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Sparks Auctions Sale - 43

Canada & Provinces

Queen Victoria Era -- Leaf Issues Scott #66-73
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
1 E/P 66DP-73DP image½c to 20c Queen Victoria Leaf Set of Large Die Proofs, printed in colours similar to the issued stamps on India paper, sunk-in on eight cards measuring 149 x 227 mm (the ½c and 1c cards measure 101 x 177 mm). The proofs are numbered F-102 to F-109 and have the American Bank Note Co. Ottawa imprint below the stamp image. An impressive and remarkably rare complete set, with only 5 being offered in the 1990 ABN sale, and none known before that, apart from an incomplete set in the Dr. Lewis Reford Collection. A lovely and most desirable set, easily worth more than our estimate. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (Scan 3) (Scan 4) (Scan 5) (Scan 6) (Scan 7) (Scan 8) (All Scans)

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Estimate $ 20,000

SOLD for C$14,000.00
Will close during Public Auction
2 E/P 66P image½c Queen Victoria Leaf Issue Progressive Die Proof in Violet, stamp sized on thin card. This is an early unfinished version of what would become the issued stamp, missing the horizontal hatching around the oval, but showing a thin line around it, delineating the horizontal hatching that would be engraved later. A very rare item, with only two other similar proofs known. Ex BNA essay and proof sale (Robson Lowe, 1963) and Thomas Douglas-McKee collection (2020).

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Estimate $ 2,500

SOLD for C$2,600.00
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3 E/P 66P-73P image½c to 20c Queen Victoria Leaf Plate Proofs in Colour of Issue, with all values in blocks of four, on card-mounted India paper, overall very fine and desirable. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (All Scans)


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Unitrade $ 8,000

SOLD for C$2,200.00
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4 nh 66 image1897 ½c Black Queen Victoria Leaf, mint never hinged, fresh, well centered and extremely fine. Accompanied by a 2019 PSE certificate grading it as "XF 90". (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (All Scans)


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Unitrade $ 60

SOLD for C$80.00
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5 ng 66ii image1897 ½c Black Queen Victoria Leaf Imperforate, an unused (no gum, as issued) horizontal pair with large to very large margins, very fine.

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Unitrade $ 600

SOLD for C$170.00
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6 nh 67 image1897 1c Blue Green Queen Victoria Leaf, mint never hinged, fresh and extremely fine. Accompanied by a 2019 PSE certificate grading it as "XF 90". (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (All Scans)


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Unitrade $ 240

SOLD for C$110.00
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7 nh 67a image1897 1c Blue Green Queen Victoria Leaf Imperforate, a mint never hinged horizontal pair, naturally short gummed at bottom, covering about the same area as the margin, very fine. Accompanied by a 2015 Greene Foundation certificate. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (All Scans)


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Unitrade $ 1,875

SOLD for C$525.00
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8 nh 68 image1897 2c Purple Queen Victoria Leaf, mint never hinged, fresh and well centered, with a tiny corner crease at lower left (not mentioned in certificate), else extremely fine. Accompanied by a 2008 Greene Foundation certificate and a 2019 PSE certificate grading it as "Superb 98". (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (Scan 3) (All Scans)

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Unitrade $ 240

SOLD for C$225.00
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9 og 68a image1897 2c Purple Queen Victoria Leaf Imperforate, a mint never hinged horizontal pair, with small spot of missing gum (catalogued as hinged), still fresh and very fine.

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Unitrade $ 750

SOLD for C$300.00
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10 E/P 69TCDP image3c Queen Victoria Leaf Large Progressive Trial Colour Die Proof, in a green shade similar to the issued 1c value, sunk-in on a card measuring 151 x 125 mm. The design is very similar to the issued stamp except for added scrolling inside the ovals. Very fine and rare.

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Estimate $ 1,500

SOLD for C$725.00
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11 E/P 69TCP image3c Queen Victoria Leaf Trial Colour Proof in Slate Green, stamp sized on thick card, very fine and rare.

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Estimate $ 500

SOLD for C$325.00
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12 nh 69 image1898 3c Carmine Queen Victoria Leaf, mint never hinged, fresh and extremely fine. Accompanied by a 2019 PSE certificate grading it as "XF-Sup 95". (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (All Scans)


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Unitrade $ 375

SOLD for C$275.00
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13 og 69a image1897 3c Carmine Queen Victoria Leaf Imperforate, a mint lightly hinged horizontal pair with sheet margin at right, very fine.

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Unitrade $ 1,200

SOLD for C$325.00
Will close during Public Auction
14 E/P 70TCP image5c Queen Victoria Leaf Trial Colour Proof in Purple, stamp sized on thick card, very fine and rare.

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Estimate $ 500

SOLD for C$800.00
Will close during Public Auction
15 nh 70 image1897 5c Dark Blue Queen Victoria Leaf, on Bluish Paper, mint never hinged, fresh and very fine. Accompanied by a 2019 PSE certificate grading it as "VF 80". (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (All Scans)


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Unitrade $ 750

SOLD for C$250.00
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16 og 70a image1897 5c Slate Blue Queen Victoria Leaf Imperforate, a mint lightly hinged horizontal pair, very fine.

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Unitrade $ 800

SOLD for C$225.00
Will close during Public Auction
17 nh 71 image1897 6c Brown Queen Victoria Leaf, mint never hinged, nicely centered, fresh and extremely fine. Accompanied by a 2015 Greene Foundation certificate and a 2019 PSE certificate grading it as "XF-Sup 95". (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (Scan 3) (All Scans)

image image

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Unitrade $ 600

SOLD for C$475.00
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18 nh 71a image1897 6c Brown Queen Victoria Leaf Imperforate, a mint never hinged horizontal pair, with a tiny spot of red ink at left on gum side, very fine.

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Unitrade $ 2,500

SOLD for C$625.00
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19 nh 72a image1897 8c Orange Queen Victoria Leaf Imperforate on Horizontal Wove Paper, a mint never hinged horizontal pair, with a microscopic inclusion in the left margin, still fresh and very fine. Accompanied by a 2007 Richard Gratton AIEP certificate. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (All Scans)


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Unitrade $ 2,500

SOLD for C$625.00
Will close during Public Auction
20 nh 72ii image1897 8c Orange Queen Victoria Leaf, on Horizontal Wove Paper, mint never hinged, fresh and fine-very fine. Accompanied by a 2019 PSE certificate grading it as "F-VF 75". (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (All Scans)


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Unitrade $ 900

SOLD for C$200.00
Will close during Public Auction

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