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Postal History, Foreign continued...

United States continued...
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
541 CVR UXC1a image1949 (January 10), 4c deep red airmail postal stationery card first day cover, postmarked with Washington, D.C. duplex on day of issue, a scarce and desirable First Day Cover. (Sc. #UXC1a, $250). (Image)

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542 CVR 1059a, 1289a-1295a image1973 (April 3), Luminescent definitive issues first day cover, John Bassett Moore cacheted envelope franked with all eight different Luminescent definitive issues, an improvised cachet with Luminescent Series - 1973 typed at the bottom, hastily photocopied due to the lack of official notice regarding their issuance, tied by New York rounded square dial with New York Philatelic Center cancel, addressed to Columbus, Ohio, no markings on back, a very fine and scarce first day usage. (Sc. #1059a, 1289a/1295a, $250). (Image)

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543 CVR   imageConfederate States, 1861 (August 15), Huntersville to Leatherwood’s Store, West Virginia, stampless ‘Due 5’ Confederate soldier’s cover, manuscript "HUNTERSVILLE VA" dated (17 Oct), with endorsement on reverse indicating Jabez E. Gravely of Captain Hereford’s Company, 42nd Regiment Virginia, usual flaws, a scarce Confederate military usage during the early months of the war. (Image) (image2)


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544 CVR   imageConfederate States, 1862 (August 15), Vicksburgh to Van Dorn, Mississippi, 5c uprated 3c postal stationery cover, franked with single imperforate 5c light blue Jefferson Davis, affixed to a red 3c Washington postal stationery cover, tied by black "VICKSBURGH MISS" undated single-circle cancellation, likely referring to the Van Dorn House in Port Gibson, some staining as commonly seen and trimmed along top, a scarce and unusual Confederate postal usage. (Sc. #6, U26). (Image)

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545 CVR 65, U59 imageExpress Companies, 1865 (May 3), Chinese Camp to San Francisco, Wells Fargo & Co. 3c on 3c postal stationery cover, with contents, franked with 3c rose Washington, uprating 3c postal stationery cover with black Haller Type E printed frank, struck with blue Wells Fargo & Co. "CHINESE CAMP CALIFORNIA" (Tuolumne County) oval datestamp (Leutzinger Type 11-9), alongside blue "W.F. & Co. May 3" oval transit, enclosed letter dated (30 April) references the assassination of President Lincoln just over two weeks earlier, ragged edges at top, else fine. (Sc. #65, U59). (Image) (image2) (image3) (image4) (image5) (image6) (image7) (image8)

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546 CVR U21 imageExpress Companies, 1871 (January 2), Paso Robles Hot Spring to Ferrisburg, Wells Fargo & Co. 3c postal stationery cover, with black Haller Type E printed frank, struck with blue Wells Fargo & Co. "PASO ROBLES HOT SPRING CALIFORNIA" (San Luis Obispo County) oval datestamp (Leutzinger Type 11-9), trivial flaws at right, else fine. (Sc. #U21). (Image) (image2)


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547 CVR U25 imageExpress Companies, 1873 (February 20), Marysville to San Francisco, Wells Fargo & Co., 3c postal stationery cover, with black Haller Type E printed frank, struck with blue Wells Fargo & Co. "MARYSVILLE CALIFORNIA" (Yuba County) oval datestamp (Leutzinger Type 12-8), docketing at left, an appealing express mail usage. (Sc. #U25). (Image) (image2)


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548 CVR U25 imageExpress Companies, 1874 (November 5), Aurora to Virginia City, Wells Fargo & Co. 3c postal stationery cover, with contents, black Haller Type E printed frank, struck with blue Wells Fargo & Co. "AURORA NEVADA" (Esmeralda County) oval handstamp (Leutzinger Type 3-2), a scarce usage from this closed post office (DPO 1866-1897), small lower right corner flaw, an attractive cover. (Sc. #U25). (Image) (image2)


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549 CVR U25 imageExpress Companies, 1877 (April 21), San Francisco to Stockton, Wells Fargo & Co. 3c all-over advertising postal stationery cover, with black Haller Type E printed frank, without cancellation, featuring all-over advertising for Sroufe, Sweeney & Co., Wholesale Provisions Dealers and Commission Merchants of San Francisco, an attractive and scarce express mail advertising cover. (Sc. #U25). (Image) (image2)


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Vatican City
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
550 CVR 14, B1; Italy C42. image1933 (May 27), Graf Zeppelin Flight, Vatican City despatch, picture postcard to Rome, franked 25c on 30c Crossed Keys and 25c+10c green semi-postal, each tied by "Città del Vaticano" c.d.s. (27 May), additionally franked with Italy 3L Zeppelin Flight adhesive, tied by Roma c.d.s. (29 May), blue "Posta Aerea / Italiana / Dirigible / Graf Zeppelin / 1933" handstamped cachet, reverse a photo of a pilot, postmarked with Roma / Crociera Zeppelin transit datestamp, scarce and very fine. (Vatican Sc. #14, B1; Italy Sc. #C42; Sieger #208Va). (Image) (image2)


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551 CVR 47-54 image1936 (October 22), World Exposition of the Catholic Press set on registered cover to Bern, Switzerland, franked with 5c to 5l set, tied by "CITTA DEL VATICANO POSTE" double-circle cancellations, black "CITTA DEL VATICANO" registration label on front,  Bern (25 Oct) double-circle receiver on back, shallow horizontal crease and hinge remnants on back, else very fine. (Sc. #47-54). (Image) (image2)


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552 CVR 20, 21, 41, 46 image1937 (November 10), International Juridical Congress set on registered cover to Vienna, Austria, franked with 5c to 1.25l commemorative set, along with 10c and 12½c Vatican Palace definitives, tied by four "CITTA DEL VATICANO POSTE" double-circle cancellations, black "CITTA DEL VATICANO" registration label on front, no backstamps, very fine. (Sc. #20/21, 41/46). (Image) (image2)


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LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
553 CVR   image1852 (August 25), stampless folded letter from Puerto Cabello to France via London, handstruck ‘15’ and ‘per R.M. Steamer’ manuscript ship instructional marking, red boxed Colonies & ART. 13 French accountancy handstamp, and red ANGL. CALAIS  (21 Sep) double-circle transit marking, reverse with red C.P. LONDON (23 Sep) single-circle transit, PARIS (24 Sep) double-circle transit, and BORDEAUX (25 Sep) double-backstamps, fine. (Image) (image2) (image3) (image4) (image5)

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554 CVR 1a image1859 (April 8), 1/2r orange Coat of Arms on folded letter from Valencia to Puerto Cabello, tied with ‘X’ pen cancel on front, no backstamps, horizontal fold clear of stamp, a scarce "Number One" franking. (Sc. #1a, $750). (Image) (image2) (image3)

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555 CVR 20a image1867 (December 25), 1r red diagonally bisected Coat of Arms, on folded letter from Caracas to La Guaira, adhesive tied by "CORREOS CARACAS" c.d.s., without backstamps, tape stains where edges were reinforced, some acidic ink erosion but an uncommon franking. (Sc. #20a, $500). (Image) (image2) (image3) (image4)

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556 CVR   image1868 (February 22), stampless folded letter from La Guaira to France via London, handstamped ‘10’ in black, struck with boxed GB 1F 60c Anglo-French accountancy handstamp, and ANGL AMB CALAIS (30 Mar) double-circle entry mark, with red R.N. LONDON (March 30), PARIS A BORDEAUX (30 Mar), and BORDEAUX (31 Mar) backstamps, horizontal fold and some toning in places, else fine. (Image) (image2) (image3) (image4)

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557 CVR 71 image1880, 25c Bolivar on illustrated advertising cover from Puerto Cabello to Paris, France, attractive purple "JULIO STURUP & Cia Pharmacist and Druggist" envelope depicting two of their stores and describing their products on the reverse, struck with 'T' in triangle handstamp, and red French "PAYS ETR. PAR HAVRE, LE HAVRE" double-circle entry marking on front, small filled-in edge faults at left, most attractive. (Sc. #71). (Image) (image2)


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558 CVR 71 image1881 (August 30), 25c yellow Bolivar Escuelas single franking, on folded letter from La Guaira to Caracas, tied by "CORREOS LA GUAIRA" double-circle cancellation, no backstamps, some light perf toning as often found, else fine. (Sc. #71, $250). (Image) (image2) (image3) (image4)

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