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Worldwide Stamps continued...

LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
1061 og/nh 174/2784 imageMint Collection on Black Stock Pages, 1906-2001, with better sets in the early period, then with scattered never hinged sets from 1957-2001. Better early sets include 174-88, 162-65, 172-73, 198, 200-06, 215-17, 218-30, 342-55, 364-74, 446-49, 643-49, 1062a, C17-24, etc. Overall fine to very fine, all pages scanned online. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (Scan 3) (Scan 4) (Scan 5) (Scan 6) (Scan 7) (Scan 8) (Scan 9) (Scan 10) (Scan 11) (Scan 12) (Scan 13) (All Scans)

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Scott $ 1,765

SOLD for C$400.00
Will close during Public Auction
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
1062 og/nh 89/843, B1/26, C12/54 imageMint Collection on Black Stock Pages, 1911-53, with better sets including 89-110, 253-64, 316-35 (NH), 567-69 (NH), C12-14 (NH), C19-30 (NH) and more. Overall fine to very fine, all pages are online. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (Scan 3) (Scan 4) (Scan 5) (Scan 6) (Scan 7) (Scan 8) (Scan 9) (Scan 10) (Scan 11) (Scan 12) (All Scans)

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Scott $ 715

SOLD for C$180.00
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LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
1063 og/nh 130/891 imageMint Collection on Black Stock Pages, 1916-1992, the early sets are usually lightly hinged, then becomes never hinged only, with many extended sets from 1916-1946, as well as some later. These include #s 130-46, 147-63, 170-211, 225-54, 255-81 (with some NH), 304-21, 358-72, 476-85, C15-25 (NH), C30, C34-36, C38-40 (NH), C41-44 (NH) and more. Overall fine to very fine, all pages scanned online. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (Scan 3) (Scan 4) (Scan 5) (Scan 6) (Scan 7) (Scan 8) (Scan 9) (Scan 10) (Scan 11) (Scan 12) (Scan 13) (Scan 14) (Scan 15) (All Scans)

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Scott $ 1,090

SOLD for C$350.00
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LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
1064 og/nh 1/150 imageMint Collection on Black Stock Pages, 1922-1967, with mainly complete sets including 1-18, 19-50, 51-59, 60-63, 95-114 (never hinged), 139-42 (never hinged), etc. Overall fresh and fine to very fine, all pages scanned online. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (Scan 3) (Scan 4) (Scan 5) (Scan 6) (All Scans)

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Scott $ 455

SOLD for C$200.00
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LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
1065 og/nh 39/1445 imageMint Collection on Black Stock Pages, 1900-2005, some of the early sets include 39-45, 68-78, 83-97, 98-112, 127-41, 146-53, 186-97, C54-68, etc. There are scattered issues from 1962 to 2005 including some blocks which are never hinged. Overall fresh and fine to very fine, all pages scanned online. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (Scan 3) (Scan 4) (Scan 5) (Scan 6) (Scan 7) (Scan 8) (Scan 9) (Scan 10) (Scan 11) (Scan 12) (Scan 13) (Scan 14) (All Scans)

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Scott $ 1,010

SOLD for C$275.00
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LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
1066 og/nh 331/761 imageMint Collection on Black Stock Pages, 1910-1966, including many never hinged sets. Some of the better items we noted include 331-38, 339-50, 421-36 ($1,225), 445-50 (NH), 457-63 (NH), 467-74 (NH). 475-84, 644-65 (NH), C25-34, C38-50 (NH), C55-67, C96-110, C121-33 (NH) and more. Overall fresh and fine to very fine, all pages scanned online. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (Scan 3) (Scan 4) (Scan 5) (Scan 6) (Scan 7) (Scan 8) (Scan 9) (Scan 10) (All Scans)

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Scott $ 3,260

SOLD for C$700.00
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Comoros Islands
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
1067 og/nh 30-115, C1/22 imageMint Collection on Black Stock Pages, 1950-1973, with many pictorial issues including 39, 40-42, 48-53, 63-66 (NH), 69-72, 90-95 (NH), 99-103, C1-3, C4-6 (NH), C12-14 (NH), C20-21 (NH), etc. Overall fine to very fine, all pages are online. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (Scan 3) (Scan 4) (Scan 5) (All Scans)

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Scott $ 570

SOLD for C$170.00
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LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
1068 og/nh   imageMint Collections on Black Stock Pages, from both of the contesting branches, with the Democratic Republic ($660) featuring a good run of sets such as 323-40, 591-92, plus better fauna sets 703-12, 713-22, 735-44, etc. The People's Republic issues are more spread out, and include #s 89/1047, C1/C224 for the 1959-1993 sets. The catalogue value for this section is $730 and includes 183-90, 208-13 (Mushroom set, $154), 222-61, 453-58, 703-10, 1008-15, C1-C5 (hinged) etc. Overall very fine, scans only show a sampling. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (Scan 3) (Scan 4) (Scan 5) (Scan 6) (Scan 7) (Scan 8) (Scan 9) (Scan 10) (Scan 11) (All Scans)

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Scott $ 1,390

SOLD for C$275.00
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Costa Rica
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
1069 og/nh 1/273 imageMint Collection on Black Stock Pages, 1863-1975, a fantastic collection with a high degree of completion in the period covered, including most of the back of the book issues. Some of the dozens of better sets include #s 1-4, 7-15, 16-20, 25-34, 35-44, 86-100 (including 87 which catalogues $210), 117-27, 169-76, 191-95, 201-08 (NH), B1-7 (NH), C11-13 (NH), C15-27, C46-54, C57-66, C67-73, C94-102, C197-210, C378-93, C452-71 (NH), C613-32 (NH, with blocks), J1-13, O1-7, O8-15, O16-17, O18b-23b, O82-94, etc. Overall fresh and fine to very fine, all pages scanned online. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (Scan 3) (Scan 4) (Scan 5) (Scan 6) (Scan 7) (Scan 8) (Scan 9) (Scan 10) (Scan 11) (Scan 12) (Scan 13) (Scan 14) (Scan 15) (Scan 16) (Scan 17) (Scan 18) (Scan 19) (Scan 20) (Scan 21) (Scan 22) (Scan 23) (Scan 24) (Scan 25) (Scan 26) (Scan 27) (Scan 28) (Scan 29) (Scan 30) (Scan 31) (Scan 32) (Scan 33) (Scan 34) (All Scans)

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Scott $ 4,660

SOLD for C$1,100.00
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1070 O/og/nh   imageStockbook with Mint and Used Collector's Duplicates, 1863 to 1994, with regular issues ranging from #s 1 to 469, with a good showing of mint and used early issues, noting many shades and a few nice postmarks, etc. Back of the book includes mint B2-B7, a good airmail section, officials, etc. Overall fine to very fine, with decent duplication of some, see scans for a small sample. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (Scan 3) (Scan 4) (Scan 5) (Scan 6) (Scan 7) (Scan 8) (Scan 9) (Scan 10) (Scan 11) (Scan 12) (Scan 13) (Scan 14) (Scan 15) (Scan 16) (All Scans)

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Est $ 200

SOLD for C$375.00
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LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
1071 og/nh 132/647 imageMint Collection on Black Stock Pages, 1890-1960, includes regular issues, Airmails and Special Delivery, and there are several better sets including #s 132-55, 156-75, 239-46, 253-62, 264-73, 284-93, 294-303 (NH), 312-16 (NH), 332-36 (NH), 340-54 (NH), C1-3 (NH), C4-11, C18-21 (imperforate), C24-29 (NH), C75-78, C120-21, C136-46 (NH), E1, E2-4, E8-11 (NH), etc. Overall fresh and fine to very fine, all pages scanned online. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (Scan 3) (Scan 4) (Scan 5) (Scan 6) (Scan 7) (Scan 8) (Scan 9) (Scan 10) (Scan 11) (Scan 12) (Scan 13) (All Scans)

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Scott $ 2,640

SOLD for C$525.00
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LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
1072 og/nh 1/266, C1/119 imageMint Collection on Black Stock Pages, 1899-1970, some of the better items include #s 1-16, 17-31, 42-86, 87-96, 101-07 (NH), 113-34, C1-13 (NH), C14-15, etc. Overall fine to very fine, all pages are online. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (Scan 3) (Scan 4) (Scan 5) (Scan 6) (Scan 7) (Scan 8) (Scan 9) (Scan 10) (All Scans)

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Scott $ 1,480

SOLD for C$525.00
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Dominican Republic
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
1073 og/nh 96a/460 imageMint Collection on Black Stock Pages, 1897-1954, with regular issues and Airmails, with better sets including #s 100-10A, 120-43, 241-48, 266-76, 326-28, 369-75, 383-88, C1-5, C10-17, C24-31, C57-61, etc. Overall fresh and fine to very fine, all pages scanned online. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (Scan 3) (Scan 4) (Scan 5) (Scan 6) (Scan 7) (Scan 8) (Scan 9) (Scan 10) (Scan 11) (All Scans)

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Scott $ 1,095

SOLD for C$375.00
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LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
1074 og/nh 12/669 imageMint Collection on Black Stock Pages, 1881-1963, includes two outstanding Airmail sets (Scott C9-15 and C16-25) which are never hinged but only listed as hinged in Scott for $750. Other sets include 12-17, 39-46, 47-54, 160-65, 166-73, 223-42, 304-16, 377-81, C51-56, C65-69 (NH), C114-23, C131-34, etc. Overall fresh and fine to very fine, all pages scanned online. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (Scan 3) (Scan 4) (Scan 5) (Scan 6) (Scan 7) (Scan 8) (Scan 9) (Scan 10) (Scan 11) (Scan 12) (Scan 13) (Scan 14) (Scan 15) (All Scans)

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Scott $ 1,885

SOLD for C$575.00
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LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
1075 og/nh 29/1872, C1/236 imageMint Collection on Black Stock Pages, 1879-2004, a large collection with over 800 different mint stamps, made up of complete sets, including 29-41, 43-49, 50-59, 61-74, 92-103, 105-07 (NH), 108-13, 128-49, 168-71, 177-90, 234-40, 242-51 (NH), 322-40, 474-90 (NH), 600-16 (NH), 1273-86 (NH), C1-2, C3-4, C5-25, C39-50 (NH), etc. Overall fine to very fine, all pages can be seen online. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (Scan 3) (Scan 4) (Scan 5) (Scan 6) (Scan 7) (Scan 8) (Scan 9) (Scan 10) (Scan 11) (Scan 12) (Scan 13) (Scan 14) (Scan 15) (Scan 16) (Scan 17) (Scan 18) (Scan 19) (Scan 20) (Scan 21) (Scan 22) (Scan 23) (Scan 24) (Scan 25) (Scan 26) (Scan 27) (Scan 28) (Scan 29) (Scan 30) (Scan 31) (Scan 32) (Scan 33) (All Scans)

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Scott $ 3,690

SOLD for C$1,100.00
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LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
1076 og/nh 120/1639, C1/106, E1-4 imageMint Collection on Black Stock Pages, 1919-2002, with 50 complete sets of regular issues and another 20 complete sets of Airmails and E1-4, includes many that are never hinged. Overall fine to very fine, all pages are online. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (Scan 3) (Scan 4) (Scan 5) (Scan 6) (Scan 7) (Scan 8) (Scan 9) (Scan 10) (Scan 11) (Scan 12) (Scan 13) (Scan 14) (Scan 15) (All Scans)

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Scott $ 1,224

SOLD for C$475.00
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LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
1077 og 226 image1925 Philatelic Exposition Souvenir Sheet, mint with two light hinge marks at top of sheet (leaving the stamps never hinged), very fine. Scott $ 1,100

SOLD for C$450.00
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1078 O 241 image1927 Strasbourg Philatelic Exposition Souvenir Sheet, with JUN.5.1927 Exposition c.d.s. in top left corner (away from the stamps), leaving the stamps mint never hinged, fresh and very fine. Scott $ 1,000

SOLD for C$425.00
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1079 nh 329 image1937 Paris International Philatelic Exposition Souvenir Sheet, mint never hinged with very light wrinkles in margin at top (mentioned for strict accuracy), very fine. Scott $ 700

SOLD for C$225.00
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1080 O/og/nh 1/1905 imageMint and Used Collection on Black Stock Pages, 1849-1982, a fabulous collection which is not missing many issues to be complete in period. The 1849-1900 issues are used and include many better values such as 2 (small tear), 9, 10, 21, 37, etc. From 1900 to 1982 the collection is mint and has many never hinged stamps from the 1920s and 1930s. Following is a list of only some of the better mint values encountered: 109-132, 133-37, 138-54, 197, 241a-b (pair, NH), 246, 264-83 (NH), 296-97 (NH), 315-20 (NH), 329a-d (NH, from souvenir sheet), 348 (NH), 624 (NH), 700-05 (NH), and many more. The semi-postal issues are quite complete to 1982 including mint #s B3-10, B11, B12-19, B20-23, B24-26 (NH), B28-33, B34 (NH), B39-41, B66-67, B157a (NH), B285-90 (NH), B294-99, etc. Equally impressive is the Airmail section with C1-2, C5-7 (NH), C8-13 (NH), C14a (NH), C15 (NH but with small gum thin), C23-27, C29-32 (NH), C34-36 (NH), etc. The collection ends with a strong Postage Due showing of mint issues including J27-28, J29-45A,J35, J40, J43, J46-51, J58-65, J80-97 (NH), etc. The imperforate 1fr Napoleon is accompanied by a 1967 Ebel certificate. A nice quality collection, overall fine to very fine, scans show a sampling only. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (Scan 3) (Scan 4) (Scan 5) (Scan 6) (Scan 7) (Scan 8) (Scan 9) (Scan 10) (Scan 11) (Scan 12) (Scan 13) (Scan 14) (Scan 15) (Scan 16) (Scan 17) (Scan 18) (Scan 19) (Scan 20) (Scan 21) (Scan 22) (Scan 23) (Scan 24) (Scan 25) (All Scans)

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Scott $ 31,800

SOLD for C$5,600.00
Will close during Public Auction

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