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Postal History, Canada continued...

Canada Airmail continued...
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
1041 CVR CL47-CL50 imageCollection of 20 Different Commercial Airways Ltd. Flown Covers, 1929-1931, includes CL47 "VIA AIR" flights CL47-2900 and 2900a plus a MAY.31.1929 non-first flight to Roessler. Also CL49 purple "VIA AIR" CL49-2900 first flight and an AUG.6.1929 non-first flight to Saskatchewan, as well as seven CL48 "AIR FEE" first flights CL48-3000, 3100, 3101, 3101a, 3101b, 3101c and 3102, as well as two CL48d "Break in Oval" flights CL48-3000 and 3101c and a CL48 AUG.6.1930 non-first flight to Ottawa. CL50 the orange "AIR FEE" includes flights CL50-3000, 3101b, 3101c plus on a Peace River to Edmonton flight listed under CL48.Also a CL50d "Break in Oval" on a CL50-3000 flight. The lot includes a mint never hinged CL50 block of 4 with selvedge at left. A nice group which is overall very fine. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (Scan 3) (Scan 4) (Scan 5) (Scan 6) (Scan 7) (Scan 8) (Scan 9) (Scan 10) (Scan 11) (Scan 12) (All Scans)

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Unitrade $ 1,870

SOLD for C$300.00
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1042 CVR CL48-3102a image1931 Commercial Airways Aklavik to Buenos Aires via Miami First Flight Cover, this is the scarcest of all the Commercial Airways flight covers, with only 37 pieces flown to Argentina. Mailed Aklavik MAR.14.1931 (with C1 and CL48) and flown to Miami via Fort McMurray and Pembina, arrived Miami APR.4 and 55c in U.S. postage added for the flight south. Arrived Buenos Aires APR.13 (backstamp). Seldom offered and very fine. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (All Scans)


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Estimate $ 300

SOLD for C$200.00
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Special Delivery
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
1043 CVR   imageGroup of 23 Special Delivery Covers,1915 to 1950s, plus one in 1972. All covers are franked with a Special Delivery, or Special Delivery Airmail stamp, except for the 1972 cover which has 48c worth of Centennial stamps. Frankings include E1, E2, E3, E4, E6, E7, E9, E10, E11, CE1, CE2, CE3, CE4 and EO2. We note advertising covers (incl. illustrated), cross border, etc., and quality is overall fine or better with a few covers having tears or other faults. All are scanned online. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (Scan 3) (Scan 4) (Scan 5) (Scan 6) (Scan 7) (Scan 8) (Scan 9) (Scan 10) (Scan 11) (Scan 12) (All Scans)

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Get Market Data for [Canada Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Estimate $ 250

SOLD for C$130.00
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1044 CVR   imageCollection of 84 Special Delivery Covers, 1920s to 1990s, including a scarce special delivery postcard, special delivery first flight covers, air mail special delivery mail, meter covers and more. A nice clean group, mostly presented in 2-pocket black stock sheets and overall very fine. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (Scan 3) (Scan 4) (Scan 5) (Scan 6) (Scan 7) (Scan 8) (Scan 9) (Scan 10) (Scan 11) (All Scans)

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Estimate $ 200

SOLD for C$170.00
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Canada Postmarks
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
1045 CVR/O   imageCollection of Mostly Flag Cancel and Royal Train Covers, starts off with over 80 Small Queens, Jubilees and other stamps, all with various flag cancels, including the Jubilee fancy flags, followed by a collection of flag cancels on over 50 covers, mostly all from 1937 and 1953, with a few others including cut squares. We noted 1939 Royal Train flags, 1937 and 1953 Coronation flags, some KGVI Mufti and other first day covers, corner card covers, and more. Also a few Royal Train Orb cancels (all May 15 except for one May 30). Overall very fine, our photos only show some of the items. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (Scan 3) (Scan 4) (Scan 5) (Scan 6) (Scan 7) (Scan 8) (Scan 9) (All Scans)

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Estimate $ 200

SOLD for C$60.00
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1046 CVR/O   imageGroup of Toronto "Orb" Duplex Postmarks from 1901, on 4 covers plus two pages of singles, strips, etc. This unofficial duplex was in use for a short period from April 9, 1901 to January 10, 1902 when the dater part was separated from it and used in a double-circle datestamp (commonly called "ORB"). Fine to very fine, all items scanned online (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (Scan 3) (Scan 4) (Scan 5) (All Scans)

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Estimate $ 100

SOLD for C$120.00
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1047 O/CVR   imageAccumulation of Railway Post Office Cancels on Stamps and Covers, ranging from the Small Queens up to the 1950s. The accumulation begins with 78 double sided homemade pages (containing roughly 100 covers and 220 R.P.O. postmarks on stamps (noting some on paper), of Ontario R.P.O.'s, including owner's notations on postmark types, ranging from the 1890s to 1950s. The lot continues with roughly 260 covers (60 being postcards), the vast majority appear to be Ontario and Québec R.P.O.'s (we noted a few Western and Eastern province R.P.O.s in the mix), 28 Railway Post Office Letter Bills and 14 Acknowledgements, ranging from 1891 to 1895, with Pinkerton, Ontario (Bruce county), and despatching clerk postmarks, along with roughly 80 Railway Post Office Letter Bills (majority from 1936), 40 Acknowledgements (majority from 1914), and 20 Registered Letter Bill (majority from 1936), with Lakeview, Nova Scotia despatching clerk postmarks. Also includes a few hundred R.P.O. postmarked stamps on and off paper, ranging from the Small Queens up to the 1950's (majority appear to be Edward VII low denomination stamps), along with cut squares and cut close postmarks. The lot ends with five unused Grand Trunk Railway System envelopes and two letters on Canadian Pacific Railway Company stationery. The majority of this accumulation appears to focus on Ontario and Québec R.P.O. postmarks with the strikes ranging from faint to very clear. Covers were saved for postmarks as some have creases and/or torn. See online for an overview of pictures, a great opportunity for finds, in-person viewing is recommended. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (Scan 3) (Scan 4) (Scan 5) (All Scans)

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Estimate $ 200

SOLD for C$160.00
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1048 CVR   imageCollection of Red Machine Cancels Used Prior to Christmas, with 30 covers in an album, about half of which are from Winnipeg and the other half from Toronto, with another from Saint John NB and the years range from 1927 (faulty cover) to 1941. We noted some 2am time marks, some without time marks, slogans and wavy line obliterators, sometimes one example of each used on the same day and same time (2 different machines?), etc. Also includes a few cut squares, as well as some black ink slogans announcing the service "Use the Advance Posting Service For Your Christmas Cards" and finally an original Post Office form giving instructions for providing the service. Lastly, the definitive article on the subject by expert Charles Livermore is included, as well as a few older shorter articles. Overall fine or better, see photos for a few examples. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (Scan 3) (Scan 4) (Scan 5) (All Scans)

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Estimate $ 100

SOLD for C$250.00
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1049 CVR   image1897 Montréal M3 Imperial Machine Cancel on 3c SQ Corner Card Cover, mailed from Montréal to River Dennis NS (with receiver on back), with a complete MAR.31.1897 (second day of use) strike of the rare 97f-M3 Imperial machine cancel (used for only 8 days, with only 8 recorded examples in this second period of use). Small piece of backflap missing, still very fine and ex Heasman collection.

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Estimate $ 150

SOLD for C$80.00
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1050 CVR   image1897 Montréal M3 Imperial Machine Cancel on 3c SQ Cover, mailed from Montréal to Arichat (with a jumbo 3c Small Queen), with a complete APR.5.1897 (second last day of use) strike of the rare 97f-M3 Imperial machine cancel (used for only 8 days, with only 8 recorded examples in this second period of use). Bit reduced at left, still very fine and ex Robert Heasman collection.

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Estimate $ 150

SOLD for C$60.00
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1051 CVR   image1897 Montréal M3 Imperial Machine Cancel on 3c SQ Cover Front, mailed from Montréal to Kemptville, with a complete APR.6.1897 (last day of use) strike of the rare 97f-M3 Imperial machine cancel (used for only 8 days, with only 8 recorded examples in this second period of use). Very fine and ex Robert Heasman collection.

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Estimate $ 100

SOLD for C$60.00
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1052 CVR   image1902 Toronto M6 (B) Bickerdike Machine Cancel on 2c Numeral Cover, mailed from Toronto to St Catharines (receiver on back), with a FEB.5.1902 (last day of use) strike of the very rare 02l-M6(B) Bickerdike machine cancel (used for only 3 days, with only 3 recorded examples). Cut down at left, still a very fine strike.

Estimate $ 200

SOLD for C$225.00
Will close during Public Auction
1053 CVR   image1902 Toronto M6 (C) Bickerdike Machine Cancel on 2c Leaf Postal Card, mailed from Toronto to Arkona (receiver on back), with a FEB.4.1902 (second day of use) strike of the very rare 02i-M6(C) Bickerdike machine cancel (used for only 4 days, with very few recorded examples). Card is datelined Feb. 1 on back (a Saturday) and so we assume the date of the strike will be between Feb. 3 and 6, but there is a hint of a 4 day slug. Days and months of the C dies seen by us are faint. Very fine. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (All Scans)


Estimate $ 300

SOLD for C$100.00
Will close during Public Auction
1054 CVR   image1902 Toronto M6 (D) Bickerdike Machine Cancel on 2c Numeral Cover, mailed from Toronto to Ireland (Dublin receiver on back), with a FEB.4.1902 (last day of use) strike of the very rare 02j-M6(D) Bickerdike machine cancel (used for only 2 days, with only 2 recorded examples). Vertical crease, still very fine.

Estimate $ 300

SOLD for C$300.00
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1055 CVR   image1902 Toronto M6 (E) Bickerdike Machine Cancel on Illustrated Advertising Cover, mailed to and from Toronto, with a FEB.4.1902 (last day of use) strike of the very rare 02k-M6(E) Bickerdike machine cancel (used for only 2 days, with only 2 recorded examples). The cover has been expertly rebacked (very difficult to tell), but still has a very fine appearance.

Estimate $ 300

SOLD for C$50.00
Will close during Public Auction
1056 PC   image1902 Toronto M6 (F) Bickerdike Machine Cancel on 1c Leaf I.O.O.F. Postal Card, mailed from Toronto to Turnpike New Jersey (machine receiver on front), with a FEB.3.1902 (first day of use) strike of the very rare 02l-M6(F) Bickerdike machine cancel (used for only 2 days, with only 3 recorded examples). Very fine. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (All Scans)


Estimate $ 250

SOLD for C$300.00
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1057 PC   image1902 Toronto M6 (F) Bickerdike Machine Cancel on a 1c Numeral Illustrated Advertising Private Postcard, mailed from Toronto to Fort William (receiver on back), with a FEB.4.1902 (second day of use) strike of the very rare 02l-M6(F) Bickerdike machine cancel (used for only 2 days, with only 3 recorded examples). Very fine and ex Robert Heasman collection. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (All Scans)


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Estimate $ 350

SOLD for C$300.00
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Postmarks-Squared Circles
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
1058 O   imageCollection of Charlottetown Squared Circle Postmarks, with over 500 strikes on a good variety of different Queen Victoria era stamps (on and off paper) mounted on pages. We note various matched pairs of dates, time mark studies, etc., and the great majority of the date and TM strikes appear to be complete, or at least identifiable. A very nice collection for the specialist, or calendar collector, see online for photos of only a few of the pages. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (Scan 3) (Scan 4) (All Scans)

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Estimate $ 350

SOLD for C$160.00
Will close during Public Auction
1059 O   imageCollection of St Thomas Squared Circle Postmarks, with over 800 strikes on a good variety of different Queen Victoria era stamps (on and off paper) mounted on pages. We note time mark studies, etc., and the great majority of the date and TM strikes appear to be complete, or at least identifiable. A very nice collection for the specialist, or calendar collector, see online for photos of only a few of the pages. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (Scan 3) (Scan 4) (Scan 5) (Scan 6) (All Scans)

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Estimate $ 500

SOLD for C$225.00
Will close during Public Auction
1060 O   imageCollection of Peterborough Squared Circle Postmarks, with about 650 strikes on a good variety of different Queen Victoria (plus KEVII) era stamps (on and off paper) mounted on pages. We note at least one full set of TM (on the same day), tougher periods of use, etc., and the great majority of the date and TM strikes appear to be complete, or at least identifiable. A very nice collection for the specialist, or calendar collector, see online for photos of only a few of the pages. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (Scan 3) (Scan 4) (Scan 5) (Scan 6) (Scan 7) (All Scans)

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Estimate $ 450

SOLD for C$550.00
Will close during Public Auction

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