 2½ h.-45 h., unmounted mint, 2 values with minor gum toning, 30 h. small tear at top,
otherwise very fine and fresh; each stamp with 2 signatures in pencil and sign. Hoffmann-Giesecke (Image 1)
(Image 2)
Get Market Data for [British (undetermined) M1-7] |
SOLD for €1,800.00
Closing..Nov-15, 05:00 AM |
2085 |
Ungebraucht |
1915, German East Africa Yacht types with handstamp "G.R. MAFIA" 3 r. blue-black and red in horizontal pair with left
sheet margin, nice fresh colour and good visible handstamps, unused with original gum and small hinge remainder, the left stamp with some toning. With eight copies issued one of the great rarities of British East Africa and to our records the only
multiple of this stamp. Certificate BPA (2020) (Image 1)
(Image 2)
(Image 3)
(Image 4)
Get Market Data for [British (undetermined) M10] |
SOLD for €14,500.00
Closing..Nov-15, 05:00 AM |
2086 |
Ungebraucht |
6 c. on 20 h., unused o.g. very fine, certificate BPA (1962) (Image 1)
(Image 2)
(Image 3)
(Image 4)
Get Market Data for [British (undetermined) M15] |
SOLD for €5,600.00
Closing..Nov-15, 05:00 AM |
2087 |
Postfrisch |
Statistik des Waarenverkehrs 12½ h. drab, marginal copy, mnh, very fine, certificate BPA (2020) (Image 1)
(Image 2)
(Image 3)
Get Market Data for [British (undetermined) M22] |
SOLD for €850.00
Closing..Nov-15, 05:00 AM |
Lot |
Symbol |
Lot Description |
CV or Estimate |
2088 |
Brief |
1892, Arms of Tonga 1d. pale rose diagonally bisected together with 2d. additional franking tied by duplex cancel to
Apia Samoa, some typical peripheral aging, nice cover with this authorized bisect making up the 2½d. UPU-rate (Image 1)
(Image 2)
Get Market Data for [British (undetermined) 10b,11] |
SOLD for €200.00
Closing..Nov-15, 05:00 AM |
2089 |
Brief |
1896, TONGA GOVERNMENT FRANK two fine government free frank items: 1896 wrapper to England with the NUKUALOFA cds
without year (as normal); 1900 Customs cover to New Zealand with scarcer TONGA GOVERNMENT VAVAU and dated cachet on reverse. Above average condition for this material (Image 1)
(Image 2)
SOLD for €160.00
Closing..Nov-15, 05:00 AM |
Transit- und Grenzüberschreitende Post
Lot |
Symbol |
Lot Description |
CV or Estimate |
2091 |
Brief |
"AMSTERDAM Fo. GRENZEN" in red on entire letter from Amsterdam to Copenhagen, prepaid with "5" stuiver (noted on
reverse), transported via Wildeshausen and Hamburg and charged in Denmark with 200 Rbs. N.V. (Image 1)
(Image 2)
SOLD for €130.00
Closing..Nov-15, 05:00 AM |
2092 |
Brief |
"Aus Schweden", boxed marking on front of entire letter with blue dispatch mark "TRONDHJEM 6/12 1852" via Helsingoer
and the Swedish Norwegian post office at Hamburg with frontside oval "FRANCO" to Bordeaux (Image 1)
(Image 2)
SOLD for €240.00
Closing..Nov-15, 05:00 AM |
2093 |
Brief |
"befördert durch J.H. Venauer & Priess, Lübeck 11 Juli 1814" in manuscript with adjacent "H.P." on reverse of entire
letter from Stockholm to Oldenburg, endorsed "frei Hambg." and frontside "ST. P. LUB." (Image 1)
Get Market Data for [Europe Collection] |
SOLD for €150.00
Closing..Nov-15, 05:00 AM |
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