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Postal History, Canada continued...

QV Leaf and Numeral Postal History, Chronological continued...
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
121 CVR   image1902 11c Triple Weight Registered Numeral Cover to England, mailed from Toronto on SEP.5 to Peterborough, England, through London, England (SEP.15 oval transit). The franking consists of a 1c and 10c QV Numeral issues, totaling 11c, being three times the letter rate plus 5c registration fee. Marks Stamps Co. red wax seals on reverse, very fine and a nice use of the 10c issue.

Estimate $ 300

SOLD for C$60.00
Will close during Public Auction
122 CVR   image1902 5c Rate Numeral Cover to England, Then Spain, mailed from Toronto on OCT.29 (two strikes of the International machine cancel) to England ("Via New York" endorsement), corrected and sent to Spain, with NOV.12 receiver. Franked with 5c worth of QV Numerals to pay for the 5c U.P.U. letter rate. Scuffing and light staining, still a scarce destination in this period. Fine.

Estimate $ 100

SOLD for C$60.00
Will close during Public Auction
123 CVR   image1902 2c Numeral Illustrated Advertising Cover, a multi-colour advertising cover depicting many different fruits, for "True Fruit" Soda Fountain from the Hungerford Smith Co., mailed from Toronto on NOV.9 (machine cancel) to Manchester New Hampshire (NOV.11 machine flag cancel receiver on back). Small edge faults do not detract from this lovely cover, and truly one of the most exceptional multi-colour illustrated covers you will find!

Estimate $ 750

SOLD for C$1,200.00
Will close during Public Auction
124 PC   image1902 (Ca.) 1c Numeral Illustrated Advertising Private Post Card, a multi-coloured advertising card depicting a horse-drawn carriage with large parcels, for the Dominion Express Company. Mailed to and from Montréal on DEC.12 (machine cancel) and franked with a single 1c QV Numeral. The entire back of this card is covered with advertising for where and how to mail Christmas packages with this company, and if sending money, to use their money orders, etc. A pristine and fresh private postcard. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (All Scans)


Estimate $ 400

SOLD for C$575.00
Will close during Public Auction
125 CVR   image1903 15c Triple Weight Registered Numeral Cover to Hungary, mailed from Berlin, Ontario on JAN.9 to Budapest, Hungary (clear JAN.22 receiver on back) through Toronto (JAN.10 transit) and London, England (faint transit on front), franked with a combination of QV Numeral issues totaling 15c, which paid for three times the weight, plus registration fee. Very fine. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (All Scans)


Estimate $ 300

SOLD for C$160.00
Will close during Public Auction
126 CVR   image1903 2c Empire Rate Numeral Cover to Natal, South Africa, mailed from Beamsville, Ontario on JAN.2 (c.d.s. free strike) to Durban, Natal (FEB.11 receiver), through Hamilton, Ontario (complete strike of an International machine used as transit on JAN.2). Then forwarded to Hill Crest (FEB.11) and then Johannesburg where it received 4 different datestamps, including Dead Letter Office on FEB.21. The letter was finally sent back to the Dead Letter Office in Ottawa, where it arrived on APR.16. Franking is of a single 2c purple QV Numeral paying the Empire letter rate. Very fine and ex John Siverts (1989). (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (All Scans)


Estimate $ 350

SOLD for C$250.00
Will close during Public Auction
127 CVR   image1903 10c U.P.U. Registered Cover to Haiti, a 1c QV stationery envelope mailed from Winnipeg on JAN.10 to Port au Prince, Haiti (JAN.29 receiver) through St. Paul, Minn. (JAN.12) and New York (JAN.14) where it received a registration label. The cover is franked with a variety of stamps, totaling 12c, therefore overpaying the 5c U.P.U. letter rate and 5c registration fee by 2c. Vertical crease (not affecting stamps) and bit of toning on a few stamps, still a scarce destination cover. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (All Scans)


Estimate $ 250

SOLD for C$70.00
Will close during Public Auction
128 CVR   image1903 13c Quadruple Empire Registered Rate Numeral Cover to England, an O.H.M.S. envelope mailed from Ottawa on FEB.11, to England, through London (FEB.22 oval registration transit), with Hull transit (FEB.23) and Burstwick receiver (FEB.24). The cover is franked with 3c and a 10c QV Numerals, paying 4 times the Empire rate plus 5c registration fee. Slightly reduced at top, still a scarce rate and fresh cover. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (All Scans)


Estimate $ 200

SOLD for C$60.00
Will close during Public Auction
129 PC   image1903 2c Postcard Rate to Algeria, mailed from Montréal on FEB.15 (machine cancel) to Oran, Algeria, with MAR.4 receiver on front. Back depicts a view of the Port of Québec City, with a hand written note. The franking consists of two pairs ½c QV Leafs (slight toning), paying the 2c postcard rate. Very fine and a scarce destination in this period. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (All Scans)


Estimate $ 100

SOLD for C$60.00
Will close during Public Auction
130 CVR   image1903 2c Numeral Illustrated Advertising Cover, a beautiful multi-coloured illustrated advertising cover from the Buffalo Forges in Toronto, depicting children forging tools captioned "The Master Blacksmiths" mailed from Toronto (APR.7 machine cancel) to Athens (next day receiver). A pristine cover with fresh, bright colours.

Estimate $ 400

SOLD for C$300.00
Will close during Public Auction
131 CVR   image1903 9c Double Empire Registered Rate Numeral Cover to New Zealand, mailed from Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island on JUN.5 (c.d.s. free strike) to Auckland, New Zealand (JUL.13 receiver) through Montréal (JUN.9), Chicago (JUN.11) and San Francisco (JUN.15) where it received a registration label. The franking consists of a total of 9c of QV Numerals, paying twice the 2c Empire rate plus 5c registration fee. Bit of toning on stamps, still a very fine larger envelope that was folded before it was mailed (see scans of back online). (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (All Scans)


Estimate $ 200

SOLD for C$60.00
Will close during Public Auction
132 CVR   image1903 Cover Mailed Aboard The German Cruiser Vineta, an unsealed 1c stationery envelope surcharged with a variety of stamps, all canceled by "KAIS. DEUTSCHE / MARINE SHIFFPOST: datestamps dated AUG.8.1903. The cover is addressed to stamp dealer "Capt. Hechler / Halifax, N.S.". A very fine philatelic cover with rare postmarks. Accompanied by a photocopy of a contemporary article about this ship.

Estimate $ 150

SOLD for C$90.00
Will close during Public Auction
133 CVR   image1903 15c Double Weight Registered Cover to France, mailed Montréal on SEP.14 to Mantes sur Seine, France (SEP.22 receiver), franked with a number of QV Leafs and Numerals totaling 15c, thus paying 10c U.P.U. double weight rate plus 5c registration fee. Small faults at top, still fine.

Estimate $ 150

SOLD for C$60.00
Will close during Public Auction
134 CVR   image1904 31c Registered Cross-Border Parcel Front, mailed from Marks Stamps Clinton Street, Toronto on APR.29 to Lebanon, Pennsylvania and franked with a 20c, a 7c and two 2c provisional QV Numeral issues, paying for 13oz. plus 5c registration fee, very fine and a scarce usage of the 20c Numeral issue.

Estimate $ 300

SOLD for C$190.00
Will close during Public Auction
135 CVR   image1902 10c Registered U.P.U. Rate Numeral Cover to Argentina, mailed from a Toronto Sub Office on OCT.16 to Buenos Aires, Argentina (indistinct date receiver), through Toronto (OCT.16) and New York (OCT.18 registration transits) where it also received a registration label. The folded cover is franked with a single 10c QV Numeral, paying the 5c U.P.U. letter rate plus 5c registration fee. Very fine and a lovely use of the 10c QV Numeral to a scarce destination, and a likely unique solo use of the 10c. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (All Scans)


Estimate $ 400

SOLD for C$180.00
Will close during Public Auction
136 CVR   image1909 6c Triple Empire Rate Leaf Cover to New Zealand, mailed from Montréal on JAN.14 to Dunedin, New Zealand, with MAR.3 receiver on back. Cover is franked (probably philatelically) with a single 6c QV Leaf, which could have paid three times the 2c Imperial Penny Post letter rate. A pristine cover. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (All Scans)


Estimate $ 100

SOLD for C$70.00
Will close during Public Auction
137 CVR   imageGroup of 5 Interesting Domestic Rate Covers, including two single 8c Leaf franked registered covers (1898 Middle Manchester NS to Halifax and 1898 Burk's Falls to Toronto), 1900 advertising for Cuddy Falls Company Great Union Fair, Amherstburg to London, franked with two ½c Leafs and two ½c Numerals, 1900 registered Westminster Ontario to Durham Ontario, franked with three Numerals totaling 9c for double registered rate, with Orillia squared circle transit (scarce AM use) and a 1900 registered cover with 6x ½c Leafs and 6 ½c Numerals and 2x ½c Jubilees paying 2c letter rate plus 5c registration from Inglewood to Aurora. All covers are very fine, both sides scanned online showing that most also have a good variety of backstamps. A nice lot. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (Scan 3) (Scan 4) (Scan 5) (All Scans)

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Get Market Data for [Canada Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Estimate $ 400

SOLD for C$180.00
Will close during Public Auction
138 CVR/PC   imageLovely Group of 4 Different Colourful Patriotic Covers and Cards, all multi-coloured, with "Rule Britannia" 1902 cover with 2c Numeral, Sherbrooke NS to Halifax, pristine; 1898 "Gloria Mundi" private postcard with 1c Leaf Montréal to St Paul, Minnesota, very light creases do not detract; "Soldiers of the Queen" 1900 private postcard with 1c Numeral, Montréal to Montréal, very fine; and "The Maple Leaf Forever" 1900 cover with two blocks of four of the ½c Numeral, Hamilton to Glasgow, Scotland, very fine. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (Scan 3) (Scan 4) (All Scans)

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Get Market Data for [Canada Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Estimate $ 500

SOLD for C$625.00
Will close during Public Auction
139 CVR/PC   imageLovely Group of 8 Leaf and Numeral Colour Illustrated Advertising Covers and Cards, 1898 3c Leaf on Pure Gold Baking Powder cover; 1898 1c Numeral on Buntin Reid Co. private postcard; 1899 2c purple Numeral on Pure Gold Manufacturing Co. cover; 1899 2c purple Numeral on Bright & Johnston Wholesale Fruit Importers cover; 1899 1c Numeral on Brantford Soap Works Co. private postcard; 1901 2c carmine on Miller & Co. Packers of Canned Fruits, etc. cover; 1903 1c Numeral on The Canada Biscuit Co. private postcard with illustration on both sides and 1903 2c carmine Numeral on Nova Scotia Provincial Exhibition cover. All items very fine and desirable, a great lot for collectors and dealers alike, all are scanned online for your viewing pleasure. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (Scan 3) (Scan 4) (Scan 5) (Scan 6) (Scan 7) (Scan 8) (All Scans)

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Get Market Data for [Canada Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Estimate $ 600

SOLD for C$625.00
Will close during Public Auction
140 CVR/PC   imageLovely Group of 22 Different Leaf and Numeral Illustrated Advertising Covers and Cards, each illustrated with a building, whether depicting an industrial building, hotel, retail store or other type of building, most are lavishly illustrated, mostly in black but also in other colours. Rates / frankings consist of 1c (printed matter unsealed cover, drop letter or postcard), 2c domestic letter and a 3c franking on cover to England. A clean and mostly very fine group, all scanned online. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (Scan 3) (Scan 4) (Scan 5) (Scan 6) (Scan 7) (Scan 8) (Scan 9) (Scan 10) (Scan 11) (Scan 12) (Scan 13) (Scan 14) (Scan 15) (Scan 16) (Scan 17) (Scan 18) (Scan 19) (Scan 20) (Scan 21) (Scan 22) (All Scans)

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Get Market Data for [Canada Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Estimate $ 800

SOLD for C$1,000.00
Will close during Public Auction

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